The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 166: Names and Faces

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Chapter 165: Names and Faces

“Selection Competition for the Yama Successor?” Wang Hao tilted his head when he saw such words from the domineering scroll. He then looked at Roxy, whose mouth was wide open as she stared at the scroll in the sky.

“Do you know what that means?” Since he was new here, Wang Hao had to make sure that what the scroll says was true.

Roxy seemed to have regained her composure after hearing Wang Hao’s question. She straightened her shoulders and clenched her fists out of excitement. There was awe in her voice as she replied to Wang Hao,

“What you read in the scroll was what that actually means. The Yama was about to choose the new Yama Successor!”

“Wait, from how you said it, it felt like there were Yama Successors before this?” Wang Hao tilted his head as he digested the new info.

Roxy had an understanding look on her face as she remembered that Wang Hao just arrived in the Underworld Realm. She pulled Wang Hao into a corner as she explained everything related about the Yama Successor.

According to Roxy, after the state of the Underworld as a powerhouse have stabilized, the Yama decided to settle down. He left the maintenance of the Underworld to his followers while he put himself in seclusion, trying to see if there was an Eleventh Stage.

Once the Yama decided to do that, his followers panicked, realizing that they will have a hard time to decide on who will rule the Underworld in Yama’s stead. Many of them of course coveted that seat, but they did not dare to show their desires on fear of being ostracized.

After some more confusion and chaos, the Yama decided to step in and propose his solution.

He proposed on giving a trial for the most talented among the current generation in the Underworld. The winner of that trial will be given the right to rule the Underworld for 10,000 years, which grants that person the status as the Yama’s successor.

Once 10,000 years have passed by, the current Yama successor will step down, and a new trial will be implemented to choose the new Yama Successor. 10,000 years was long enough for new souls to appear that can participate in the trial.

Wang Hao was not surprised upon hearing the length of a term of a Yama Successor. Being a practitioner was a long process and for those at the higher stages, 10,000 years might just pass by in a blink of an eye. The same thing was applicable for the souls in the Underworld.

Roxy then told Wang Hao about the benefits that the Yams Successor will receive.

Aside from having the power to rule the Underworld, the Yama Successor will also receive personal teachings from the Yama himself. That itself was enough reward for the Yama Successor!

But with the benefits also comes responsibilities. Since he/she will be the de facto leader of the Underworld, the Yama Successor must do his/her best to manage the Underworld.

He/she must also be able to conquer more territories for the Underworld. It was said that a Yama Successor who fails to gather enough territory on his/her term will personally be punished and killed by the Yama himself.

Because of that, only those with great talent and intelligence gets the chance to be the Yama Successor.

This cycle has continued for countless eons until today. The current Yama successor has reached the end of her term and will step down next year. That means the slot for the next Yama Successor was open now.

The appearance of the scroll in the sky indicates the start of the Trial for the Yama Successor.

“So, what will happen next?” Wang Hao asked as he stared at the scroll.

Roxy dutifully replied, “That scroll will show 144 names of the practitioners that will be participating in the trial. Those 144 were the souls who currently have the best talent in the Underworld. They may either come from the material realm, or born from the royal family. No matter what their origin was, it will be their talent that will decide if they will be accepted in the trial or not.”

“I see.” Wang Hao then saw the words in the scroll changing. Now, it had numbers 1-144 listed on its left side. Aside from the numbers, Wang Hao saw nothing else. After some seconds, Wang Hao saw something occurring on the right side of No. 144.

A name appeared there, as if it was written by an invisible hand. The name that he saw there was ‘Gilmore’. Aside from the name, there was also a face engraved beside it. The face that Wang Hao saw was that of an old man with an x-mark scar on his face.

That and his grumpy expression made Gilmore look like a person one should not offend.

“So it’s Gilmore! I did not expect him to be qualified!” Roxy seems to be shocked when she saw that name and face shown on the board.

When she saw that Wang Hao was about to ask about this Gilmore, Roxy jumped the gun and explained quickly.

“Gilmore was a necromancer who died 100 years ago. Since his arrival at the Underworld, he had been shunned by many due to his ability to control dead souls. People like them were usually killed on sight in the Underworld. I am surprised that Gilmore was still alive now.”

“Oh.” Wang Hao then looked at the scroll again, and he saw another name being written, this time it was on No. 143. He then ignored the name being currently written as he asked Roxy one more question.

“From the way I can see it, the names we can see right now has the least talent?”

“Yes, and the higher the name will be on the list, the greater talent they will have.” Roxy’s eyes widened as she stared hopefully at Wang Hao. “Master Wang, with your powerful bloodline, you might have a chance to be qualified on this list!”

Wang Hao shook his head, quite not sure of that either. Because of his unique abilities, he had no way to cultivate at all. That makes his talent for cultivation absolutely trash.

Wang Hao was sure that the Yama will be also looking for souls with high talent for cultivation. Since he had no way to cultivate, Wang Hao was sure his name will not appear on the list.

“You may be right, but I just registered now. Maybe my name will not make the cut.” Wang Hao gave this excuse to Roxy. Once Roxy sees that his name was not on the list, she will be bound to be curious by it. His late registration excuse will the best alibi he had for now.

“But the current Yama Successor was almost in the similar situation as you. She managed to register herself right before the scroll appeared. Yet look at her, she managed to be the Yama Successor.” Roxy’s quick reply shattered Wang Hao’s secure excuse.

“F**k!” Wang Hao thought to himself sourly as he realized that he had no more excuses left. He can only scratch his head as he imagined the embarrassment he will receive later.

More and more names and faces appeared, bringing out shouts of surprise and relief from the crowd. Wang Hao ignored it all as he waited for the list to be complete. He decided that once the list was complete, he will escape, leaving Roxy.

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That will save him from the embarrassing inquiry that Roxy will give him.

Roxy of course was busy listing the names appearing on the list.

When the name and face for the No.4 was about to be shown, Wang Hao felt someone seizing his shoulders. Wang Hao looked back, and he saw an angry person looking at him.

It was the armored man that fetched him earlier!

“You brat, why did you take your time here? Didn’t I tell you that after your registration, you will go back to me?” He tightened his grip on Wang Hao’s shoulders as he muttered, “You will now go back with me! Stupid fatty!”

The armored man was about to drag Wang Hao away when Roxy slammed her hands on the table. The sound it produced was so loud that everyone around them heard it. All of them looked at the trio, slightly interested on what was about to happen next.

“You cannot take Master Wang away!” Roxy said indignantly. She crossed her arms as she shouted, “Master Wang here will be qualified for the Yama Successor trial! His talent will be enough for him to be chosen!”

The crowd stilled upon hearing that. The armored man who was about to drag Wang Hao earlier loosened his grip as his face paled. His mouth trembled as he nervously asked Roxy.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Of course I am!” Roxy replied proudly. “Master Wang has a High Grade Divine Beast Bloodline!”

“A High Grade Divine Beast Bloodline!” The armored man almost fainted when he heard that.

The armored man knew that the current generation of talents in the Underworld has some Divine Beast Bloodline Holders, but it was Wang Hao who had the highest grade of Divine Beast Bloodline. That assures him a spot in top 5.

And from what he can see, Wang Hao still has the chance for the 3rd and 4th spot. The 1st and 2nd spot were already reserved for those two freaks.

“No, it’s not like that...” Wang Hao could only wallow miserably as he saw everyone’s eyes looking intently at the screen.

Wang Hao cannot cultivate, so he was sure that his name will not be in the list. If it had been Roxy only who knew his bloodline, Wang Hao was sure he can still escape from her.

But now that everyone around him knew about his High Grade Bloodline, they will not be just disappointed once they discover that Wang Hao was not in the list. They might even get suspicious of Wang Hao and accuse him of cheating the dark box. He was sure they will do everything to make him ‘confess’ to his sins.

When that time comes., Wang Hao will be in for some painful moments.

“Hey look! The No. 4 spot was now filled!” Everyone, including Wang Hao looked to who the person was.

When Wang Hao saw who the person was, his mouths slightly uttered a name.

“Siwang Wangzi...”

The No. 4 spot belonged to none other than that pervert!

“Well, considering his Yama Bloodline, getting into the top 5 was assured for him already.” While she was busy explaining to Wang Hao about Siwang Wangzi, Roxy saw that Wang Hao seemed to look at Siwang Wangzi’s name with some familiarity.

“Master Wang... Are you acquainted to Siwang Wangzi?”

“Him? Ah, he is the one who made me kill myself.” Wang Hao chose to be blunt as he told the truth to Roxy.

“Is that so...” Roxy had an awkward expression on her face as she realized that she might have stepped on Wang Hao’s sensitive spot. “Do not worry Master Wang! I am sure that you will get the 3rd spot! You getting that will be your good revenge against Siwang Wangzi!”

“Wait, why are you sure that I will get the 3rd spot? How about No. 1 and 2?”

“Well.... we are sure that those 2 spots will be occupied by those two freaks.” Roxy disgruntledly said it as if it was already obvious.

Wang Hao was about to ask who these two freaks were when suddenly, he saw a name and face appearing on No. 3.

Wang Hao readied his Space-Time Gyroscope as he prepared to use one of its forbidden arts to escape. Of course, that forbidden art might bring him to the brink of death, but that will be better than being captured by a mob of angry souls.

He closed, his eyes, waiting for the inevitable. Moments passed by, and he did not feel any killing intent focused on him.

Wang Hao opened his eyes, and he saw everyone around him giving him a fawning look on his face. Roxy did the same, while hugging Wang Hao’s right arm. The armored man on the other hand was out on the floor, fully unconscious.

He mumbled incoherent words as some souls brought him away.

“It can’t be...” Wang Hao then looked up to the scroll, and there he saw it.

He saw his name and his fatty face beside No. 3!

His name Wang Hao was written exactly like how he was used to write it. The face shown in the scroll was exactly like Wang Hao’s current face now.

His name and face appearing there just says one thing.

Wang Hao will be joining the trial for the Yama Successor!

“Yay, I guess?”

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