The Concubine

Chapter 135: Paying Homage To The Kinugawa Dead Soldiers

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Meng Yuan tightened his arms and wrapped her tightly around her, with an evil smile on his face. "Ling'er accompany me."

Zhao Ling couldn't help but give him a roll of eyes when she saw his smug smile. This guy's rogue skills were really perfect.

However, she was not disgusted. She even thought that Meng Yuan in this way was quite cute.

She crouched on his chest and drew slowly with her fingers, seemingly casually, but Meng Yuan felt that she was drawing one word.

"Ling?" He asked uncertainly with a puzzled face.

Zhao Ling smiled. This guy's senses were really sharp.

"That's right. A-Yuan, actually, this is my real name." Zhao Ling stared into his eyes, her tone soft and sure.

She knew that there were too many suspicious things about her, but no matter what the outside world thought of her, the man in front of her had always believed in her, protected her, and petted her.

Therefore, she hoped to show her truest self in front of him.

Where should I start? Zhao Ling thought for a while and decided to start with the fire.

The fire at the Zhao Mansion and the explosion at the crime scene happened at the same time. This was the accidental factor that brought her to this dynasty, and there must be some kind of connection between her and the original owner. That was why she could borrow her body and be reborn from the ashes.

This incident was so incredible that even an expert with a modern high-tech education could not explain it, so she was not sure Meng Yuan could accept it.

Meng Yuan had been listening quietly, occasionally interjecting a few words, and his tone had not fluctuated too much. Only he himself knew, listening to Zhao Ling's narration bit by bit, his heart was also tightening little by little.

It was not that he hadn't heard of it, but what made him uneasy was that Zhao Ling came from a thousand years later. And the world she had lived in and the things she had done before were all he had never heard of, and it was so unfamiliar and incomprehensible to him.

So, was there a thousand years between him and her?

Thinking of this, Meng Yuan felt a deep sense of insecurity in his heart. He used his arms to tie Zhao Ling's slender waist tightly, and turned to his side to press Zhao Ling under him, with obvious unease in his eyes.

"Ling'er, don't leave me. Promise me, never leave me." He leaned down and whispered in her ear, then took her earlobe and sucked gently.


This "um", she didn't know if it was an answer to Meng Yuan's request, or a natural response when she was emotional. Meng Yuan's unique masculine aura surrounded her closely, and the moist and warm feeling at the earlobe made Zhao Ling's heart tremble. She couldn't help but let out a low groan in the bed, unable to extricate herself.

Just as the two of them were lingering in sorrow and couldn't help themselves, "dong dong dong", a few knocks on the door interrupted the scene that was about to get out of control in the house.

"My lord, the carriage is ready." Changdong replied from outside the door, his tone was always rigid and monotonous.

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Situ Gong stood not far away with Xiao Gao in his arms, looked at Chang Dong who was standing at the door with sympathy, and sighed secretly.

This kid Changdong had stayed by the prince's side for so long, but he didn't even have the ability to look at things from different viewpoints.

Who didn't know it was time to set off, but at this time, who would dare to disturb the lingering moment between the prince and the princess?

Only a young boy like Changdong dared to do this.

Not long after, the door opened, and Zhao Ling pushed Meng Yuan to appear in front of the two of them.

Meng Yuan's face was dark and stern, and his cold and stern eyes stabbed at Changdong, obviously his anger had not subsided.

Changdong received the glare from his master, and he was puzzled and felt very aggrieved.

Didn't the master instruct him just now to remind him as soon as the departure time arrived? Why did the master seem to be very angry? Could it be that he didn't remind him early enough?

On the carriage, Zhao Ling finally realized that today was the death taboo of the soldiers who died in Kinugawa. For the past seven years, on this day, every year, Meng Yuan would go to the Feiyunqi garrison camp to pay homage to the dead souls of the more than hundred thousand heroes who gave their lives for the country.

Because Meng Yuan hadn't rested well just now, after getting into the carriage, she let him lie on her lap and continue to rest.

Meng Yuan felt that lying down like this was far more comfortable than lying on a bed. Under the bumps of the carriage, it was rare to fall asleep peacefully, but drowsiness gradually came, and he closed his eyes.

Zhao Ling watched his sleeping face quietly, raised her hand and stroked his slightly wrinkled brows.

Even when he was asleep, his brows still did not stretch. Just like the lives of these more than hundred thousand soldiers, he had never let go of them in his heart.

Meng Yuan had confirmed that Meng Tianluo had nothing to do with Guinuchuan. So, who would be the person who planned this conspiracy and intended to uproot the Xuanwang Mansion?

The carriage slowly stopped, Meng Yuan, always alert, immediately opened his eyes and woke up.

Feeling the familiar breath on Zhao Ling's body, such a natural and comfortable fragrance, made him feel at ease for no reason, so he turned around, put his arms around Zhao Ling's waist, curled up and leaned into her arms.

Zhao Ling's mouth twitched. Why did she have a feeling of seeing Xiaojiao?

Outside the carriage, Changdong's voice came. "Master, here we are."

Zhao Ling patted his back, Meng Yuan got up reluctantly, but still hugged her tightly.

Zhao Ling glared at him angrily, took the lead to lift the curtain, jumped out of the carriage, and placed Meng Yuan in the wheelchair.

Looking back, it turned out that this was the Feiyun Riding Camp.

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