The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants

Chapter 20: Chapter 59 – Akira’s Request

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It seemed word reached the castle fast that Irapesha Bloodtalon was found safe and sound. The human and netherfolk soldiers who rescued us were overjoyed to see her again, glad to see their former commander in good health.

We were welcomed back with a hero's return. Walking down the throne chamber alongside Cresta and Irapesha dressed in their military regalia, I felt completely out of place with so many different netherfolks clapping and cheering. Among them were human soldiers who likely fought together with the two next to me, maids of the grand castle, and inhabitants of this gargantuan terra-dome.

Even High-King Tarcosa, who was normally carefree about wearing pajamas around the castle, donned a majestic white and gold robe, topped off with a red mantle that dragged at his feet.

"Irapesha," the king began, rising to his feet and voice full of emotions. "Welcome home."

"It's good to be back. A lot has changed, I see." The dragonewt dropped to one knee and smiled.

"I knew sending you was the right choice, Akira. For bringing my old friend back to us, I thank you from the bottom of my heart." He bowed in my direction, which I instinctively bowed back.

"I believe this belongs to you. It really saved my ass out there, but I think Cresta deserves most of the credit for saving our lives." I pulled out the dagger which Tarcosa levitated into his hands.

The high-king laughed. He popped open the pommel to reveal a crystal underneath.

"Well, I had a contingency that banked on you using the dagger. Thanks to that, we were able to detect enough ambient magic to pinpoint your general location," he explained.

I put a hand to my face and mumbled, "You didn't think to tell me that in the first place?"

What was important was we were all alive. The only casualties were the demons that tried to hurt us.

Many of the netherfolks shared the same sentiments. Upon first entering this world, many of them looked tired and weary from simply being here. Their joy was palpable now, almost as if they saw our success as optimism for their future.

"Akira, the service you have done for us is no small feat. A mortal human with no training, braving a broken land, and surviving. You could have easily declined, yet you persevered. If there is anything that you would ask of me, I shall grant it," the high-king said.

"Anything?" I parroted after him.

He nodded. "That's right. Perhaps a lovely elven wife? Or two?"

Both of the busty elves stepped forward and winked in my direction as if offering themselves.

"N-No! I'm, er… in a happily committed relationship!" I quickly answered.

Disappointed, they took a step back. They, like many others, were probably eager to go to Earth with me. While taking them in as tenants was one thing, I was already romantically spoken for.

Cresta tugged on the sleeve of a new shirt given to me since my old one was torn to pieces. I knew what she wanted, but could I really ask that of the king?

"It seems you have already decided. Speak and it shall be so," he said.

"I'd like to bring Irapesha back to earth as my fifth tenant," I declared.

The audience gasped.

Irapesha turned to me with surprise and said, "I'm… I'm flattered you would have me, but I know nothing of earth after all this time. As commander of Granieda, my responsibilities demand that I remain here."

The high-king descended from the steps of his throne, and in doing so, Cresta and Irapesha were compelled to kneel again. Despite cutting half her size, Irapesha was still taller than him while kneeling. He put a hand on each of their shoulders and smiled warmly.

"You fought far longer than the rest of us have. Don't you think it's time to put the mantle aside and retire?" he quietly asked.

"I was prepared to die in the war with my brothers and sisters. It isn't fair that I should find happiness when they are keeping an eternal vigil as statues in the courtyard," Irapesha replied with a shaky voice.

Unlike Cresta, Irapesha wore the burdens of every soldier that died under her command and every civilian she promised to protect. It was no easy thing for the king to ask her to let all that go. People like her fought to bring peace for others, never giving any thoughts about what would become of themselves at its conclusion.

"What do you say to that?" I asked Cresta, interrupting their moment.

"Hehe. I think we can let our soldiers speak for themselves," she said.

Commander Qarth and his unit stepped forward from the audience. Not only them, but human soldiers whom Irapesha also shared a connection with.

"Get out there and eat some of those burgers Cresta's been telling us all about!"

"You're missing out if you don't wanna go to earth!"

"I applied to become a tenant, too! Maybe we can see each other if I get accepted!"

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The large minotaur warrior stuck out a meaty hand in Irapesha's face.

"It has been an honor serving alongside you," he said.

Irapesha got to her feet and clasped his hand. She became an emotional wreck as tears welled around her eyes.

"In that case… I leave Granieda in your care, old friend."

The audience began to applaud once again, this time with more vigor so as to send their hero off with a bang.

"You heard them, Professor Markel. Think you can ram Irapesha's application through?" Tarcosa asked with a grin.

"I swear… you break protocol so often. Why do we even have applications at this point? Fine, I'll see what I can do." The professor sighed.

Cresta, excited by the news, threw her arms around Irapesha's neck as the others gathered around to congratulate her.

Meanwhile, I was pulled aside by one of Tarcosa's elven women to speak with the high-king at the foot of his throne.

"Take care of them," he said.

"I will."

Celebrations continued through the night with feasts and drinks. Netherfolks and humans mingled together easily, giving me the sense that our future of coexisting wasn't far off. Everyone getting drunk probably helped with that, including the professor. I never expected to see him sloshed, but there he was getting carried away by clerics trying to heal him of his inebriation.

In trying to get some fresh air, I found myself wandering out to the Terrace of Heroes to get some last sights of Weyera before going home. There, standing in the courtyard and carrying a passed out Cresta on her back, was Irapesha. She stared at her own statue with a troubled expression.

"You're leaving Weyera tomorrow. Shouldn't you be inside spending it with friends?" I asked, walking up behind her.

"I am spending it with friends," Irapesha said.

I realized too late how insensitive my comment was, having forgotten that most of the statues here were close to her and Cresta.

"You don't need to apologize," she added before I could say a thing. "I came out here thinking to shatter my own statue, then Cresta came to convince me otherwise. She said the others would feel lonely with me. Can you believe this girl?"

"She can say a lot of outrageous things sometimes, but she eventually makes a lot of sense when you think about it." I nodded in agreement.

What I said seemed to resonate with Irapesha a lot more than either of us expected. She chuckled first, then fell into a boisterous laughter as her eyes filled with tears.

"I look forward to being in your care, Akira. Please, show me all the joys there are in your world, so that I may return and tell my friends all about it," she requested of me.

After an emotional farewell the next day that made me think Irapesha suspected something was up with Tarcosa's health, we departed back to earth. The dragonewt was proving to be more emotional than her indomitable demeanor let on. As soon as we landed on earth, she teared up at the taste of fresh air and blue skies.

Professor Markel insisted that I keep Irapesha indoors for the next week while he worked on her citizenship and application, then sent us in a car straight back to the dormitory. Cresta bounced with joy in her seat and talked up a storm until we arrived home.

"Guys! Look who's going to be living with us from now on!" she shouted, exiting out of the vehicle.

The other tenants rushed out to the commotion. Ange more excited than the rest, flew straight down. However, the moment Irapesha stepped out of the car, the succubus froze up in terror.

"Is that who I think it is? Woooooww! You're so much taller than in the pictures! Is it true that dragonewts are warm to the touch? Can I… hug you?" Tamara exclaimed, like a kid meeting their favorite superhero.

"If that is your wish, little one. By all means," Irapesha said.

Tamara walked up to the dragonewt and looked like she had question marks popping up all over her head. She was only as tall as Irapesha's waist. Irapesha knelt down to embrace the girl with one arm and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you all. My name is Irapesha Bloodtalon," she introduced herself.

Ange, who was hiding behind Ines and Remmy's back, fainted to the ground.

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