The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants

Chapter 47: Chapter 86 – A Dorm Back to Normalcy

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Daily life at the dormitory had returned to a relative normal since Valeanor's near-deportation incident.

As part of a lucrative concession made between High-King Tarcosa and the U.S. government, our resident monarch was made to receive the same injection Ange had been given to suppress her magic. I wasn't privy to the particulars of their deal beyond that.

Although it was irresponsible of me, I didn't care what went down as long as Valeanor was allowed to stay.

Unfortunately, due to some of my mishaps, Professor Markel warned me that I had painted a sort of crosshair on my back. In addition to having a demon in my dorm, who had already gotten a strike for also using a class-red magic spell, the incident involving Valeanor left other caretakers wondering if I was getting special treatment.

The truth was a simple yes.

There was no doubt in my mind I'd been getting off easy, and it had a lot to do with Tarcosa taking particular interest in me.

After finishing up a disciplinary report for the professor, I sent the email and shut off my computer for good today.

"My fingers hurt. I've never typed so much in my life. Am I in college? This feels like college. I have a professor breathing down my neck after all…" I exhaled my weary soul.

"You certainly got the disillusioned student voice going on. Just missing the whole party life to keep your mind off the stress."

Lying leisurely on my bed and reading one of my manga, without a worry in the world to her name for once, was Ines. She reached over to the nightstand to grab her iced coffee and sipped delightfully, not even caring that her moist fingers could cause water damage to those precious pages.

"Don't you have… I dunno, coursework? Papers that you complain so much about?" I asked the room invader.

"I caught up and worked ahead, so I'm spending the day destressing. Tomorrow's when I'll be back on the grind. Isn't there more pressing matters for you to address? Like, hello! Pretty girl alone in the room with you." She waved from the bed in the most unseductive manner possible.

"Work kind of has a way of putting a damper on horniness. Speaking of which, what was that about you needing my help with?"

Ines put the manga down and crawled to the edge of the bed like she was prepared for this. In fact, waiting for me to bring it up was probably her plan all along.

"The Caretaker Program has only been around for what? A few years, right? Living with you guys got me thinking it's got the right idea and good intentions, but it's failing to execute it correctly. For example, it took a pretty big effort to save Valeanor from being deported. That doesn't normally happen. Did you know a deported netherfolk gets zero chance of reapplying? Think about it. They aren't given any chance to reform or make amends whatsoever. I researched pretty damn deep to find out, but each dorm averages one deportation a year," she explained.

"Seriously? Well… when you put it that way…" Having something like this to think about gave me pause.

There were likely a whole lot of netherfolks being sent back to Weyera from a slip up or mistake. Or like Valeanor, used magic out of the goodness of her heart and was punished for it. Then to be disallowed from ever applying again?

A lot of it rested on the caretaker's shoulders. It was our job to ensure they eased into living here, and tenants were already stressed to all hell from moving to another world.

"What could be done about that, and where do I come in? I doubt any other caretaker is lucky enough to have Tarcosa watching over them like me," I told the therapist student.

"That's where people like me can come in." Ines pointed to herself. "I'm not saying I was instrumental in helping you every step of the way, but just having the expertise of a behavioral or occupational therapist around troubled netherfolks can go a very long way. Seems the only way who can make that happen is the caretaker since you guys manage the dorm."

Although Ines was too modest to accept that she did play a big part in helping me, the college girl did bring up a good point. While not always on the mark regarding the tenants' problems, she had on more than one occasion set me on the path to finding a solution.

"I'm sure Professor Markel and people behind the Caretaker Program thought of this though. Wouldn't they have tried to do it your way?" I asked.

Ines threw her arms in the air and rolled over on the bed. The curly locks of dark brown hair draped down and were only centimeters from the floor.

"Any number of things could have happened. Politics, funding cuts, disagreements… the whole works. It went well for us because I entered as a tenant instead of being employed."

"Don't forget, by mistake." I pointed out.

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"Nnh… You really gotta bring that up now?" She pouted. "Look, things worked out in the end for all parties!"

Ange entered the room having just ended a phone call.

"That was the tenth company propositioning me to sign a contract to shoot pornography." The succubus sighed.

"You said no again?" I raised a brow.

"Of course, I did. There are only three people I wish to lay with and two are in this room. Though that is another matter entirely. Their contracts were pitiful sums," she said, taking a seat next to Ines and stroking her inner thigh.

"Yeah, shit pay is a pornstar's life." Ines chuckled. "How much were they offering you anyway?"

"The largest contract was 200 million dollars over five years."

I fell out of my seat, and Ines spat out a mouthful of coffee onto my bed.

"My fresh bed sheets!" I cried.

Ines climbed out of bed and grabbed a hold of my shirt with money signs in her eyes. "Dude, forget the bed sheets. Your girlfriend could make bank taking dick. The porn industry's looking for a real succubus!"

"If Ange doesn't wanna, then she ain't gonna. Besides, she's probably already making a lot online. Actually, how much have you been making since you started?" I asked Ange.

"Five million a month," she answered proudly.

"Five biggies a year sounds about—"

"Did you say month?!" Ines and I shouted at the same time.

Ange nodded. "I worry for my fans' financial well-being and have since put a cap on their donations. The money I have earned so far I placed into a bank account, conferring a portion to Tamara's college funds and charities back in Weyera."

We were laying eyes on an angel. Ange was probably doing more to help rebuild Weyera than anyone at this point.

"You're an angel," we said, causing the succubus to blush.

"What is with you two all of a sudden?" she asked.

A knock came to the door. 

"Ange! Let's go downstairs to play with Cresta and Val in the backyard!" It was Tamara's voice that came through.

"I'll be right there, dear." Ange stood up and smoothed out her shirt. "Perhaps you would like to continue showering me with compliments more intimately later."

Left in the room alone together again, Ines climbed back onto the bed and sighed.

"Maybe I'm in the wrong profession," she mumbled, returning back to reading the manga.

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