The Cloud Over The Leaf

Chapter 56: Ch.55. No Pain, No Gain

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Hii sat in his chair, deep in thought.

'How exactly am I suppose to get a better idea on how to use this Jutsu?'

Hii sat contemplating on his Wolf Armor Jutsu during their study break.

The Jutsu was a bit difficult to perform , but Hii could feel it could be a very strong Jutsu if he could improve it. It could even be a trump card in special situations.

'It has a lot of potential, but the problem is my Chakra flow. My points aren't being used to the fullest.'

Hii could feel that his Wolf forms was very sloppily made compared to his Lightning Armor. His chakra was inconsistent and hard to maintain.

Another problem was that he couldn't use his chakra from every point in his body to regulate it smoothly.

'The coverage has to be more adaptable so I can make it sturdier and more fluid, but how can I learn to feel the Chakra points when I don't know where they are? The book just gives a general area.'

He leaned back against his chair to think of a solution, but nothing came to mind.

'I shouldn't think about it too much. Let's relax and take it slow.'

He looked around the classroom to see his classmates doing their usual thing. 

Shikamaru was sleeping as usual while Choji snacked away. 

Maka seemed to be deep in her book when Hii looked her way while Sasuke was annoyed at the horde of girls surrounding him. 

Shizuka was laughing at something while Naruto was trying to read a book, but didn't seem to understand it.

Hinata was sneaking a few peeks at Naruto while he was preoccupied.


Hii found himself looking straight at Hinata's eyes for a few seconds before she noticed him and started to turn slightly red.

'That's it!'

He stood up and walked over to Hinata.

She looked startled as he came to the row right under her with a smile.

"Hey Hinata! Can you help me train today?"

"Eh? A-are you sure you need my help?"

"Yep! Honestly, I think only you can help me."

Hinata took her time to think, then meekly nodded her head.

"I would love to help you. I have to repay you for what happened before."

"Before? Oh! Don't worry about that! Guy-san was the one who really helped you anyway."

"Hey! What are you two talking about?!"

Naruto came over to the two, standing next to Hinata. Hii watched as her face started to grow bright red all the way down to her neck. 

"I'm setting up some training for myself."

"No fair! I wanna get strong too! Let me come with you!"

Hii saw out of the corner of his eye Sasuke and Maka both leaning their ears in his direction as Naruto complained. 


"Sorry! I need to keep what I'm training on a secret, so only Hinata can help me."

"Ehh?! I bet you're just hogging all the cool Jutsus!"

Naruto crossed his arms and pouted. A sinister smile appeared on Hii's face when he saw that.

"Then you should ask Kushina-obasan to teach you then."

Naruto's anger evaporated at the thought, replaced by a cold chill.

"N-no thanks! I'll figure out my own super Jutsu! Just you wait and see!"

"Sounds like a good idea."

Naruto headed back to his seat with his head up while Shizuka tried to hold in her laughter, but obviously failed to cover it as her shoulders bounced up and down. 

Sasuke and Maka straightened up and showed no changes, but he could see the two having slightly dejected shoulders.

"....We can all train in a group once I finish, ok?"

"W-what?! We don't need to be in your group to train."

"I wanna fight you again, Hii."

"Alright! Hurry up and finish so we can learn cool Jutsus too!"


Hii looked to four of them and shook his head.

Hii chuckled as he turned back to Hinata.

"Should we practice at your place? I wanted to see Aunt Haruka again."

"Okay. Mom also asked about you and Kaya-san as well. She'll be happy to see you."

Hii stood up and started to head back to his seat.

He  sat  down and started to read a new book he found on Chakra flow.

He was excited to finally make some progress with this technique. He promised Akumu he'd work on it after all.


"Welcome back, Hinata-sama!"

Two guards greeted Hinata as they passed into the estate. 

Hii vaguely remembered the place, but seeing it once more, he realized how huge it is.

Hii just followed behind Hinata as they made their way through the halls.

They came across a large room with a simple table and snacks.

"You can wait in here, Hii-kun. I'll go check on Mother right now."

Hinata hurried down another hallway while Hii took a seat and waited for her to come back.

"This place is way bigger than I thought."

Hii looked over the room, feeling the air of nobility from the paintings and drawings in the room. 

He heard the patter of feet as Hinata appeared again a bit winded.

"Mom is awake. You can see her now."

'Awake? Was she napping or something?'

Hii held his thoughts as he followed Hinata over to her mom's room, deeper into the estate.

As they went further in, Hii felt a strange sensation on his skin momentarily before it dissapeared.

'I'm being watched.'

Hii couldn't see anyone nearby, but he could imagine their Byakugan could easily see him.

'Why is the security increase so intense?.'

"She's in here."

Hii and Hinata came to a large room where Haruka was in her bed, wearing a purple robe while sitting up.

"Hii-chan! Nice to see you! *cough*"

"Hello, Haruka-san. Are you ok?"

Haruka shook her head as Hii came closer to her and kneeled down.

"I'm fine. I've just been under the weather recently."

Haruka smiled at Hii, but it looked rather forced to him. 

"Maybe I can help you feel better! I've been studying a lot of Medical Ninjutsu."

Haruka giggled and rubbed Hii's head.

"There's no need to worry about me. I'll be fine."

Hii nodded his head, but still grabbed her hand tightly.

She smiled more naturally as she chatted with Hii after that. Hii talked to her about how his family was doing, but he also paid attention to the state of the room.

He had a feeling she had been in this room for a while now, and most likely not because she wanted to.

Hinata was silent as the two talked. Hii noticed that though she had a smiling face when they turned to her, her fists were clenched tightly. It seemed like she was holding something in.

'Her condition is probably worse than it seems.'

 He decided to stealthily used some of the chakra Akumu left him to help heal her.

He didn't feel like it would be a waste at all using Akumu's chakra like this.

"I'm gonna try to heal you, Haruka-san! I'm pretty good at it!"

Haruka sighed and shook her head.

"Sure. People have looked into it before. You can check too if you like."

Haruka resigned herself to Hii's probing as he sent chakra into her body.

He started to feel a bit tired as the chakra slowly went through her. Her complexion got slightly better at each full rotation. He slowly withdrew his hand after the chakra went through 3 full rotation.

"Whew! It really is hard! I'm going to go train with Hinata now, Haruka-san! I'll talk to you more next time and try again!"

Hii stood up and bowed to Haruka.

Her smile was radiant as she did feel better after Hii's attempt. 

"Do come again, Hii-chan! I feel better already after seeing you!"

"I'll definitely be back!"

Hii walked outside and gave Hinata and her Mom space.

"Thank you..."

Hii heard Hinata's small voice and a smile came across his face.

He left the two to talk a bit more before they would begin the training. He had noticed someone was slowly walking down the hallway and waited by the door for them to pass.

"It's useless."

He heard a rather young, but cold voice speak to him.Hii turned his head and found a familar boy that just past him further down the hallway.

"What is useless?"

"She will not be able to escape her fate."

A rare frown appeared on Hii's face as he locked on to the boy.

"No one can escape destiny."

"And how do you know that?"

"I've seen many doctors come out of that room with regretful faces. It's already a fact in the estate."

Hii's frown only deepened as he heard the dry confidence in his voice.

"It sounds like you don't want her to get better. Do you have a grudge against her? Or is it against all of them?"

The boy frowned and rubbed the bandage on his forehead. He turned his back towards Hii.

"You should make sure to see her before she's gone."

"I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Hmph! You will have to accept reality soon enough. No amount of belief will change that."

 The boy attempted to leave after saying his thoughts.

"What's your name?"

Hii asks the boy as he stares at his back.

"My name is Neji Hyuga. My father talked to you before."

"I think I remember you now. I'm Hii Kurokumo."

Neji nodded his head and continued to leave.

But Hii wasn't done with him yet.

"I'll come and beat you up the next time I come here."


Neji glanced at him with the veins near his eyes starting to bulge out.

"It's your fate to get beaten up by me."

".....We shall see if that's your role or not."

"I'll make it my role."

The boy turned forward and continued to head down the hallway.

The door to Haruka's room opened as Hinata came out and closed the door behind her.

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"Sorry for the wait. D-did something happen?"

Hii turned to Hinata with his everyday smile.

"It's fine. Let's get started soon. It's gonna get dark if we don't hurry."

Hinata nodded her head and lead Hii to the training ground.


The two stood in the training grounds face to face.

Hii has a big smile on his face as he prepared to explain the assistance he needed.

"Let's get started. The reason I wanted you to help me train is because of your family techniques."

"I see. What should I do?"

Hii nodded his head.

" I need your help in utilizing all my Chakra Points effectively."

Hii started to stretch as he continued to explain.

"I have a Jutsu I've been working on for a while now, but it has shown no improvements no matter how I train. I've come to a guess that it might have to do with my Chakra Points and flow. All I need you to do check my Chakra points as I use my Jutsu and strike my  points that go against the flow."

"Strike them?! But! You would get hurt."

"I know. It's the price I have to pay to get it right. It'll also serve as a reminder the next time I use it. I'll know which ones I shouldn't use."

"....I see."

Hinata nodded her head and looked up at Hii.

"I'll do my best to help!"

"Great! Now use your Byakugan and close the unnecessary points you see. Don't hold back!"

Hinata nods her head and weaves a few seals.


The veins on her face bulge out and her eyes gain a strong sense of focus.

Hii took in some deep breathes and readied himself. 

This was definitely going to hurt! 

He weaved his handsigns and focused his mind.

Lightning Style:Lightning Wolf Armor!

Hii's hair spiked up as thick Lightning Chakra covers his body. It vaguely formed the body of a wolf around him as he got on all fours.He tried to use as little Chakra as possible to maintain the armor for Hinata to strike his points. 

"Go ahead and start when you're ready!"

Hii waited as Hinata eyes slowly scour his Chakra points. She seemed shocked by the initial transformation, but quickly got back on track.

Only after a few seconds did she finally move to strike.

"T-then I'll start! Haaa!"

*Pow Pow*


Hinata starts to attack a few points before Hii grunted. She stopped for a moment, concerned if he was okay.

"Keep going!"

Hii gritted his teeth as he urged her to continue. He could only maintain the Jutsu for so long.

"O-okay! Haaa!"

*Pow Pow*

Hinata continued to attack Hii's Chakra points.

'This hurts way more than I thought!'

Hii held on as Hinata continued to strike his Chakra points.

After a minute, Hinata finally stopped striking him as Hii fell down.

Hii was shivering as he felt intense pain in his limbs and chest. Hii tried calm down and alleviate some pain.

'There was way more Chakra points throwing me off than I thought.'

Hii commited the pain to memory as he tried to feel those points.

"Are you ok?"

Hinata undid her Byakugan and looked concerned for Hii's shivering state.

"Don't worry! I'm fine."

Hii began to use Akumu's Chakra and partially healed his body, barely stopping his shivering.

Hii inhaled deeply and started to focus his Chakra away from the numb areas on his body.

He felt a faint guideline from one of the points to the other and pursued the connection with his Chakra.

He pushed his Chakra slowly into through the points, activating his armor once more with a much smoother appearance.

He felt his Chakra flow growing smoother and became excited.

"It works! It's....going to take a long time before I get it to where I want though."

The time it took Hii to finish connecting a cleaner circuit was quite long. The sun was already starting to go down at this point.

Hii sighed as he felt the numbing feeling disappear.

"This is going to be quite a process. Thank you for waiting, Hinata-san."

"I-it's okay. I'm glad I could help."

Hinata smiled with her hands clasped together.

Hii couldn't help rubbing her head with a smile.

"You're a kind girl. I wonder why you don't fight more seriously? I can tell you're pretty strong from those hits."

Hinata didn't answer and lowered her head.

"I just....can't hurt people. I don't think I'm strong."

Hii saw her expression getting darker as she started to brood on her flaw.


Hii ruffled her hair all over with both hands and a smile on his face.

She quickly jumped back from him as she tried to fix her hair.

Hinata hair took on a rather  wild shape, since Hii used a little Lightning Chakra as well as he rubbed.

"Do you look up to anyone?"

"Eh? Who do I....look up to?"

Hinata thought for a moment, then her face started to become red.


Hii waited for her to respond, but she was busy fiddling with her fingers.

"Is it Naruto?"


'... It's him, alright.'

Hii looked at Hinata with a knowing smile as her blush became bright red.

"Let me tell you something."

Hinata looked up at Hii as he looked over to the orange sunset.

"That guy is very stubborn. I remember he would sneak out from his house to find me at the training grounds. His Mom would always find him and beat him everytime. It was pretty scary, honestly."

Hii chuckled as he remembered Naruto's face whenever he got beaten.

"He never did give up, even with all the beatings. He's even more stubborn on protecting people he cares about."

Hii turned back to Hinata with a smile.

"I'm certain you are capable of showing your strength like that as well."

Hinata was shocked to hear that from Hii.

"Even I can...."

Hii started to stretch his arms while she just stared at the ground.

"Just don't give up on doing your best, ok?! You'll find your own way to protect your loved ones, I'm sure."

"Y-yes! I can't give up!"

Hinata had a firm gaze as she steeled her determination.

Seeing that face made Hii feel a bit mischievous.

Hii suddenly came close to her ear and whispered to her.

"Also don't give up on Naruto either, ok?"


Hinata seemed confused, but Hii could see the blush creeping down her neck. She understood what he meant.

Hio couldn't help laughing out loud as her face turned bright red.

She looked at Hii with a rare frown as he laughed.

"You've been making fun of me a lot today."

"Hehehe. Guess you're right. Take your fury out on me and hit me again if you want! I'm ready for another round."

Hii reapplied his Chakra armor and readied himself.

"I will."

Hii felt a chill run up his spine as her Byakugan activated. Her face was very serious compared to before. She even took a more serious fighting stance as she circulated her Chakra.

"H-hey, w-wait a minute."



*Pow Pow Pow*

Hinata decided to showed Hii the full power of the Hyuga clan. 

He learned just how much she held back as the pain was way worse than before!

A mad Hinata was scary!

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