The Chrome System

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: New Chrome

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The Chrome System

Chapter One: New Chrome


"Hah~ What an anime! Like what the hell, that nearly made me shed a tear! ...not really... But oh well, time to fill ma' tummy."

Collen, with his jet-black hair, pale skin, and seemingly glowing red irises got up and eent to his apartment's kitchen. Living alone was his dream, however he really didn't have any choice since his entire family died. His little sister, Kathryn Jerard was only six when she died. She was the best thing to ever happen to him, she loved him, she adored him. To her, Collen was her Onii-chan, her big strong brother who was always at her side. But now... she's gone, so is his mother and pops. At first it didn't really strike him, I mean, he was a 13-year-old Call-Of-Duty addict. His notion toward blood, death, loss, and suffering was only allocated to him from a video-game. It wasn't real, it was surreal, it wasn't painful, it was orgasm inducing. He wasn't a masochist or anything, but all the sensations he got from his games were simply the best. The gunshots, the explosions, the infinite executions, and of course, the story.

Fantastic... right? No, not to him... everything meant nothing without her. Despite all of that now, he still manages to mosey along. Eating packaged meals, sleeping on a futon, and watching anime. Well, now Collen's put on his shoes and gone out the door. Exiting the apartment complex, Collen took out a pack of cigs and opened it, before grabbing one with his lips. Stuffing the ciggy pack back into his hoodie, Collen took out a lighter and lit it up as he walked down the sidewalk. Being 25-years-old and unemployed, Collen lives off of his parents inheritance money. When his sister and parents died in the house fire, everything material was destroyed... except a picture of his family, yellowed from the flames of time and heat.

It was the only thing he had left. The only material reminder of his beloved sister and loving parents. Now though, he's cold as ice. Without any anchor to life or this planet, Collen went on a training spree. He learned and mastered many martial arts, skills, and techniques. Hacking, drawing, music, shooting... everything he could learn, he learned. But he wanted more, however he couldn't find anything else. Collen couldn't figure out a way to gain true power, he couldn't even fathom what... was about... to happen...


Meanwhile, Collen put out his freshly smoked cigarette and waited for the walking man to appear on the crosswalk sign. From out of his pocket, Collen dug in and took out a slick new android phone. It was black in colour, but nevermind that. Turing it on, he tapped Capchap and started swiping on a high-school freind's story. Glancing up, he saw the walking man and started to walk forward as he continued swiping on past freind's stories. Suddenly he heard a noise... it was quick and heavy. A truck... a truck was barreling straight towards him at a speed only his eyes could react to.

His eyes glowed a crimson red for a moment, and a bar code circled in his iris, but... it didn't matter at the moment. Smiling softly, Collen spoke in a whisper as the truck collided with him with an overpowering force.

"...I finally get to see you again... sister..."


>>> 2 HOURS LATER <<<

Unconscious, and lying in a pool of his own blood, Collen's entire body glowed a mysterious crimson red. His red blood drained out of him, and in it's place, a glowing blue liquid flowed through his veins. Still unconscious, Collen's body underwent a drastic change. His skin melted off like slime, his muscles disintegrated, and his bones turned to ash. His eyes, hair, and everything else other than his brain was gone. A few seconds later, a silverish ball of moving liquid appeared above his non-existent body. Suddenly though, it dropped to the ground and spread out. Then it took form... it swallowed up Collen's brain and molded itself into the shape of a muscular body.

Solidifying, the liquid started to materialize and take up a metallic look. Then his face started to take shape, it was still metallic, but it was handsome. Then, after the liquid solidified, a ball of yogurt-like liquid appeared above Collen's newly formed body. Dropping down onto him, the yogurt-like liquid spread all over his metallic body and thinned out. Two red egg-yolk-like small balls then appeared right above Collen's eye sockets, and dropped. They glowed a crimson light for a moment, then, they solidified at the same time as the white yogurt-like liquid. It was some sort of synthetic 'skin' and 'eyes', but nonetheless, his 'eyelids' formed closed over his 'eyes'. Next, his 'skin' and 'muscles' formed and his body became formed completely. It was like his body was sculpted by the gods... or something else... nevermind, anyway, after his body formed, white tensile string-like hairs grew from the top of his bald head. They grew, and grew, and grew, until Collen's new ice-white hair was all around him.

Then all of a sudden, a sticky black substance started oozing out of Collen's new synthetic skin. It was his brain's waste... and there was alot of it, almost as much as the now dried blood everwhere. Sticking to everything but Collen, the black goop started moving away, like two opposite sides of a magnet... it was wierd, but... nevermind.

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>>> 8 HOURS LATER <<<

As the sun encroached upon the horizon, a tall, muscular, and hansome man laid naked in the middle of the street with his peculiar and long ice-white hair strewn about. The black asphalt stained red with dried blood, and littered with a strange black substance, started to take on the light of the arising sun. Soon enough, the man's eyelids slowly opened. Then they closed, and then they opened, and then they closed... this cycle repeated for a whole minute before the man raised his muscley pale-skined arm. With his hand in sight, the man clenched his hand into a fist, before speaking to himself.


His voice was deep, but smooth, commanding, but tranquil. It was harmonizing, soothing to hear, but nonetheless the man laid his arm back down to his side and stared up seemingly nothing. However, in his eyes, he saw something, something unbelievable, unthinkable. An interface, like one out of a game, was right in front of him, or rather, above him. The man showed a toothy smile, revealing his vampire-like fangs and perfect teeth. His smile then turned to a smirk as he heard a melodic female's voice inside of his head.

{Hello, Master. I am the Chrome System's Artificial Intelligence Assistant. I do not have a name, however that is not important right now. For now, it is advised that Master moves from his current location.}

The man furrowed his thick ice-white eyebrows before going to stand up. Every move of his was smooth and fluid, like he was accidentally dancing, but either way, Collen stood up without any difficulty. The sensations he was feeling was so surreal, it was almost like he was back in the past, back in one of his games...

{Master, it is advised tha-}

"From now on, your name is Alice."

It was sudden, but for a second, Collen heard a faint gasp... it was from Alice, inside of his head. When he heard her introduce herself as an AI, he nearly laughed. Alice was too real sounding, she was too... human sounding, so of course she needed a name, of course... she wanted a name.

{I, *sniff*, th-thank you, M-Master. I... I thank you, M-Master, I will cherishthis name forever...}

After that, Alice went silent, however after a second, Collen heard sirens whirring in the distance. He moved, and he moved fast. Collen ran faster than he ever thought he could down the road. He ran nearly two-hundred miles per hour, and soon enough, he ducked into a seemingly abandoned warehouse. The liquid energy flowing through his veins boosted his senses, but it put a slight strain on his mind. After getting settled in the warehouse, Collen fell back on a pile of old cloth.

And then... he fell... asleep...

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