The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants

Chapter 29: Chapter 68 – New ‘Pet’

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I asked Ange to behave today. In fact, I had asked her to behave in the days leading up to Tamara's sleepover. Nothing made her happier than to see that girl's bright smile, one so warm that it uplifted everyone who saw it. So when Ange learned that Tamara's school friend would be staying the night, there was no question for her about being good and upstanding for the time being.

However, that came crumbling down the moment Elaine Yvans had walked through the dormitory's front entrance. Throughout the rest of the day, she and Ange had disappeared from time to time.

Regardless of what happened, Alyssa's overnight stay turned out great for Tamara and Irapesha. It put my mind at ease that even after the bullying incident, Tamara had a close friend and possibly more friends like that by her side. 

After I dropped Tamara off at school the Monday after the weekend of their sleepover, however, I returned home to Elaine's convertible parked outside the dorm.

"Weird. Shouldn't she be at school?" I asked myself.

When I entered, Irapesha was just coming downstairs.

"Did Elaine come by?" I asked her.

"She did." The dragonewt nodded. "I let her in earlier. She said she was here for 'lessons' and went upstairs to Angeline's room."

"Oh, no. ANGE!" I raced past Irapesha and threw the door open.

Both of them were standing side by side, and Ange was putting a black lace choker on Elaine. They returned my appalled look, but only one of them was in shock.

"I-I can explain!" Elaine stammered.

"There's two things I can say here— Kyaaa! You cheater! Or, thank goodness, the worst scenario didn't occur," I said.

"Akira, you happen to return at a fortuitous timing. Behold, my new pet." Ange finished fixing the lace on Elaine's neck and showed her off like an owner at a pet show.

The words went into my ears but didn't register in my brain due to the sheer outrageousness of it. Elaine looked almost eager, fidgeting in place. That she wore her usual professional school teacher attire made the scene seem even more surreal.

"I don't know if Professor Markel will respond well to a succubus having her own pet… How did this even happen?" I asked both of them.

"What are you saying? I found a stray, cleaned her up, and made her mine. If you're worried about whether this is consensual, I assure you it is," the succubus nonchalantly answered.

Elaine nodded to me.

I put a hand to my face and groaned.

"Watch. She is very obedient, like the good girl she is." Ange turned to Elaine with an impish smile. "Sit."

Elaine sat as she was ordered.

"Hand." Ange stuck her hand out to Elaine and received a hand just as a trained dog would when hearing 'paw'.

It was getting harder to tell if the school teacher was embarrassed. She began to breathe heavily, eyes were dilated, and face flushed redder than a cherry. If I didn't know better, Elaine was enjoying this.

"Please, can we keep her?" she asked, rushing up to me with pleading eyes. "I'll promise to feed her, wash her, and treat her well as any master would her slav— pet."

"Ange, I really don't—"

Her finger tapped lightly against my chest. "I can even order her to give you a blowjob or have sex with you, if you'd like. She wants to obey me."

A thousand fantasies ran through my head in a single second. Do the deed? With this hot teacher? That has been my fantasies since middle school, and it wasn't long ago that I graduated from high school surrounded by attractive young educators. I brushed them all aside. As Tamara's legal guardian, it would be morally wrong of me to sleep with her teacher.

"N-No, it's okay…" I said through gritted teeth. "You two can have your fun though!"

"Oh, alright." Ange sighed.

"Just to be clear. You're okay with this?" I asked Elaine.

"O-Of course. I hope I'm not intruding in your relationship with Ange. This arrangement means… I am your p-pet, too…" She blushed.

"Alright, this is getting too stimulating for me. You two are grown adults, so you do what you want. Anyway, shouldn't you be at school teaching right now?"

"I called in a substitute teacher to take care of the first half of the day for me," she replied in a low voice, almost like she was hoping I would give her an order.

"You may leave now, my lovely pet." Ange dragged a hand down Elaine's back and squeezed her buttcheeks, causing the woman to shudder in ecstasy. "I wouldn't want you to be too late and draw suspicions from your workplace."

Elaine got to her feet, smoothed out her clothing, and regarded me with a bow before leaving.

As soon as they were alone, Akira threw her a judging look. "You are quite the ladykiller, aren't you? First me, then Ines, and now Elaine. It's like you came to this world to start your own harem!"

Ange giggled and embraced me, pressing her breasts into my chest. Leathery wings wrapped around my body, enveloping us both in a private booth of her own making.

"I don't recall you complaining when we have threesomes with Ines. Who is to say we couldn't add a fourth to that mix? How would you like the three of us between your legs?" she whispered seductively in my ear. Gleaming eyes peered into my soul tempting me to ignore the morning chores and stay here instead. I'd seen that look enough times to know that if I fell to her hunger now, nothing in the dorm would get done and end up stacking that work for tomorrow.

Before I could lose my mind to her succubus charm, I wrenched away and stumbled out of the room, clutching my beating chest.

"Whew… Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here? I'm going to just step out for a bit—" I walked right into Ines, who had seemingly been listening in just outside of the room.

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"What, did Ange find a new girl toy? Does that mean I'm not wanted anymore?" Ines asked me with puppy dog eyes.

"No, I think you're still very much wanted. Enjoy!" I pushed her inside and into Ange's arms, then shut the door just as the sound of them making out began. "Now with that dealt with, time to clean the house without interruptions."

I went downstairs to start cleaning only to find Irapesha stark naked in the backyard. Her thick, scaly tail swung back and forth while gazing up at the parting clouds. Then out of nowhere—

A burst of fire unleashed into the sky like a pillar of fire.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I ran outside screaming.

The flames ceased once she shut her mouth.

"I apologize for startling you. As a dragonewt and close cousin of the salamander race, my reptilian body has trouble regulating temperature. Sometimes, I get too hot and must expel the excess heat," she explained.

"By breathing fire into the sky like a maniac? There's got to be a better way."

One really could have too much stimulation for one day.

Something crackled and smoked in the tree above. One of the branches and many of the leaves had caught on fire.

"Oh, no." I fetched a hose with every intention of putting it out, but Rakka flew up to put it out with ice magic. She came back down and landed on Irapesha's head like a hat. "Good catch, Rakka."


Inspiration struck me like a truck to another world.

"How about we have Rakka help cool you down from now on?" I suggested.

The two beasts glanced at each other.

Rakka bleated approvingly.

"A mana beast, I see. That could work. However, Rakka and I aren't acquainted enough to assess how much magic she should use." Irapesha frowned.

"That's fine. Trial and error, right?" I unfolded a lounging chair on the porch and gestured for Irapesha to sit down. But the moment she laid down, the whole thing crumbled underneath her weight.

"I… I apologize for that as well…" She closed her eyes in shame.

"Well… I'm sure that's a fetish for some people." I kicked the broken seat away and offered the ground instead.

Irapesha laid down, and I couldn't help but stare at my tenant's body. She was yoked, with clearly defined abs and bulging muscles. It didn't do my heart any good that she had undressed either. Although fit women tended to have smaller chests, that wasn't quite the case for Irapesha.

I cleared my throat. "So exactly how hot are you?"

"Feel free to touch me wherever to get an idea for yourself," she said.

"Touch…" My eyes fell to her chest, but I decided against it and put a hand to her forehead. "Ow— Holy shit!"

The tips of my finger came away slightly singed. It felt like I grazed my hand against a burning stovetop. Irapesha wasn't kidding when she said she was hot.

"Hmm. Hold on. There's something I want to try." I rushed back into the house to fetch an egg and cracked it on top of Irapesha's stomach. 

"Is this what humans do for fun? Cooking on another's stomach?" she asked.

"It's not like I can do this on just anyone." The egg cooked sunny side up, which I then put onto a plate. "Thank you for this blessed meal. Alright, Rakka. Do your thing."

Rakka hopped onto Irapesha's stomach and seemed perfectly fine despite being possibly cooked alive. It might be her trait as a mana beast that protected herself.

In no time at all, Irapesha's demeanor softened.

"This is actually working. I feel the heat leaving my body, like it's being drained away!" she exclaimed with surprise.

"That's good— wait, drained?" I asked.


Rakka trembled. She opened her mouth and let loose a blast of fire that destroyed the backyard fence on the other end.

My mouth dropped, and Rakka merely burped from the aftermath. That could have gone worse if she was facing the dormitory.

"It feels like the outcome turned out the same way," Irapesha remarked, staring at the destruction.

"The Laws of Thermodynamics striking back when you least suspect it to… Okay, Irapesha. Get dressed, because we've got some fixing to do." I sighed.

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