The Commoner and the King

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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It was cold. Really cold. Unbearably cold.

I had been lying here on this rock for hours now, trying, and failing, to fall asleep. And the longer I laid here, the colder it got. It was nearly morning now, and I was still awake. My body was sore from lying on a rock for hours, and my mind was racing, due to all the sounds of the forest.

Finally, when the faintest glimmer of light started to shine through the mist, I gave up on sleeping. I got up, and with a bit of effort, made my way down the rock. I was hungry, but I had no way to get food, so for now, I would have to wait. 

Wandering down to the stream, I tried to puzzle out how I could gather food. Since I didn’t really know what I was doing, I settled on hoping I could find some sort of berry bush. With my course of action decided, I spun a stick, and when it pointed back towards where I first appeared in this world, I set off that way.

As I was nearing The clearing where I first entered this world, I was suddenly blinded by a bright flash of light, and a girl tumbled out of the air. Unlike when I first appeared, this girl was fully clothed, wearing a dress similar to mine, but colored red and light purple. It had gold trim, and was styled like something a medieval battle mage might wear. The girl herself was beautiful. She had long blond hair, a gorgeous smile, and amazing legs. She also looked to be around my age, 19 if I had to guess.

As I rushed over, I had so many questions  racing through my mind. Was she also from Earth? If so, was she also formerly a guy? Struggling to stop myself from showering her with questions, I walked the rest of the way to her, and reached down to help her up.

“Who… who are you?” we both asked at once.

We both blushed a bit, cheeks going slightly red. “You first,” she mumbled.

“No no, its okay, you can go first”

“Thanks” She said. “I’m Sylvia. I was… offered a new life by God. I accepted, and now I’m here”

“No way! You too? Same for me. God pulled me out of my sleep and asked if I wanted a new life and now I’m here. I’m Bray, by the way.”


“Ah… I was a guy before this.”

We sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, before she offered up “You might want to think of a new name. It could get weird if we meet other people, and you introduce yourself as bray. I believe you, but others won’t. Unless you know a way back, you might just have to accept this.”

“True. Despite my lack of enthusiasm about this whole situation, I can’t honestly say that I would go back if given the option.”

“That bad huh?” She said.

“Mostly just dull and boring, but that’s in the past. I’m free from all that now.”

“Hmn… Do you want some help thinking up a new name? I’m sure we could come up with something.”


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“Let’s see… Lucy! No… Eve! Wait… I’ve got it! Ashley!”

“That’s… actually not that bad.” I mumbled. “I don’t know why, but the idea of being called Ashley doesn't really bother me that much.”

“Great!” exclaimed Sylvia.

“So Sylvia, do you want to go exploring with me? I’ve set up camp by a stream down that way, but I don’t have any food, so I was hoping to find berries or something. In case it’s not obvious, I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

“This is great!” She exclaimed. “I’m obsessed with this sort of survival stuff. I never thought it would actually be useful, but now I get to use it!”

“Okay then”

We set off to the left, deciding to make a circle around the campground. That way, if we found anything, we wouldn’t have to walk too far to get between it and camp. As we walked, we shared stories. Sylvia talked about her life on Earth a bit. She mentioned that she was from a big city, and how her family was rather old fashioned. Apparently, though they hid it well, Syl said that they never truly supported her interests in things like nature survival and skateboarding. They wanted a girly girl, but they got a tomboy.

In turn, I shared a bit about my life. I started with the move, and mentioned how I could never seem to fit into any of the friend groups in the small school in the small town that we moved to. I shared what it felt like to feel like you lack a place in society. The constant loneliness, and then the bullies. Marks and his group never leaving me alone, the way life just started to get more and more dull.

Soon the conversation turned to this new world we were in. We compared notes from our meetings with God, and while we mostly were told the same stuff, I did learn that everything had magical energy in it, and that magical energy was responsible for keeping the world running. Seeing my excitement, Sylvia elaborated.

“God explained to me that magic users were born with the ability to use this energy. They can sense the energy as well, although there are plenty of people who don’t realize they are magic users, as they don’t know what to look for. God said that he can also give people the ability to use magic, though he has only done so once before, and is hesitant to do so again. Apparently God took a liking to a mortal in a dire situation. God gave him magic, but it turned out that the magic that God gave him was much more powerful than anything else on this world. The mortal let the power get to his head, and he used it for evil. He tried to take over the world, and no one was able to stop him. Even today, his descendants have a bit of his power. It is heavily diluted, but it is still enough that it takes an entire squad of magicians to be able to rival them.”



By this point, it was starting to get dark again, so I led the way back to my rock. We had found a few berries, but we couldn’t recognize them, and neither of us were eager to poison ourselves, at least for now. When we reached the rock, Syl had a good laugh over my inability to start a fire, which confused me, until she explained “See that right there” she said, pointing to a rather large black vein in the rock.


“That’s flint”

“Oh” I mumbled, face flaming bright red in embarrassment.

Before long, we had a roaring fire, and when we lay down to go to sleep, I fell asleep almost instantly. 

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