The Cloud Over The Leaf

Chapter 65: Ch.64. Maka’s Birthday

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Hii wiped the sweat from his brow as he looked at his final product.

Henda came behind him and looked as well.

"Looks good. The likeness is strong as well."

"Thanks, Dad! I can't believe how long it took to make it."

Henda patted his shoulder and moved a bundle of Kunais over to a nearby table.

"Well, with the amount of detail you put into it, the time to complete it extended."

Henda looked back at his son's project. 

"Still, it came out really good. Maybe you should make a couple more. We can sell them if you want."

"I'll think about it. It could help us save for when Moya and Yozora need to get their weapons made."

Hii placed his present in a small tray and shook his hands.

"I just need to wrap it up and it's all done."

"Great! The day is coming soon right?"

"It's in a few days. I should get Grandma to help me wrap it."

Hii went to the house next door to get Riku while Henda continued to observe the present.

"I wonder where he got so much talent from?"

"It's in his blood."

Di appeared from further inside the shop. He also looked at the present closely as well.

"...Haaa. I sometimes wish he wasn't a Ninja. He could keep the family business going making these."

"We still don't know about the other two. They might have more or less skill at it."

"Still the same problem. Our family prefers Jutsu over crafts. If we can get them to take it as a side job, it should help them sustain themselves.

Di nodded his head and looked at the nearby order sheet.

"Looks like a spike in weapons might come soon. Get ready for it."

"Oooh! I'm fired up!"

Di nodded his head and went to process the next order.

Everything was business as usual as the two went back to work.


Hii was in the training grounds, slicing the air with his new sword.



The blade hummed softly as Hii cut the air with familiar katas.

'The blade feels much heavier than the practice sword. It has real weight to it.'

Hii sheathed his sword in a slow manner as he practiced his draw again.


A much faster cut sliced through the air, cutting a floating leaf in half.



The next cut was much faster as Hii put more chakra in his arm.

The cut was more ferocious than the previous one!


Hii sheathed his blade and braced himself for one more slice.

Hii then remembered his fight with Shisui and decided to test it out once more.

'I'm going to use your chakra this time, Fuyuki.'

{Okay! Go for it!}

Fuyuki was excited as Hii began to channel her power into his arm.

He steadied his hand over the handle of the blade as he watched falling leaves come down.

Her chakra slowly crept up his arm as  the veins on his right arm shined with an orange luster.


Heat surged in his arm as he swung at the leaf with precision!


Hii cut through the leaf and sheathed his blade, watching as the leaf split in two.

*krrrrrrr Boom*

The tree behind the leaf was also cut in two!



The veins on his arm began to dull as black smoke began to rise from his arm.

'Ugh! This hurts bad!'

Hii quickly brought his arm towards the nearby pond and dipped his arm in!



White smoke began to rise from the water as his arm began to rapidly cool down.

{Are you okay?! Your arm looks bad!}

Hii slowly lifted his arm out of the water and saw his arm looked burned.

Hii moved his left arm towards his right and activated his Medical Jutsu.


'Hmmm. The skin on my arm seems to be the only damage at that level. I should only experiment with just this for now.'

A few minutes of healing brought his arm back to normal. He flexed his hand as he began to think about the power.

"It took around 5 minutes of healing to recover completely."

{W-We shouldn't use my power! It's too dangerous if it hurts you like this!}


Hii started to think about the power in detail as he flexed his muscles.

'It seems like a physical boost that burns my body depending on how much power I use. Part of the recoil can probably be taken away with water. I wonder....'

Hii placed Ame no Tsume on the ground gently and weaved a few handsigns.

Water Style: Water Wolf Armor Jutsu!

The water nearby suddenly flowed around Hii's body in the shape of a wolf. It's features were more refined than before as its blue fur looked fluffy and real. His eye color changed to a pale yellow as he looked at his sword.

'Now then, let's see how I can do this.'

Hii began to carefully pulled his blade out with his new paws and jaw.

He carefully held the sword in his mouth as he angled the blade towards his left side.

He locked his jaw on the handle and swung the sword with his neck carefully as he tried to get the motion of movement down.

'That should be okay.'

{W-What are you doing?! How do you look like a blue version of Akumu and I?!}

'I made this move based on Akumu's movements during a training session. I think this might help using your power effectively.'

Hii started to charge Fuyuki's chakra through his body this time, bringing  golden lines on the wolf's body.


The blue wolf shot forward towards the downed tree and swung his blade!


The cut went right through the middle of the tree and cut the log in half!


The blue wolf began to emit smoke as Hii's body was immediately cooled off.

'The pain still exists, but it's tolerable.'


Hii released his armor, dissolving the wolf and starting the healing process.

"I was right. My wounds are much lighter when we use it in water. It could also be because I distributed the chakra around instead of in one place, the drawback is lessened."

{I-I'm sorry.}

'Hm?! Why are you apologizing?'

{I didn't know my power was so volatile.}

'It's not much different from what Akumu could do. His chakra makes me feel the pain of anything I healed besides myself.'

{R-Really?! He never told me about that.}

'I never used his chakra for combat before. He probably has a downside to his power like yours.'

Hii picked his sword back up and carefully sheathed it.

"I gotta polish the blade again. I also have to set up training in that armor mode. Maybe I can heal with that mode too."

Hii looked up at the lush trees and sighed.

"Good thing there are so many trees. I guess a few of them won't be missed."


"Here you are, dear."

"Thanks, Grandma!"

Riku handed Hii a small box wrapped in pink gloss paper.

Hii picked up the box and took a deep breath.

"You'll be fine. Just make sure to tell her how you feel honestly."

Hii nodded his head and started to head out the door to the Uchiha Estate.



The twins followed behind him out of the door.

""We are going to the party too!""

"Hehe. Fine. You two better behave."


The twins started to rush out in front of Hii as they started their journey.

The three were halfway there before they spotted a bright orange jumpsuit in the distance.

"Hey, you guys! Hurry up! We'll miss everything!"

Hii shook his head as he headed over to Naruto.

'How is Naruto going to be a ninja if he's loud all the time? I guess he might tone down later?'

Hii held his question in his head while they walked together.

"Hm? Where's Shizuka?"

"Nee-san already went to Sasuke's place earlier today. That's why we have to catch up!"

"We better hurry!"

"I want cake."

The three scurried on ahead as Hii suddenly felt tired.

'Those three give me a headache.'

{They're cute, so it's fine! You only get one chance to have this much fun. It's boring being an adult.}

"Haaa. I guess so."

Hii slowly walked over to the Uchiha Estate and found the party was already pretty festive from the sounds of laughter coming outside.

"Pardon my intrusion."

"Welcome! I'm glad you could make it!"

Mikoto smiled widely as she saw Hii made it to the party. 

"Come in! Maka will be out in a moment."

Hii looked around and noticed there were mostly girls here from the academy.

'This might get slightly awkward.'

{Are you sure? Look at those three go.}

"Oh man! This food is really good!"

"Yozo! Pass me on of the chicken legs!"


The three just stood near the food table just eating away.

Hii couldn't help laughing at how carefree they were.

'I should be like them. This isn't a big deal. Just giving a gift, that's all.'

{Right! Don't be nervous.}

Hii began to relax as he started to just enjoy the atmosphere.

He scanned the room lightly, looking at his classmates have fun.

He also saw Sasuke sitting nearby, chatting with Itachi. 

'I guess that's one way to keep the girls off him.


A soft voice reached his ear, making him turn towards it.

"Hey, Hinata-san. Have you seen Maka around yet?"

"Um. I think she is in her room right now with Ino and Shizuka."

"Huh? Why is Nee-san in there? Shouldn't they be out here for the party?"

Naruto came by with a plate full of food and asked.

Hinata's face started to redden, but she didn't faint.

"U-Um, they said something about getting ready."

"Ready for what?"

"For battle!"

Sakura suddenly appeared behind Hinata with a grin.

"Hey, Sakura-chan!"

"Don't be so loud, Naruto!"

' You're both loud though.'

"What do you mean getting ready for battle?"


Sakura giggled and shook her head.

"I can't tell you~."

"You can tell me, Sakura-chan!"

"No, I definitely can't. You can never keep a secret."


Everyone laughed at their banter and waited for Maka to appear.

"Ta-da! The birthday girl is here!"

"Wait! I-I don't know about this!"

"Come on, you wimp! Rock your new look while you can!

Ino announced Maka's entrance as Shizuka pushed her in while arguing.

'They seem to be having fun.'

Hii smiled at their antics and suddenly froze when Maka came into view.

Her messy hair had turned straight as she walked into the room. Her entire aura changed, making her look breath-taking.

"Oooh! She looks great!"

"Waah! So pretty!"

"Maka-san looks nice."


Everyone liked her new look, praising her as she stood shyly.

Maka grew embarrassed at the praise, but she was happy she let the two help her change her look.

Ino and Shizuka both turned to Hii and drew the biggest smiles.

Hii was frozen still as he stared at Maka.

"Well? What do you think of her new look, Hii-kun~?"

Hii finally caught himself and couldn't stop the red blush on his face.

"I, I think she looks great."

Maka's face grew hotter than ever hearing his praise.

"Hehehe. Looks like the change was effective."

"Yeah! Too bad it won't last long."

Ino pouted as she recalled how hard it was to get her hair in order. Her hair was could easily mess back up.

Mikoto smiled as she watched the kids interact.

"Come here, Maka. We have the cake ready!"

"S-sure, Aunt Mikoto."

Maka softly walked over to Mikoto as everyone gathered around her to sing.

"Happy birthday to you~!"

Everyone sang along with Maka in the middle, fidgeting from embarrassment.

"Happy birthday, Dear Maka! Happy birthday to you~!"

Everyone cheered while Maka got ready to blow out her candles.


*Clap Clap Clap*

The cake was finally to be served and soon, all the gifts were given to Maka to open.

Hii watched her open the presents one by one with a complicated look on his face.

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"She's pretty, huh?"


Hii casually responded to the question and suddenly shivered!

Hii whipped around to find Shisui looking at him with venomous eyes.

"S-Shisui-san! I didn't see you when I came in."

"I was held back by something. I wouldn't miss this after all."


Hii and Shisui continued to stare at each other awkwardly until Shisui passed by him.

"I hope you don't hurt her."

Shisui softly said as he headed over to Maka with a gift in his hands.


"Hehe! Happy birthday, little sis!"


Hii started to think about his feelings after hearing Shisui and waited for Maka to be done with unwrapping all of her presents.

'I'll give it to her last. It's a bit embarrassing.'

Hii stood close to the door as everyone enjoyed the cake and company.


Hii turned his head and saw Sasuke standing next to him with a plate of hardly touched cake.

"I thought you didn't like sweets."

"I don't. Nii-san got it for me."

Hii nodded his head and located his friends around a food table.

"If you can't finish it all, give it to Sakura. I'm sure she'll take it off your hands."

Sasuke clicked his tongue and just stood beside Hii, trying to eat the cake in silence.

Hii didn't mind at all since this was how Sasuke always was.

"When are you going to give her the present?"

"....At the end. Pretty soon."

"Hope it's good. She has been looking forward to it."

Sasuke made a troubled face as he couldn't take eating the cake anymore.

"...You said Sakura would eat this?"

"Yep. I'm sure she'll take it."

Sasuke looked at the cake and sighed.

He headed over to Sakura and handed his cake over to her.

"Here. I heard you like this stuff?"

"Y-Yeah! Thanks, Sasuke-kun!"

She had a bright smile on her face while she reached for Sasuke's cake, but Naruto suddenly grabbed the cake and ran.

"Hey! Give it back, Naruto!"

"Hehe! I wanted another piece since they were all gone! Thanks!"

"Tsk. Whatever."

Hii watched the three while shaking his head.


He suddenly noticed a presence looking at him and turned his head.


Maka stood next to him while looking at the ground.



The atmosphere was a bit awkward as Hii tried to think of something to say!

"Uh, Happy birthday."


'Ugh! That was stupid.'

{Give her the gift!}

Hii nodded his head and looked around to see if anyone was looking at them.

He leaned over to Maka and whispered in her ear.

"Can I talk to you outside?"

Maka looked at Hii and nodded her head.

The two tried to stealthily head out without being noticed, but they didn't know everyone was watching them as they left.

'Good Luck!'

Everyone gave their best wishes while Shisui sulked a bit while eating his slice of cake.

Itachi patted his shoulder and tried to console him.


The two walked in silence as they headed over to the tree near the edge of the Uchiha estate.

Hii chuckled to himself as they arrived.

"Wow. We seem to always have important events here, huh?"

"Y-Yeah. Maybe it's a lucky tree?"


Hii and Maka looked at the tree in silence for a while before Hii took a deep breath and faced her.



Hii saw Maka turn over to face him and noticed her hair was already becoming messy once more.

Despite that, he still felt she was exceptionally pretty tonight.

"I-I have a present to give you."

Hii reached into his pocket and pulled out his pink wrapped gift. He held it out towards her with nervous, shaking arms.

"T-Thank you."

Maka also seemed out of it as she slowly grasped the present.

"C-Can I open it here?"

"Y-Yeah. I want to explain why I brought this as a present."

Maka nodded and began to carefully unwrap the gift. She slowly opened the box and looked inside.


She looked up at Hii in shock and looked back down at her gift.

"Hii! This is..."

"Let me explain it."

Hii took a deep breath and looked at Maka with a serious gaze.

"Remember when we were training a few years ago, and we talked about why we wanted to be strong?"

"Yeah. I remember it very well. That was a rather funny situation when I think about it."

Hii nodded his head and looked at his present.

"You remind me of a blooming flower as time passed. You continue to bloom throughout all the muck and dirt that you had to go through. I really like and admire that part of you. I made this once I found a flower just like that. I had to give it to you."

Hii gently reached into the box and pulled out a necklace. It had a beatiful silver color while in the middle was a beautiful design of a Lotus attached.

"The lotus blooms through nearly everything other flowers can't. I'm sure you are and will continue to be just as pretty and strong."

Maka stared at the Lotus pendant with a huge smile on her face.

"C-Can you put it on me?"


Hii carefully came behind Maka and started putting the necklace on for her. His hands shook lightly as he snapped the clasp in place and stepped away.

The necklace fit just right as it gleamed a beautiful silver in the moonlight.

"Perfect. I'm glad I estimated it right."

"Thank you, Hii! I love it!"

Maka smiled happily as she admired her necklace.

It was then that it happened!

Maka in her excitement came over to Hii and kissed him!

It happened so fast that Hii couldn't react at all. He could only stand there, shocked as he stared at Maka happily admiring her necklace.

Maka stared at the necklace happily until she realized what she had done.


Maka's face became crimson red as she looked at Hii's face.

His face had also become bright red as he didn't know what to do!


"Ah?! I-I'm going to head back now! Thankyouforthegiftbye!"

Maka turned around and darted away at full speed!

'Ahhhhh!!!! I really did it!!'

Maka was so happy she could have kissed him, but she didn't think her body would actually do it!

Hii watched as she dashed away and stood in a daze.

{Smooth. That went way better than my first attempt.}

Hii felt his chest and listened to the chaotic rhythm of his heart.

"....Haaa. Feelings are really hard to understand."

{You'll get used to dealing with them in time. Congratulations on getting your first kiss! We should tell Takeshi!}

Hii touched his mouth and recalled the sensation of her lips on his.

He turned around and started to walk back home.

His first kiss tasted like birthday cake.


As Hii walked back home and Maka dashed back to her room, some friends from the party were watching nearby from the corners of the houses!

"Yes! Maka-chan actually went for it!"

"W-Wow. I didn't expect her to be so bold."


Ino and Sakura both acknowledged Maka's boldness while Hinata struggled to keep her face from turning red.

"That girl is good. I didn't expect her to kiss him before she confessed."

Shizuka thought with her hand on her chin as she played back what happened. 

"Still,I didn't think he would get a necklace for her."

"It looked really pretty too."

The girls all nodded their heads thinking about the new necklace on Maka's neck.

"Ok girls! Let's go get some answers out from her tomorrow! Let her have her victory tonight."


The girls all headed back to Uchiha estate.

They were unaware of the two Ninja on top of the nearby house who also saw the scene.

Itachi watched Hii heading home and  turned to Shisui next to him.

"...How long will you sulk?"

He was poking a tile on the roof with a sad face.

"She's growing up too fast..."

"Haaa. Come on. Let's report what happened to Mother."


Itachi sighed again as he had to drag Shisui back home.



"What is it, Yozo?"

"Nii-san left?"

"Yep! So we gotta eat as much food as we can since he can't stop us."


The twins both looked up and saw Maka fleeing to her room at high speed."


"What was that about?"

"Hmm? Did you see what happened just now?"

Mikoto came behind the kids and asked them.

"Maka came by."

"Yeah! Her face was red too!"

"Ara ara~! I better check up on her."

"We'll go too!"


Mikoto decided to check Maka's room while the twins followed behind her with food still in hand.

As they got closer to her door, they started to hear squeals of delight coming from Maka's room. Mikoto decided to peek into her room and the twins followed her example.

"Hehehehe! He got me a present! I kissed him! Aaaaaah! I can't believe it!"

Maka was rolling around on her bed with a happy grin on her face and her Lotus necklace in her hands.

The three looked at each other, and slowly closed the door.

"Aunt Mikoto?"


"Does this mean we have an Onee-san now?"


Mikoto thought about it shook her head.

"Not yet. Wait until they get a bit closer before you call her that, ok?"


"Good! Now if you're still hungry, we still have some food left. You can eat until Itachi comes back to bring you home."

"Waah! Thank you!"

"Thank you."

The twins scurried back to the table with Mikoto behind them.

'I wonder how my sons are doing with love as well. I guess it's time to ask them about it. Ufufufu.'

Mikoto smiled lovingly as she watched the kids devour the food happily.

Sasuke and Itachi both felt a strange chill crawl down their spine. Trouble was brewing against them somewhere.


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