The Cloud Over The Leaf

Chapter 29: Ch.28. The Medical Experiment (pt.1)

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Another week has gone by, and my fights with Itachi have been getting better. The sad thing is though I'm improving, he's also improving as well. I've lost count of how unfair Itachi can be.

Maka is my next candidate for being unfair as she's been improving at a crazy speed as well. She apparently has high Wind Style aptitude as well and has started to progress in forming that transformation too.

Sasuke has also gotten much better. He seems to do better in actual fights than in practice so Itachi has been pressuring him just enough to see him progress.

Maybe I should do that to my little siblings too? No, wait. Grandpa does that already. Nevermind.

My improvements haven't slacked compared to them though! I've learned a few more water jutsus at the library, but that's all they had. On the other hand, I now have basic Medical Ninjutsu thanks to my Shadow clones.

Now I can heal my wounds and keep fighting! Hehehehe~!

"Hii-kun. Stop smiling like that."

"Huh? Did it show on my face?"

"Haaa, obviously. It's weird how excited you get for fighting."

"Didn't you get a creepy smile on your face when you realized you could make super fire bullets if you mixed wind into them?"

Aaaand Maka goes to see if Itachi's ready. Typical.

Maka and I have gotten closer over time. I'm sure it's because I've kept up with her, unlike her relatives.

I wonder if there's something we could do about her eye problem. 

[Maybe, but you need to be stronger.]

I nod my head as I finish cleaning my practice blade. Grandpa said taking care of a real blade takes dedication, so your practice blade must be clean and ready for use.

Even though it's made of wood, I can still barely cut with chakra pumped through the blade.

'I should heal up a bit too.'

I use a handsign and my right hand starts to glow. I press it towards any wounds I have and they slowly disappear. 

I'm getting ready to fight, but I see Sasuke holding his right arm.

"Sasuke? You ok?"

"I-I'm fine. Don't worry."

I couldn't stop myself from shaking my head. This fool.

"Let me see, I can heal you."

I don't wait for his approval as I check his arm. Gah! He's got a deep gash! We'll have to fix this.

I get ready to heal it, but then I just had a great idea!

'Hey Akumu, can I use your chakra?'

[Sure, but why?]

'I wanna see the effects.'

[Ok, but be careful. I'm sure it's gonna come with a price of sorts.]

No point in getting scared now!

I tap into his chakra and form the medical jutsu, but....

"Hey, Hii-san? Why is it black?"

The chakra on my hand turns midnight black from the usual green glow.

"Ugh. It's an experiment. This won't hurt you, but it might hurt me! Let's find out then!"

"Wait, I can just-"

I don't bother with his words and clasp my hand to the wound. Sasuke flinches, but then looks confused as he felt no pain. 

I can't say the same for myself though.

'Ok, side effect found.'

I check my right arm and see that everything is fine on the surface, but I'm feeling pain in the same spot Sasuke's wound is.

[Phantom pain. That's odd.]

'Well you are phantom like right? I could see a correlation.'

His wound heals and I stop the Jutsu.

"Are you ok?!"

Shit! Maka came back! 

I sweated a lot from experiencing the pain! I gotta fix this.

Water Style:Waterball Jutsu!

I quickly use my handseals and form my sweat into a ball and chuck it into the forest.

"I'm fine! No problems here!"


Maka looks at me with a deadpan stare.

Don't let the akwardness get to you! I can do it!

"...Fine. Get ready. The next round is coming."

I nod and breathe out and wipe any remaining sweat away. I look at Sasuke and zip my mouth. He nods and we head over to the other two. 

Itachi just stands with his eyes closed and only opens them when we all assemble.



We ready ourselves and Itachi assumes a battle stance.

Sasuke starts us off this time as he throws several shurikens to Itachi, who takes them down with his own shurikens. 

I flicker over to him and give him a horizontal slash to his stomach. He parries it with his kunai and we exchange some blows.

Fire style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!

Maka fires a fan of fireballs to our location and we both jump back.


The fireballs explode and gives me some cover, but Itachi throws some shurikens my way.

*Clang Clang Clang*

Ugh! He throws them at weird angles again!

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Itachi rushes toward me, but Maka comes from behind and intercepts him.

The two exchange more blows, but Itachi manages to toss Maka over towards the lake and weaves handsigns

Fire Style:Fireball Jutsu!

Itachi sends a massive ball of fire to Maka, but she also weaved handsigns while she was in the air!

Fire Style: Grand Fireball Jutsu!

Maka sends a massive fireball towards Itachi's fireball and the two collide!


The explosion sends us all back while Maka flies to the middle of the lake. She lands and stands on the water, but she's shaky.

I intercept Itachi now, but I'll bring a surprise with me this time!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Another me appears beside me and we both charge towards him. He keeps his calm, but fighting two of me is putting pressure on him for sure.

Sasuke comes in as well and tries to kick Itachi in the head, but Itachi catches him and swings him my way. My clone catches Sasuke and I go alone to strike at Itachi's head with a vertical slash. I see his eyes going red!

[I got it!]

Akumu keeps me from his Genjutsu, which shocks him! It doesn't keep him from dodging though. Shit!

We exchange once more and end up in a deadlock.

I try to catch my breath as Itachi just looks at me with a smile.

"You've improved quite a bit."

"It's not over yet!"

I back away from Itachi and head towards the lake.

Water Style: Waterball jutsu!

My hand stretches to the lake and a big ball of water forms up.


I urge my chakra to spin the water to a thin donut shape in one direction.

Water Style: Circular Saw Jutsu!

I toss the saw towards Itachi, slightly above his mid section.

He's surprised, but he still managed to duck down, but that's what I want him to do!

I rush forward and slide under the saw and swing at Itachi!

I think I've finally got him?!

A shadow clone just materialised behind him and launched him through the hole?! 

Damn it!

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

Maka managed to help me out and fired on the airborne Itachi!

Itachi should be finished?! 

Another damn Shadow clone?!

Itachi launches himself from over to the side using his clone and rushes Sasuke! My saw slices through a few trees, but that's all I can do now.

The two have an exchange, but Itachi won quite easily. Damn bigger body.

Maka just raises her hands since I can't get up. That was my last strike.

Why I don't have more chakra? Shadow clones....

Haaah. Itachi has another win under his belt.


I head back home and see Grandpa sitting outside.

"Hey Grandpa! What are you doing out here?"

"Just getting some fresh air."

"You've been inside all day?"

"No, just making weapons."

I decide to sit outside with Gramps and enjoy the cool air.

Grandpa just uses his hand and rubs my head as we enjoy the breeze.

I can't lie to myself though. After discovering what Akumu could do with his chakra.....

[You better be careful with that idea!]

'But it could work, right?'

[Maybe, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. You probably can't pass out if you try to do it!]

'I kind of understood that. That means I just have to grit my teeth and make it work!'

[......Haaaa. Ok. Fine. But I suggest you put something in your mouth.]

I nod my head and brace myself! It's time for a real medical experiment.

"Hey Grandpa?"


"Can I sleep with you and Grandma tonight?"

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