The Commoner and the King

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

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As I contemplated the spell I was trying to perform, my mind drifted back to this morning. It was hectic, to say the least. I had woken up to a loud huffing sound, something huge had its maw right next to my face. 

When I opened my eyes, I was astounded by what I saw. There was a bear, towering over me. It had dark black fur. I practically jumped out of my skin, and let out a terrified squeal.

Startled, the bear had reared up on its hind legs, and to me it seemed like a mountain. That thing must have been over ten feet tall!!! Syl was over on the other side of the rock, and was desperately trying to distract it.

In my panic, I stumbled backward, and fell over. The bear bore down on me, pinning me to the ground. I needed to find a way out of this, and quickly.

Syl, in a vain attempt, kicked at the bear, trying to get it away from me. The bear didn’t even flinch, and went on ignoring her, but it was touching nonetheless.

Wait! Magic! I could use magic! Surely that would be able to get the bear off me. I tried to focus, and bend the magic to my will, but it was no use, with the bear on top of me, I simply wasn’t able to concentrate. Giving up, I did the only thing I could, and just dumped as much magic as I could into creating heat. The result was a huge fireball, tearing apart everything around me. The bear was obliterated, having been standing right next to the explosion. Syl had been flung off the side of the rock, and the local vegetation was scorched. Even the rock was burned, going so far as to be partially melted in places. It would take a while to clean up.

After the morning surprise taking form in a near death experience, we made our way down to the stream, and took the longest bath in existence. Seriously, if we were still on earth, we might have made it into the Guinness book of world records.

When we got back to the rock, we spent the rest of the morning cleaning up. I was drained from my fireball, but I still had some energy left, so I spent my time regrowing the plants that had been blasted aside. It was a good opportunity to practice, and I would never get bored of magic. I couldn’t think of a way to fix the rock, but Syl suggested that I check the book, and I obliged.

Which led to where I was now. The book had explained that, while elemental magic was the most efficient way of doing something, it wasn’t very versatile. If there was a particularly complicated task you needed to complete, you could, instead of converting the magic to an element, use the magic to complete the task. It took more time and concentration, as well as energy, but it was far more capable.

The book had gone on to elaborate that to do this, instead of pushing the magic through a lens to get it to the world, you would just mentally grab it, and tug it into the world. You would be able to use it however you wanted, without any of the restraints that physical matter had. If you could, it was recommended that you do it mentally, as this would be far more useful in the future, but if you were unable to clear your mind and focus on it well enough, you could use words to help. The words didn’t actually have any relation to magic, they just gave you something to focus on.

Finally, the book gave an example of how this works. Say you wanted to start a fire. You could use elemental magic, and turn magical energy into heat, which you would release into your firepit to light it. You didn’t actually have any control over the heat, instead you used magic to push it in the right direction.

Another option you had was to use a spell. You could, for example, say the word ‘burn,’ and your mind would naturally take that to mean that you wanted the wood in your fire to burn. You could also concentrate on the wood in the fireplace burning, and do it without the use of a word to help with focus. You would use some of your magic to light the fire, giving you full control over the magic, but using more energy.

With this in mind, I was trying to concentrate on the stone in front of me melding back together, the scorch marks disappearing. Slowly, without letting my concentration slip, I grabbed hold of my magic, and forced it into the physical world, bending it to my will. I almost lost it a couple times, but slowly the stone melted back together. However, I was still drained from my fireball, and this was the last straw. Upon completion, I kneeled over, passing out before I even hit the ground.

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