The Concubine

Chapter 105: Meng Yuan, You Better Get Treated

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But since he realized the detriment of his intentions and saw where he was heading, he swore that he would never let go of Ling'er no matter what, so he had decided to cooperate with Situ Gong for the treatment.

But was Ling'er still angry after all?

Zhao Ling sighed secretly when she saw his pleading, hopeful eyes and pale and haggard face. She wanted to hardened her face and give him a fierce look, but she couldn't.

Alas, she was still too soft-hearted.

But she had to take this opportunity to completely correct his problem of not cherishing his own body. Because she couldn't guarantee that she could stay here forever. If one day she was gone, what would he do?

Therefore, she must take care of his body as soon as possible, so that he could cherish himself and live well from now on.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself. She didn't think she was a person who was concerned about gains and losses of life, but Lou Xinyue's curse was like a drop of ink that fell on her heart and could not be wiped away.

Thinking of this, she was ruthless and broke his hand, her tone still cold. "Prince Xuan take a good rest. Little girl, let's go."

After speaking, she walked out the door without looking back. After taking a few steps, as if she already knew Meng Yuan's next move, she said lightly, "If King Xuan still wants to see me again, then stay in bed for me now."

These words, which were as light as the breeze, seemed to have a lot of strength, and they suppressed Meng Yuan's actions of getting up and getting out of bed regardless of Zhao Ling's anger.

Not daring to disobey Zhao Ling any longer, he had to sit back on the bed again, and called out in grievance, "Ling'er, don't go."

But Zhao Ling didn't look back and didn't stop. The little girl seemed to have regained her spirits suddenly, and jumped on Zhao Ling's shoulder, grinned at Meng Yuan, and waved her paws, obviously gloating.

Well, there was always a price to pay for taking my blood, you see, now the retribution was coming. My master felt sorry for me, so she ignored you, haha...

Seeing that he was mocked by the little fox, Meng Yuan's face was ashen with anger. If this stinky fox hadn't thought about giving its blood to cure his cold poison and let Ling'er calm down, he would have pinched it to death long ago.

But Ling'er seemed to be really angry, what should he do to make her forgive him? The cold-faced prince, who had always been known for his decisiveness in killing, suddenly fell into sad contemplation.

Situ Gong felt that he must have been spoiled by Xiaojiao. Seeing his own prince's helpless appearance after being shriveled in front of the princess, he actually had a feeling of exaltation. Sure enough, only the princess could make this prince so obedient.

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He snorted inwardly, now that you were obedient, let me heal your cold poison. 

Alas, he must have been bullied by the prince for too long, and his state of mind was a little abnormal.

Zhao Ling made up her mind, and would not set foot in the palace of Xuanwang for the next few days, pretending to be indifferent to Meng Yuan. But in the end, she still loved him. 

Every day, she cooked a few dishes that he liked to eat, and gave them to Meng Yuan's new secret guard to cover her appearance in the palace.

Although the prince had no sense of taste, she didn't want him to be eating too casually, not to mention that he should pay more attention to food supplements during his recuperation.

The last time she went to Xuanwang's mansion, because she was in a hurry, she didn't observe Xuanwang's mansion carefully. So now, Zhao Ling only had two impressions of Xuanwang's mansion in his mind, one was large and empty, and the other was without women.

That was the obvious truth. In the huge Xuanwang Mansion, there were few people and plenty of time, and there was not even a woman. From top to bottom, they were all men, and even the cook was a tall and sturdy man.

Because Meng Yuan had lost his sense of taste for a long time, he didn't have any requirements for food at all. Eating was just a routine thing for him, so the food in Xuanwang's mansion was naturally not much better. With only the utensils and ingredients, one could imagine the cooking skills of the big man, which must be uncomplimentable.

The new dark guard's name was He Qing. Like Chang Dong, he had a paralyzed face. He did things in a straight-forward manner and had no emotions. He was far less cute than Xue Haolai. Zhao Ling wanted to ask him how Meng Yuan was recovering several times, but when she met He Qing's dead face, she swallowed the words she was about to say.

Alas, she might as well wait until the next time they wanted to take Xiaobao's blood and visit him at the Xuanwang Mansion.

Situ Gong said that since Meng Yuan had been suffering from cold poison for too long, it was not a one-time thing to completely cure him. According to his treatment plan, ten days was the course of treatment, and a complete cure required at least twelve courses of treatment, and for each course of treatment, the blood of the little fox must be taken once for medicine.

Just when Zhao Ling was counting the days and hoping that the ten days would pass quickly, another decree came from the palace.

It was the little eunuch who came to announce the decree last time, and he still used his sharp voice to convey Emperor Ming's oral decree: Zhao Ling, the eldest daughter of Duke Zhao Jiang's residence, must immediately enter the palace to be conferred a reward.

Zhao Ling was really reluctant to enter the palace, but there was no way, the emperor's order was unbearable, and everything here was the emperor's final say. Besides, the old emperor asked her to enter the palace this time to reward her. 

It was the same royal sedan chair and the same journey, but this time the place she went to was not the Funing Hall, but the Harmony Hall.

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