The changewing queen

Chapter 2: The hatchlings

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[Astrid's POV]

I woke up freezing in the middle of the ocean. It was around midnight and the only light source was the light of the moon. It was quiet except for the sounds of small waves hitting my boat.

I closed my eyes once again. An image formed in my mind. It was the great hall on Berk. The villagers were happy. Nobody screamed or celebrated openly but I could feel that on the inside they were happy. My chest felt like something tightened around it and for some reason I knew they'd just gotten the message of my dead.

Hiccup was leaning on the wall away from everybody just looking at his father emotionless. 'Not even he.... not even he misses me' For the hundred time a tear formed in my eyes.

I shoved some old bread in my mouth that I still had in my pocket and chewed on it. I remembered the old times as I still was respected by everybody. I was the best. But just because of that they didn't believe that I could change even though I showed them.

I even fought the red death with them on the back of a deadly nadder, but nobody cared. While the others were in the dragon academy, I tried to learn everything about dragons I could. I sometimes hid near the houses to listen to the stories of Hiccup's, Fishlegs', the Twins' and Snotloud’s adventures.

I tried as hard as I could, but nobody cared. 'I miss you dad' I thought. He was the only one who loved me no matter what.

The boat rocked heavily. I opened my eyes and was staring directly at a changewing. I wasn't able to move as we it stared into my soul. I felt like the dragon was pulling my soul out of me to inspect it.

[Changewing's POV]

The shivered as she stared into my eyes. As I saw her while flying, I thought she would fight me but now... As I looked in her eyes, I could feel so much.... pain, sadness, and regret.

I never felt anything while looking at humans may it be while chasing, killing, or hiding from them. I could feel the despair in her heart just like.... Just like when our species was chased away by the other dragons just because we were good at hiding...

[Astrid's POV]

'What is going on?" It felt like that dragon slowly learned more and more about me just by looking in my eyes. He came closer and closer until. "What are you doing?" He grabbed me with his mouth and started flying. "Let go of me!" I screamed. As I wanted to grab my knife, I could feel the grip of the dragon loosening and I remembered that we were high in the air. "Ok, I won't do anything!" I lifted my hands in defeat.

The dragon made a pleased snot and continued flying. 'Am I going to and up as hatchling food?' I asked myself. The flight continued for hours. 'Finally, an Island! Although I shouldn't be too happy about that.

The changewing flew inside of a cave which led to the heart of the mountain. 'How is this possible?' I asked myself. The mountain was completely hollow and there were changewings everywhere.

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The dragon let go of me on a ledge and snorted kind of telling me to stay where I am. Then he flew away. 'I need to get out of here' I knew that I also had to find a boat but being outside always is better than being in the nest of the beasts itself.

'Where can I..' a chirp interrupted my thoughts as a small changewing hatchling looked at me from the distance. "What are you?" I asked the black changewing. I have read many books, but I have never heard about a changewing that was completely black when not merging with the background.

The hatchling looked a bit scared as it came closer and closer to me but eventually it stood right next to me. It looked at me and then at my lap and then at me again. "Uhm... Ok I guess?" The small black dragon jumped in my lap and made itself comfortable. "Uhm..."

'Can I pet it?' I thought completely ignoring the fact that there may be the hatchlings parents coming any second. I slowly approached its body with my hand. As I was really close the dragon in my lap started growling at me and I flinched back but tried again.

After the third time I was finally able to let it lay my hands on its back and I slowly petted it. The hatchling turned in my lap trying to reposition my hands. "Here?" I moved my hand to his back and used a bit of pressure.

The dragon on my lap went num and started to purr. 'it's so cute' I thought as I could feel something nudging my other hand. It was another hatchling, but this looked like a normal changewing. "You to?" It snuggled to my side, and I started petting it.

A few minutes later I was surrounded by about 5 hatchlings but the black one was still on my lap. As Another on tried to get on my lap to the black one growled at it effectively claiming my lap as it's territory.

'Wait! No!' I start laughing as one of the hatchlings tried to get under my clothes and directly hitting my ticklish spot. 'No! that tickles!'

[The changewing’s POV]

"How could you bring a human to our nest? And how could you just let it sit in the middle of the nest?" The others questioned me. "I don't know what came over me! I just thought that that human was... different!"

"We need to get rid of that human now!" another one shot up in the air. 'I need to follow him.

"Wait a second I need to..." I started but he was just standing there staring at where I left the human. "Did she run away?" I asked and walked up next to him. "What...?"

The human was sitting there surrounded with the parentless hatchlings. They were playing around her and the black one, as we dubbed him was sleeping on her lap. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I asked the others, but they didn’t respond.

"That makes no sense!" The hatchlings which were deemed to die after their parents were killed by humans were playing happily right now. No other dragon would take care of them because they weren't their children and without someone providing them food and warmth they were forced to die. We looked at each other. "That's a very stupid idea" we said. "If that human is as special as you said maybe it isn't that of a stupid idea"

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