The Cloud Over The Leaf

Chapter 33: Ch.32. The Calm (pt.2)

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Grandpa and I are heading back home after training. It doesn't seem like I'll get my Lightning Release easily.


Grandpa's moves became more and more fluid as we fought with the practice swords.

It's ridiculous to fight him now. He'd probably cut my head off at a twitch.

I feel my head get wobbled around by a big hand as I'm thinking.

"Don't compare to me. You've done really well today. I had to train for at least a week to reach where you are now. You're not far from getting it."

Grandpa's words are pretty encouraging. I guess I'll just prepare for more training tomorrow.

We get back to our house and find Grandma making food.

"We're back, Grandma!"

"Welcome back, Hii-chan."

Grandma gives me a smile and looks at Grandpa.

"I'm back."

"Welcome back, dear. Hii-chan, go see if the twins are up yet. They got worn out pretty quickly today."

I nod my head and go to the twins room. They're both laid out on their beds, snoring. They must be pretty tired.

"Moya! Yozora! Wake up!"


Moya is still snoring. Hell, I don't even remember the last time I've heard Yozora snore. 

Heh. They're even in sync.

I head out after rubbing their hair and find Grandpa....smiling?

"What happened, Grandpa? You look happy."

"Oh, nothing. Just seems like tomorrow is gonna be a fun day."




'Is your "limited time item" going on sale tomorrow?'

[Hehehe! Looks like it.]

Akumu snickers rather ominously so I guess I'll ignore him for now.

"Need help, Grandma?"

"Oh! You want to cook some more? Then I'll put you to work."

Grandma and I cook food for Grandpa and us. We also cook a meal for the twins when they wake up.

Grandma and Grandpa have had smiles on their faces for a while now. Grandpa's is normal, but Grandma's looks eerie for some reason. 

I feel like I should probably be careful tomorrow.


Today, it's been raining pretty hard.

I still plan to train today, but it's gonna be in Water Style!

I have a Shadow Clone stay at home to work on Lightning Style while I head out into the streets.

Water Style:Waterball Jutsu!

I use my handsigns and create a water ball above my head to catch the rain. 

Today, I just plan to run around and try to see how large of a water ball I can hold with my chakra.

Sadly, I'm alone today. Akumu left in the middle of the night again. 


I'll definitely ask him what's going on when he comes back.

As I run, the water from the rain slowly makes my waterball bigger. I can see now why Mom always said this Jutsu is one of the best Water Style Jutsu. If I'm ever in a place with water, the Waterball can be like a moving weapon. You can do almost anything with it!

I twist the ball into different shapes like a square, triangles, and even a star.

It was then I came across a strange sight. 

A man was....walking on his hands in the rain?

And he's running as fast as I am?!

No way am I gonna let him win!

I speed up my pace, but the guy is hot on my tail!

I try to go even faster, but the Waterball is far bigger than me now. I can't move quick when it's so heavy.

Dammit! I have to stop now.... I guess the weird guy won.

I pant and catch my breath with my hands behind my head. I wonder how hard that dude trained to get that much stamina.

'Hm? I sense....a presence nearby.'

I take a look around and all I see is a butt in my face.


What the?!

I jump back and look down to see a damp bowl cut in front of me.

Is...this the guy I was racing?!

Why is he in front of me?!!

Why is he still on his hands?!!!

Why the green jumpsuit???!!

The man looks up at me while still in a handstand.

His beady eyes seem to be on fire with determination and his thick eyebrows are arched up in delight.

I....I don't even know how to describe how I feel right now.

He somehow puts his right arm out and gives me a thumbs up.


'How do I respond to this?!'



The man laughs jovially in the rain soaked to the bone. I can't tell if I want to envy how carefree he is or wonder how he became a ninja with that headband belt he has.

"Training in the rain, what dedication! I can feel the youth in you, young man! What is your name?!"

I kinda don't wanna answer him, but I feel like I should just play along.

"I'm Hii. Nice to meet you, ugh..."

"The name is Might Guy! Nice to meet you as well!"

He shakes my hand after we introduced ourselves. He still hasn't come out of that handstand yet. I...don't know if I'm impressed or not now.

"Why were you....running in the rain on your hands?"

"Hahaha! It's because it's my punishment for losing to Kakashi. I must run around the leaf village 5 times on my hands."

".....How many times have you lost?"

"The score is 5 wins, 2 ties, and 7 losses. I'll catch back up soon enough."

......This guy is a monster!

There's no way I was winning that race!

"I see."

"Now, why would a young leaf like you be out here, little Hii?"

"I'm training my Water Style Jutsu. See?"

I reach my hand out towards him and all of the water in his clothes forms a separate mini ball. I chuck it to the side and he just laughs some more.

Such a carefree guy.

"Hahaha! I feel dry and refreshed now. Thank you, Hii-chan! I feel like I can run 10 more laps now!"

".....Please don't hurt yourself, Oji-san."

"Geh!! I'm not an Oji-san! I'm 19 years old! I'm in the prime of my youth!"


"You're lying!!"

"Might Guy doesn't need to lie! I'm not even old enough to drink yet."

This guy makes my head hurt.

"Oh! I've stood here too long! I have to finish 3 more laps!"

He already did 2?!

"I'll see you around, Hii! If you ever need help with Taijutsu, I'll show you the ropes!"

The man laughs as he continues to run at full speed on his hands.

.......I might need help.

I thought he was kinda cool.

In a weird, unique kind of way.

......Maybe I should head home.


I decided to walk back and put my raincoat on. I stopped my Waterball Jutsu so I can replenish my chakra on my way back. Looking at the buildings nearby, I feel like I'm near a old estate again. 

I see two guards who look like they spotted me from a distance away. Looking at them, I see their eyes are whitish-purple and the veins on the side of their eyes are bulging. 


I think Itachi said something about this. What was it again?

I stop a distance away from the guards to think about it. I think it started with an H?

"This is the Hyuga clan estate! Please keep moving!"

Hyuga!! That's it!

 "Thanks, mister!"

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The guards look confused, and I continued on my way.




The guards rush into the estate and I hear the sound of weapons clashing from inside.

I rush inside and see many black cloaked people with masks on fighting the guards!

I need to help them! 

I weave handsigns quickly and aim for the heads of the intruders!

Water Style: Drowning Ball Jutsu!

I've been working on this one for a while now! I finally get to use it since it's raining!

Water forms around the heads of the intruders, stunning them momentarily.

The guards use this chance to attack the intruders, poking them at multiple points on their bodies. 

The masked guys all fell down, without getting up. The guards gave me a nod and used their eyes to look around the estate.

"They're searching for Hinata and Hanabi-Sama!!!"

I saw them frantically head into the estate at high speed.

I was going to follow them into the courtyard, but I see out of the corner of my eye, two shadows are escaping over the wall!

"They're getting away!!"

I yell out before jumping over the wall after them and give chase! The two are fast, but I'm catching up to them steadily. I notice that each of them have a bundle under their arm. One looks to be my size while the other is significantly smaller.

Those must be the two missing people!

I have to act fast. If they planned how to sneak into such a big clan, there must be more of them. I use a handsign and prepare myself.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

*Poof Poof*

I make two shadow clones and have them draw back further behind me as I accelerate towards them.

"One of the targets is chasing us!"

"Complete the mission! You know what to do."

The one with the smaller bundle actually turned around and tries to grab me!

I dodge his hand and strike him with my practice sword to his arm holding the bundle as hard as I could!


I hear a loud snap and his painful yell and watch the bundle drop from his arm.

I reached out and grabbed the bundle before it reaches the ground and turn to watch the two figures movements.

I hold the bundle close to me and stand at the ready with my sword in my hand as I check the victim.

I check the bundle briefly and see a young girl sleeping inside. I can't tell if this is Hanabi or Hinata, but this must be the younger one.

'She's still asleep. She must be under a Genjutsu.'

One of the clones came close and I hand the girl over to him.

"Damn brat!"

The figure throws shurikens at us and I block them with my practice sword! I quickly weave handsigns and aim towards his head!

Water Style: Drowning Ball Jutsu!

The masked figure with the broken arm is caught off guard as the water forms around his head. He tries to shake it off, but the water stays around him and only increases in size in the rain.

The clone holds the girl close and takes her back to the Hyuga estate. Hopefully, the guards are headed this way and can take their mistress back.

The figure is struggling to get rid of my Jutsu and his attempts are getting more frantic. The other figure is hesitating, looking at me and looking in the direction he was running. He must be debating if he can take me or not. 

They did say I'm a target or something to that nature.

"Why are you doing this!?"

I try to question the other figure to try and get some more time. 

Maybe I can stall him long enough for other ninjas to come?

The figure looks at me menacingly and just turns away!

"Hey, what about your friend?! You'll leave them to die?!"

The figure turns around briefly before scoffing at something I said.

"Nothing else matters.There's only the mission."

The man with the waterball on his head stopped his struggle completely. 

He falls down with a thud and my jutsu stopped. 

The other figure starts to run!

With this situation, there's nothing left to do, but use that.

I weave hand signs and have the clone follow me to assist in this Jutsu.

Water Style: Waterball Jutsu!

I absorb the rain around me and create a big water ball above my head.

I chase after the figure and my clone weaves handseals behind me.

Water Style: Water Tentacle Jutsu!

The waterball forms into a long tentacle that shoots out towards the figure. The cloaked figure dodged the tentacle as it shot through a branch he intended to land on.

We both land on the ground and he pulls out a kunai to defend himself.

My clone and I split the tentacle into multiple ends and lash them all out towards the figure!

*Chi Chi Chi*

'Shit! He has Lightning Element!'

He cuts the tentacles that come near him and the ends turn back into water! 

I keep trying to get the other victim, but the figure keeps me at bay. We slash each other for about a minute before I start to get exhausted.

This Jutsu takes a lot more out of me than I thought!

The figure sees the gap and throws his lightning kunai towards my head!

My clone pushes me out of the way and takes the blow!



Damn! My Jutsu can't be maintained anymore and the use has left me exhausted.

Still, I can't give up here.

"Haaa. Give. Haaa. Her back!"

The figure pulls out another kunai and charges it with electricity.

Heh, can't let it be easy, huh?

I pick my blade up from my back and try to catch my breath for the fight.

"Leaf Whirlwind!!!"


Might Guy comes out of nowhere and kicks the figure to a nearby tree!! The hostage is taken by Guy as he lands beside me. He hands her over to me, never taking his eyes off his opponent.

I didn't even see him arrive! 

"It looked like you need help, Hii. I just finished my laps and I'm full of Youth! Just leave everything to me!"

"Haaa. Thanks, Guy."

Guy nods his head and takes his stance towards the figure.

I check inside the cover over her and find this girl looks a bit older than the other one. Her short dark blue hair is quite a unique look. I hope she'll be ok after all of this. I carry her on my back and turn to see Guy fighting the figure. 

Guy knocks the guy backwards after a few exchanges and holds one hand behind his back and the other extended forward. 

"You'll have to do better than that to defeat Konoha's Blue Beast!"

The figure leans against a nearby tree and starts to chuckle softly.

He pulls out a kunai from behind him once more.

"For Konoha!"

 Guy gets ready for more combat, but the figure turns the blade backwards and plunges it into his neck!

The blood gushes out of him as he slowly leans against the tree.

Guy swiftly tries to save him, but his life fades away before we have the chance.

Guy looks at the man and then back to me.

"Just what is going on here?"

I look at the dead figure and sigh.

"I'd like to know too."



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