The Cat’s Inheritance

Chapter 21: 21

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Ch21 - First Time Livestreaming

Smash that subscribe and hit that like button for that cat streamer (and do not forget to send donations as well as pog)

Editor: Vez 

Xin Qin noticed that his Dragon Li cat had been acting strange these two days. Every morning and evening after dinner, Sparta would slowly walk to the window, sit upright and gaze towards the sky, hard to tell what he was looking at or thinking about. This state would often last for an hour. This was simply an impossible feat for cats that are known for their short attention span and impulsive behaviour. Worried that his cat might be ill, he took Sparta to the clinic. Dr. Dai reassured him that everything was normal and there was nothing to worry about. After returning, Sparta still continued with his strange behaviour. Feeling concerned, he took a picture and posted it on Weibo, asking netizens for their suggestions. The reply was that the cat was contacting a meow planet through a meow radio wave.

Of course Sparta was not contacting alien cats. He was thinking hard about his graduation speech. The final grade would be determined according to a student’s usual classroom performance as well as the final assessment. The former was composed of attendance and classroom participation. Sparta had missed two classes due to his surgery, so his attendance was not particularly good. In addition, he had a bad record of dozing off during class, often being called out and scolded by Ms. Dabao. Sparta did not have much hope for his usual performance. Therefore, this closing speech was very important. If he performed well, it could be the difference between failing and passing. It was just that this topic was too difficult, so stressful, meow.



In order to make Sparta happy, Xin Qin kept his cat by his side during his livestream. Sparta usually liked this, snuggling on Xin Qin’s laps, lying on his shoulders and pawing through his hair, or taking the opportunity to snatch at his mouse and cause trouble. Unfortunately, Sparta did not seem to be in the mood to make trouble today. First, he lay lazily on Xin Qin’s lap for a while, probably feeling that his thighs were not comfortable enough. The cat jumped down, found a more appealing spot on the bookshelf and nestled in there. Helpless, Xin Qin let his cat be. After the end of his second game, he paused the game to go downstairs, planning to relieve himself as well as to find something to drink.

After Sparta’s short nap, he woke up to find Miwu missing. He raised his head up and meowed a few times, feeling unhappy from the lack of response. After wandering about on the bookshelf for a while, his attention shifted to the computer. The game’s background was a beach with seagulls flying by from time to time. The passing birds greatly aroused his interest. 

He crouched down, put force on his hind legs and prepared to jump, locking his eyes on the screen and waiting for the next time the prey appeared. At the moment when the seagull reappeared, his whole body leaped out of the bookshelf like a released spring and steadily landed on the keyboard. The gold chain around his neck clinked against the screen. He stretched out his paw and quickly smacked the digital seagull. Eh, why is it not working? He took back his paw, inspected it before looking back up at the screen. The beach was back in its tranquil state.


—[Oh, back already? That was quick.]

—[Strange, does anyone else feel Sing God is facerolling?]

The beyond confused Sparta paced back and forth on the keyboard and accidentally turned on the camera. The size of the video window could be adjusted. Sparta did not realise that he was being filmed as he continued to pace, maximising and minimising the window like it was on drugs.


Meow—there is a cat! As soon as Sparta looked up, the fine fur on his body stood up. He subconsciously arched his lower back into a defensive position as he raised his left paw, waiting for the opportunity to attack—Meow, oh, that’s me. Sparta was relieved when he thought about his own reflection when he watched videos of other cats.

With lingering fear, he sat and licked his fur. After cleaning himself, he looked back up and was startled by his own shadow. He inadvertently maximised the video window, getting frightened from suddenly seeing a cat. Sparta’s ears were low and sideways, like an aeroplane’s wings. He slowly averted his eyes. In a natural environment, if two cats’ eyes met, it meant a battle was going to happen. However, oh, isn’t that me? He took the time to calm down, relaxed again and turned left to right, as if nothing had happened. After a while, he could not resist looking at himself on the screen again. He tilted his head at the camera, and his other self on the screen followed his movement. Meow, meow. I am pretty cute if I say so myself.

While the current state of the bullet chat was in a frenzy.


—[Comrades, come on and take in his scent!] 

—[Ahhh, I want to bury my face in his fluffy chest]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

—[What a handsome cat! Gold chain and big scar! This cat-ge streamer, who are we chopping up today!]

—[Hahahaha, so dumb! He scared himself]

—[Holy that head tilt! Medic! I need a medic!] 

The speed of the bullet chat climbed as time went by. Sparta stared nervously at the flying words and began to play a game of hunting birds again. Bang! Pow! Wham! He meowed while smacking the monitor. This was a small game for the Dragon Li cat.

—[HP bar is emptied]

—[Holy fuck, he is looking at me]

—[C’mon and have fun!] 

—[A certain streamer livestreams a cat breaking a monitor and earns millions a month]

Vqjgaj vlrbgvfgis ybecmfv eq jcv vbkc jcv eclcafcalbcjiis rajgafv j cfk ujwf. Ciwbra lc jc lcrajca, tf remmfrroeiis pblcfv j afjw jcv fcafgfv atf ujwf ibyys. Ktf mtjcuf rajgaifv Vqjgaj jr tf rabqqfv jcv aliafv tlr tfjv ab ilrafc ab atf DXZ.


—[Holy fuck. He is really a cat who can play XF!]

—[Mother, there’s a cat climbing the ladder!] 

—[You will never know what kind of teammate you get]

—[Mum, the livestream’s name did not lie to me. I really caught a cat!]

Ktf lc-ujwf jnjajg gfqgfrfcalcu Wlc Hlc tjv cba qlmxfv j tfgb, jr atf afjwwjafr yfujc ab offi gfraifrr, bcf bo atfw aegcfv bc tlr wlm ab jrx, “Lfs, jgf sbe qijslcu bg cba? Qts cba qlmx j reqqbga?” Wlc Hlc kjr cba j ojc bo kfjglcu tfjvqtbcfr, rb batfg atjc erlcu jc fzafgcji wlm, tftjv jirb mbcoluegfv j vfmfca rqfjxfg frqfmljiis obg jevlb.

Was that a human I heard…Sparta leaned over to the speaker and sniffed carefully. Huh, there is no human inside. 

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“Dude, are you still there? Pick a position and please do not go AFK. The game is about to start!”

Sparta curled his tail and decided to ignore the strange sound. His attention was quickly shifted to the mouse on the side. He remembered that Miwu often touched this stinky thing. Hmph, this thing is not so impressive! He locked on the mouse, imagining it as a real mouse. Stooped low, creeped closer, before he jumped up and smacked the mouse with his paw.

“Shit, dude, why did you choose an assassin! Medic, we need a medic! Dude, a single medic can’t carry the team!”

Sparta played with the mouse in his own little world since he could not understand what the humans in the box were saying. He laid on his side against the keyboard, picked up the mouse, held it in his arms and kicked the mouse with his hind leg. He deliberately showed a vicious expression, like he was dealing with a prey. Under his unconscious control, the assassin hero in the game stumbled forward and managed to run out of the spawn point. 

—[Hahaha, my man, the great cat, is not afraid of cutting down the back liner]

—[Hahahaha the humans will tremble in fear]

—[Are you saying a cat cannot be an assassin! Huh? Are you climbing the wall or am I climbing the wall?]

A wall of laughing comments flashed past the bullet screen. The communication between the other teammates in the game was not so harmonious. During ranked games, the most taboo thing a player could do was not communicate and stay silent, making it difficult to cooperate. Especially at high ranked. Majority of time, a solo player’s skill could not carry the whole game, they must rely on their teammates. This Sing account did not utter a word the entire game and picked a hero that did not benefit the team. This individual must be a cancer, causing two grumpy players to start yelling out foul languages. 

Meaw—what annoying thing. Sparta abandoned the mouse and jumped towards the speaker. He rapidly slapped it with his paw at least a dozen times. The external speaker shook a few times, with the mic, they created an ear-piercing squeal from the electric current. A new series of cussing came out from the game. So noisy! Sparta jumped back unhappily and glared at the speaker.

“What the fuck, you gave away a kill in the first minute? Assassin, are you fucking retarded?!”

“Dude, turn off your mic! My ears are about to bleed!”

“Why do I feel like I heard a cat?” 

“Holy shit, I will report you if you remain uncommunicated!”

“The assassin is giving a free kill instead of being AFK. Could you just go AFK in a quiet place, shithead!”


Sparta could not understand a single word. He stayed vigilant at the speaker. After making sure that the other party stopped yelling, he began to feel bored again and gave a big yawn.

The bullet screen was gloating. 

—[Sing God’s disgraceful series.]

—[The famous XF streamer was reported and blacklisted all because of…]

—[If there is a will, there is a way. Meow meow meow]

In order to make coffee, Xin Qin boiled a pot of water, which prolonged his break. When he returned to the room with the kettle, he had no idea what had happened. Fishing for Cats Requires Patience’s livestream room was being bombarded with gifts and super luxurious gifts, which would be notified in the whole network to attract passersby to the livestream. It was probably the first time that a cat was hosting a livestream. Although this platform is called Fish Cat, there was never a time when a stream actually hooked on a real cat. The onlookers stayed with great interest and flooded the bullet screen with laughter. 

Sparta lost interest in the soaring bullet screen and the strange sound box. When he saw Miwu entering, he stood up excitedly. Miwu, where have you been? Why did you disappear as soon as I opened my eyes? Throw this noisy thing away! 

Xin Qin was shocked to see Sparta stepping on his keyboard. Worried that the Dragon Li cat clicked on what he should not have, he put down the kettle in haste and picked up the cat with both hands. When he turned his attention to the screen, his heart suddenly sank. There was a game in progress. The bullet screen was filled with laughter, covering almost the entire screen. In the voice chat, the teammates were cursing like a sailor. Sparta was picked up but remained grounded. His body stretched, both feet were still on the keyboard. The cat turned his head and looked innocently at Xin Qin, mewing at him.

Xin Qin took a deep calming breath, patted Sparta’s head to comfort the cat, then with Sparta in one hand, he first turned off the camera, then adjusted the mic and speaker, before quickly glancing at the situation and explaining to his teammates. “Sorry, I was horribly lagging. I will change to a healer. You guys press forward and I will support from the back.”

His cat just happened to die, allowing him to switch to a medic hero and quickly out of the spawn point. The teammates complained a bit more, but seeing Sing’s good attitude, they stopped the disagreement and focused on the game. Although they were behind from the horrible early game, they gradually regained ground as they cooperated with each other. Xin Qin’s hero unleashed full firepower and continuous big play throughout the whole game. Everyone’s HP bar stayed healthy and well taken care of as well as providing a strong support in the backline. However, the bullet screen was filled with sighing remarks. 

—[Feeling unhappy from no camera]

—[+1, I want to see the cat]

—[I actually…want to see Sing God more. Although it was just a glance, I am pretty sure he’s a hottie!]

—[Yes, I agree! I thought he was a no-lifer] 

—[Hey, above, don’t just criticise like that. What is wrong with no-lifers?! Are you saying that all no-lifers are ugly! That is right, all the no-lifers are ugly, I am the living proof]

—[Sing God is too good-looking, almost unfair].

Xin Qin was concentrated on the game, occasionally reporting his position, but mostly keeping his silence the rest of the time. Probably tired from all the playing, Sparta behaved himself. After a while, he sat quietly on the human’s lap, showed a pair of big green eyes and stared curiously at the moving computer screen.

What Sparta’s little cat head did not know was that his short ten minutes of livestream had brought in gifts for Xin Qin that totaled to around one thousand yuan, which offset the cost of all cans, cat litter and toys from some time ago. 

The translator has something to say:

Teo: Happy New Year!


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