The Commoner and the King

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

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When I woke up in the morning, I untangled myself from Syl, and made my way over to the edge of the rock, where I had set my book down earlier. I didn’t want to disturb Syl, and I had nothing else to do, anyways. 

I quickly skimmed through chapter one again, dog earring pages that seemed important. It was surprisingly difficult to fold the paper, not like actually hard or anything, but it was much more sturdy than what I was used to. I decided to start with actually feeling the energy, and got to work.

Before long, Syl woke up, and together we ate the rest of the strawberries we had gathered when we made our way back from the… spur of the moment utopia I had created. I was still greatly enjoying the simple pleasure of eating something in the morning, even if it meant that we had to give up some of our labor to the local squirrels.

When we were done, we made our way over to the stream, and took our morning bath. The water was cold, but after doing this every morning for the past week, it wasn’t really bothering me anymore. 

When we got back to our camp on top of the rock, We discussed what we were going to do today. We needed to go back to the clearing with my improv strawberry bush, and despite my protests, Syl was adamant that she was going alone. “As much as I want you to come with me,” She said, “you need to learn magic. Once you get that figured out, we won’t need to do this at all.”

Sadly, she was right. I walked with her back to the stream, but when she set off down towards the strawberry patch, I was forced to stay behind. I walked once more up to the rock, and resolved to figure out this magic thing fast. 

I opened the book back up to the section detailing how to find your magic, and skimmed through it again. It wasn’t exactly the most helpful, saying you should be able to find it anywhere within you, and you just had to change how you thought about it for it to work. Frustrated, I gave up on reading, and decided to just try it until I got it right.

It was hard. I started by looking all over my body, concentrating with all my might on what I was seeing. No luck. I then decided to try and find it within myself, instead of on me. I closed my eyes, and focused in on each part of my body. It was all normal. No magical pools of energy or strange tingling, just me. It didn’t help that I was new to this body, and to put it lightly, it wasn’t exactly what I was used to.

Finally, I just gave up. I threw the book down in frustration(it's not like it was offering anything helpful!!!) And relaxed over by the edge of the rock. I just sort of let all the frustration in me fade away. I wasn’t particularly interested in screaming at the local plant life today, despite how well it worked last time.

Then, as I closed my eyes and relaxed, I noticed it. It wasn’t in me, per se, but more just everywhere. I wasn’t able to see it with my eyes, and I couldn’t feel it in any way. It had no taste, no smell, no sound. But when I relaxed, and stopped focusing on my five senses, I sort of noticed a sixth sense, a feel for the magic in the air. Focusing on it, I found it to be incredibly frustrating. I could feel it fine, but it was similar to when you see something new, and have no idea what to make of it. I was getting a bunch of information I didn’t understand, and I wasn’t sure what to make of it.

I made my way over to where I threw the book, hoping it would have an explanation. It did, but it took me a while to find, because now that I had noticed this new sense, I couldn’t forget about it, and I was finding it very hard to ignore right now.

The book did explain what to look for. The more dull something was, the less energy it had. I spent most of the day looking around and getting used to all this new information. I noticed that the air had almost no energy, with things like stone following closely behind. The ground was brighter, but faded the farther you went down, which I assumed was because there was plenty of plant matter at the top, and less the farther you went down. Living things like trees were reasonably bright, and animals were practically glowing.

However, this all paled in comparison to how bright I was. If the squirrel was a lamp, I was the sun. There was so much energy in and around me, I was barely able to make out anything within at least three feet of me. I was glad that I was fairly observant, or I might have missed the surroundings, especially due to the fact that the farther away that things were, the duller they were, until everything faded to black. Anything past around twenty feet from me was nearly pitch black, and what you could make out blurred together into the darkness.

Soon, Syl was back, with another batch of strawberries. We ate as many as we could, and caught each other up on our adventures. Apparently, the clearing was full of forest life, even a few deer and a monkey could be spotted, if you looked hard enough. I was going to need to make another plant, far sooner than we had planned, I thought as I laid down to go to bed.

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