The Commoner and the King

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

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When I woke up in the morning, I was feeling surprisingly good, almost to the point where I had too much energy. I lay there, trying to puzzle out why this was. Then I remembered the conversation with God that I had last night.

Thinking back, the ramifications of what that conversation meant for me was immense. I was a magic user, and a powerful one at that. Perhaps even more so than the original person who was given magic by God.

This meant a few things. First and foremost, I was going to have to deal with a target painted on my back. King Thomasi would be after me as soon as my existence became known, with Lord Tovet’s assistance. All I knew about them was that they were responsible for nearly eradicating magic from the world, but they had to have something we didn’t know about, judging by the number of mages they had defeated.

Second, As I was a magician now, some of our efforts were going to shift. Assuming I could learn to control it, things like food and water would become trivial. Me and Syl would end up working on different things, perhaps even starting projects to pass time. Magic might even be able to replicate things that we had left behind when we entered this medieval world.

The last thing, and in the long term, one of the most important, was that the clearing I had ‘transformed’ was going to become a sort of magical hotspot. It would provide a source of abundant energy to magic users, and was also probably why I was feeling so good right now. 

I rolled away from Syl, one last thing on my mind. God had mentioned that I would receive a book, one that covered the basics of magic. It would probably be a useful tool, but more than anything, I was excited to read!

I stood up, and looked around our little area. It was fairly easy to find. There wasn’t exactly that much stuff on our rock for it to hide behind. It was laying over by the long dead campfire, A solid looking book, the cover made of what I assumed to be leather. I picked it up, noting that it was quite heavy, and when I opened it, the reason it was so thick became apparent. 

The pages were thick. Really thick. Like, you know how in elementary school, they have you take a bunch of finely shredded paper mixed in with water, and drain the water out? The result is a brittle, roughly textured mess in the general shape or a rectangle that somewhat resembles paper? That was what this was like. 

Every inch of space was covered in barely legible handwriting, that mixed and flowed like crazy. I shouldn’t be able to trace the path it took, let alone read it, and indeed, when I looked at it out of the corner of my eye, it was totally impossible to understand. However, as soon as I focused on it, The letters seemed to float off the page a little, and it all made perfect sense.

Eager to finally read a book again, I settled down on one of the edges, legs dangling off the side. I opened the book up, and started reading.

It was slow going. There was a glossary in the front, and contrary to my initial  impression of it, I actually found it very useful. I was able to read the words fine, but that didn’t change the fact that there were a lot of words and concepts that I wasn’t familiar with. However,  I did manage to get through most of the first chapter before Syl woke up and I had to put the book down for a bit.

After the glossary, there was the first chapter. It seemed to be written like me, your average citizen who had recently discovered that they were capable of using magic, and had no idea about what that implied, other than the basic ‘OOOO spellz… Fancy.’ It described what God had covered, and elaborated on it. Where God had said I could use magic, This book explained that magic was someone taking control of the magical energy coursing through their body, and using it to accomplish whatever they had in mind. 

In addition, the chapter explained in far greater detail what God was talking about when he mentioned I had converted my energy into growth energy. Basically, every living thing had raw magical energy in it, and as magic users, we could command that energy to do our bidding. To make it more efficient, we could convert the raw energy into other types of energy, better suited for certain tasks. If you wanted to grow a field of wheat, for example, you would convert it into growth energy, but if you wanted to start a fire, you would be better suited using heat energy.

It also briefly touched on the magical hotspots God had mentioned, calling them pools of magical energy. They were usually formed when a large amount of energy was dumped into the land. If they took hold, the area would act like a reservoir, gathering excess magic from the surrounding area. Magic users looking to cast bigger spells would gather at one of the twenty three known ones to make use of the excess energy. I say known because mine would be the twenty fourth.

Finally, it touched on the basics of using magic. The first chapter didn’t go into much detail, but it described how to start. According to it, everything had magical energy in it. Magic users could feel, and sometimes even see, this energy, and to cast spells, all one had to do was tap into this energy, and will it to do their bidding. It gave some simple objectives that people could practice, things like trying to use as many elements as possible, or shaping the energy more in form with what you want, instead of just releasing it. Things like making a candle flame on your fingertip instead of just releasing a bunch of heat in one big wave were also on the list.

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