The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants

Chapter 37: Chapter 76 – The Queen’s New Grove

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Trying to make vacation plans was tough. The caretaker job had me stuck in a hole with a magic shovel that kept digging deeper. My workload increased with every tenant that arrived, which made it difficult for me to find time. Looking months or even years ahead meant I had to take into account new tenants coming.

When Ange brought up the idea of a vacation for just the two of us, I didn't expect to be the most excited about it. However, those grand plans hit a roadblock almost instantly.

Not only did I need to submit a large amount of paperwork about where, why, how, and who, I also needed to find a substitute caretaker on my own. The substitute that took my place when I went to Weyera was done on my behalf due to the importance of Tarcosa's personal request.

I wasn't getting any fast track love this time around.

Knock. Knock.

"We're done with the room," one of the renovators said from the other side of the door.

They showed me the newly renovated master bedroom. Furnished with a bathroom and walk-in closet, it combined two rooms and was almost as large as mine.

This took only two weeks to complete. These guys really meant business, but I expected nothing less from Professor Markel's approved contacts.

Not to mention… It also costed a pretty penny. Fortunately, the costs of renovation went directly to the government instead of me. A netherfolk's needs were top priority, and the dormitory was government property and not mine.

"Thanks, guys. That was really quick work." I made the mistake of shaking each of them and was left with a painfully throbbing hand.

A construction worker's grip strength was no joke.

"Now to see if the queen herself is willing to accept this…" I took a deep breath and steeled myself in front of her door. "YOUR HIGHNESS, THE NEW ROOM IS READY!"

Valeanor threw the door open in a fury. "You need not scream to tell me! Honestly, they could have put me with any other caretaker…"

"I thought you were the one who specifically requested me," I reminded her.

"I-I did not! Go on, show me to my new bedchamber already!" She demanded, face turning red.

The elven queen entered the new room with scrutinizing eyes. She was like a museum curator, appraising an object for its worth. The object, however, was an entire room. It had been furnished with a massive, custom-made bed with silken sheets, sliding doors leading out to a small balcony facing the backyard, and Victorian-style drawers and seats. We entered the bathroom to essentially a mini pool because 'human bathtubs are far too small and cramped'.

Probably her most prized were the pretty pottery and vases arranged on the balcony. I wondered if she was growing anything inside them.

"What do you think? Can I have my room back?" I asked.

"Hmph. This shall suffice. Assist me in bringing my belongings into this room. Bring the dragonewt," Valeanor said, nodding at the renovations.

Lucky for her, Irapesha didn't have work today and was more than happy to give us a hand. We moved Valeanor's stuff into her new room and my stuff back into my room in no time at all.

"Ah… Back into the comforts of my own room…" I threw myself onto the bed.

The place still had Valeanor's rosy scent to it.

"You pervert… You're planning to do unspeakable things while huffing my scent, aren't you?" Valeanor caught me sniffing the air like a dog.

"What?! No!"

"F-Fine. Go ahead. It's not like I can stop you. This is the least I can leave you with after providing me what I asked for." She turned the other cheek and walked out of my room.

"What does she mean by unspeakable things?" Irapesha asked.

"Valeanor's just delusional… don't mind her," I mumbled.

The elf came right back. "I have another request. Your people should hold a catalogue of things from Weyera. I would like to have one myself to acquire several items."

"I'd also like to buy some things back home," the dragonewt added.

"I guess I can ask Professor Markel. Last thing I bought was a temperature adjusting-cup. Maybe I'll take another look," I said thoughtfully.

The catalogue was delivered to us later in the afternoon. As soon as it arrived, every single tenant in the dormitory crowded around me to shout out what they wanted.

"Stop shoving! Everyone sit down! Heel!" I got them to take a seat around the living room and was pleasantly surprised at how many people were living here.

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I hadn't had time to stop and think about it until now. It was bonkers to me that I started with Cresta, two people in a big dormitory where our voices would echo. Now I couldn't go anywhere without hearing a commotion.

"Everyone wants a chance at this, but we're going to pass this around one at a time. Remember, it's your money that you're spending. Choose carefully." I handed the catalogue to Valeanor first since she was the one who had brought it up.

Everyone else waited patiently, but fidgeted in their seats for a chance to pick something up from their home.

I shot a glare at Ines who was also sitting amongst them. "Why are you here? Aren't you busy with graduate work?"

"Hey, I want something from Weyera, too. You can't expect someone to sit still after hearing 'magic items'!" she exclaimed. "By the way, I need your help later for my term paper. Thanks in advance."

Ines roped me into something without my consent. Well, she helped me a lot in the past, so it was only right I returned the favor.

As Valeanor skimmed over the thick catalogue, her expression gradually grew more disappointed. Sad even. Like she wasn't able to find what she was hoping for in it. After marking a few things and sighing every once in a while, she passed the catalogue off to Ange who was the only one to notice her leaving the room.

"Here, dear. I have little interest in anything else." Ange passed the catalogue to Tamara, then got up from the couch. She pulled me aside to the kitchen and away from the others. "It seems our resident monarch didn't find what she wanted. I've never seen her look so dejected."

"You were sitting next to her. Did you see what she was searching for?" I asked.

"Flowers. Seeds. Something that she might get her hands on to grow. I believe she misses her garden."

It didn't take long for me to realize why that was. Introducing an alien flower into this world with little clue as to how it might propagate and affect the environment was dangerous. Pollinators like insects and birds could carry that pollen all across the States.

"Hmm… I might be able to get Professor Markel to help with that." I pulled out my phone.

The next day, Professor Markel was waiting in the parking lot after I returned from driving Tamara to school and Cresta to work.

"These are the only species of flowers that we have identified as safe so far." He handed me three palm-sized plastic boxes with grains inside. "Still don't know everything about them, so do not under any circumstances plant them anywhere else but within the dorm's vicinity."

"Oh, boy… I'll lose it if these things suddenly grow into tentacle plants or something…" I muttered, lifting them up to my eyes.

The professor looked at me with disgust. "Your manga and light novels have rotted your brain. I know what you read."

"Stop prying into my personal entertainment!"

"Anyway, how is the new tenant?" he asked.

"Doing surprisingly well, all things considered. She might act like a queen, but she's more like the awkward, extroverted shy kid at school trying to fit in," I explained.

"Oddly specific… If you're doing a good job, keep it up. I need you and your dorm at your best soon because national news wants to get an interview with you soon." He jumped into his car without providing further explanation and left me in disbelief.

"N-N-N-National news…? Get back here and explain yourself, you old shit!" I yelled.

There was no calming down after having heard that.

I went upstairs to give the seeds to Valeanor, but she stared at them with a perplexed expression.

"You brought these for me?" Valeanor asked quietly.

"After what you told me at the carnival and seeing all those empty vases, I figured you wanted to grow some flowers again like old times. There's not much I can give you, but this is a start," I said.

The elven queen smiled.

"This one is an episcus antharian. They most closely resemble roses of your world. And this is an liverwic dandelion. Their stems grow in a spiral." Valeanor spoke with such affection for these flowers, it was crazy to think this was the same person who always reminded us she was a queen.

"So you can grow them, right?" I asked.

She cleared her throat. "Y-You're right that this is a start. I expect more in the future. You may leave now."

I rolled my eyes and went for the door to leave, happy for her nonetheless.

"And… Thank you, Caretaker." Valeanor's words were barely audible as I left, but I know for sure she was grateful.

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