The Cloud Over The Leaf

Chapter 13: Ch.12. The Babies Meet (pt.1)

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The spring season had come, with flowers blooming all around Konoha. 

Hii woke up in his crib, ready for the new day. His had been modified to be a bit sturdier recently since he was getting bigger. He sat up groggily, yawning and stretching in his pajamas. His room was right in between the parents and the grandparents room, in case they ever needed to get to him. He never fussed though, so the family just come to talk to him and pinch his cheeks most of the time.

'Alright! A new day! That means another chance to train my legs!'


His tiny hands rose towards the edge of the crib as he began to use the nearby bars to try and stand on his own. On shaky legs and balance, he managed to hold himself up!

'Yes! First step complete! Now I just need to balance and stand!'

Hii tried to keep himself standing, but the second he let go of the bar, he crumbled down like a sand castle.

His cheeks began to puff up in frustration.


Hii was really tired of his body growing so slow. Ever since the Kyuubi attack 5 months ago, Hii had been wanting to get stronger to protect his family. 

The first steps would be to get moving around on his own to feet instead of all fours, but that hasn't been going to well. 

His whole family was very surprised when he tried the first time. He almost fell on his head though, leading Grandpa Di to literally scoop him up from across the room! He never knew his Grandpa could move so fast, but everyone crowded around him to see if he was ok. He didn't want to worry his family so he decided on a new tactic. 

This lead to him only making his attempts when family members were sitting down nearby. He'd crawl to their legs and use them as crutches to help him stand. 

It seems this move brought about the creation of a leaderboard of sorts being put in the hallway named,"Hii's standing assist board ranking".

Akumu had a pretty hearty laugh at that thing.

"Ara~. Look who's up this early~."


Kaya came into the room, much to Hii's delight.

Kaya's face was beaming as she picked up Hii.



Kaya had shivers of happiness because her son was trying to copying her words. 

His first word wouldn't be too far from now!

Kaya kept Hii close as she brought him to the kitchen. Grandma Riku was already making breakfast, humming an old song to herself.

"Good morning, Mom."


"Morning, Kaya and little Hii."

Riku turned her head and smiled as Kaya took a seat with Hii on her lap. 

Kaya began to play with Hii's arms as he just laid back and let her have her fun. 

"Pow! Pow! Hii is the strongest baby ever~!"


Kaya and Riku laughed as Hii attempted the best victory pose he could muster. Of course, it just looked adorable to the two women as Riku finished making breakfast. 

"Kaya, dear."


Riku slowly walked over to the table and sat next to Kaya. She took Hii into her lap, and put her hands over his ears, much to his confusion.

"You were quite loud last night."

Kaya's face instantly became red as her body seemed to grow smaller and smaller, hoping for a hole to appear to jump in from the shame.


"Don't be ashamed dear. Why, if it wasn't for my leg, you would have more siblings."

Kaya's face was a spectacle to behold as Riku chuckled. Hii was still oblivious to what they were saying, but Akumu's face was just as spectacular as Kaya's.

"I understand the brush against death can make your body want more satisfaction, but try to moderate yourself, ok? Henda is not a ninja."

Kaya's cheeks began to puff. 

'Ah! That's hereditary then?'

[Looks like it to me.]

'Hey, why are my ears covered?'

[Don't worry about it. Just think of some ways you can stand longer.]

'You're right! Gotta plan ahead for success!'

Hii began to think of more ideas to stand as Akumu couldn't believe these two ladies would breach such a topic so early in the morning.

"Henda is really eager, you know?! I'm sure he's fine!"

"Kaya. You're a jonin. The stamina you have has been boosted from chasing Kushina and Minato all the time. You're gonna drain him dry if you keep this up."

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"Ugh! Fine..."

Kaya stopped her pouting face as she took Hii back in her embrace. She held him under his arms as his feet dangled to the floor. His feet immediately tried to stand as soon as the touched the floor. His body ,however,wasn't able to hold up and he fell back into his mom's hands.

The two smiled as they watched over Hii's attempts to stand over and over. Kaya broke the peaceful silence with a question. 

"Where is Dad?"

"He's in the shop working on the little tantou blades."

Kaya sighed when she heard that.

"Seriously? He's way too excited nowadays."

"I can't blame him. With Hii growing up and you fucking Henda every chance you get..."

Riku, of course, covered Hii's ears during that statement.


"Hahaha. Sorry, dear. Women who grow in the Rock aren't dainty. We grow just as tough as men, if not tougher and more vulgar."

Riku smiled as Kaya could only sigh. Even though her mother was a beautiful woman even with her hints of grey, her mouth could give mercenaries a run for their money in vulgarity.

"I'm just saying he's happy more chances are popping up for him. Even I have a chance to pass on my skills.

Kaya grew silent as she looked at Hii with sad eyes. Riku sighed as she patted her daughter's head.

"Hey now, we already told you chakra nature is a random affair. Don't look down like that."

"But you both-"

"Both of us struck out with you having water nature chakra. We shouldn't have been so certain you'd get one of ours. It's what we get for pressuring you."

Riku looked at her daughter with tender eyes as she wiped the coming tears from her face.

"Now go get Henda so he can eat. Hopefully he's still alive."

"Mom, stop! I'll go get him."

Kaya rose from her seat with a chuckle and went to her room to fetch Henda. Riku held onto Hii, acting as his new standing support.


"Ara Ara~! My grandson will be very strong~!"

Creaks could be heard coming from her daughter's room as she guessed her son in-law was finally up. As Riku turned around and saw Henda, she was shocked! He'd looked like he hadn't slept at all with bags under his eyes, and a nearly lifeless aura to him!

Even his hair seemed less fluffy than usual!

Riku turned to her daughter, only to find her daughter suddenly fascinated with everything in the opposite direction of her.

Riku sighed as she looked at Henda with pity.

'Good luck, son.'

"Kaya, take little Hii while I get some breakfast for Henda. Come sit down, dear."

Henda could only stiffly shuffle over and smiled as best as he could.

"...Yes,mother. Thank you for the food."

Kaya took Hii into her arms and quickly leapt into her own little world with only Hii and her in it.

"Hii~! We're gonna have a lot of fun today!"


Hii's head tilted as Kaya laughed at his cuteness.

"I got you some playdates today! We're gonna have so much fun!"

Hii grew excited while Akumu could only chuckle wearily.

[More babies huh? How Fun.]

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