The Concubine

Chapter 28: Intentions

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Was Zhao Ruo too frightened of the carriage that she had a miscarriage?

Seeing Zhao Ruo, who had fallen into a coma with blood on her lower body, and her face pale, Zhao Ling knew that the child might not be able to survive it. She frowned slightly. Instinctively, she became suspicious of the way the accident happened.

Seeing that Cui was at a loss, Zhao Ling asked Qing Luo to help lift Zhao Ruo from the carriage, and then to the carriage she was sitting in. Qing Luo didn't see how panicked the girl was, she held Zhao Ruo on the carriage with Cui's hands and feet firmly. Zhao Ling praised her for being courageous in the face of danger, and felt that she had not chosen the wrong person.

Although the mother and daughter tried to frame her several times, as a medical student, she could do anything to save her from death. This was the medical and Zhao Ling's professional ethics and principles. However, she was only a forensic doctor and had no experience in the first department of obstetrics and gynecology, so the only way to do this was to send her to the doctor as soon as possible.

It was absolutely imperative to just seek medical treatment outside. Zhao Ruo had not yet come out of the pavilion, if the matter of unmarried first pregnancy spread out, not only would she be ruined in her life, but she would also become the laughing stock of the entire capital with Zhao Jiang's mansion.

So after Cui's mother and daughter got on the carriage, she told the groom. "Return to the official mansion as soon as possible."

Before leaving, Cui gave Zhao Ling a vicious look, her face full of resentment. That glance seemed to remind Zhao Ling of something. She came to the frightened horse that fell on the ground. Fengze was examining it. Seeing her coming, he stood up and said to her, "It must have been drugged in order to make long-distance running. Only when the medicine is used, that the horse would suddenly go crazy."

Sure enough. Zhao Ling squatted down and looked at the horse professionally from head to toe. When she saw the ponytail, she understood what had happened for her to receive Cui's resentment just now.

The horse was originally pulling the carriage in which she herself was sitting. When she was out of the house, she noticed that the bottom of the horse's tail was red, which was the only difference from the other horse.

So she should have been sitting in this out of control carriage. And it was undoubtedly Cui's mother and daughter who prescribed the horse's medicine, no wonder Cui's resented her so much.

Zhao Ling snorted coldly, wasn't this just asking her to pick up a rock and hit herself in the foot, and make herself feel bad.

But who changed the horse? Why did the person do this? Did the person want to help her, or simply want to undermine Zhao Ruo? Zhao Ling stood up thinking about it, but caught a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye.

A lean boy in Tsing Yi flashed past the crowd of onlookers and disappeared immediately.

It seemed to be the guard with a paralyzed face beside Xuan Wang Meng Yuanheng. Zhao Ling's heart moved, could it be that this incident came from the handwriting of King Xuan?

"Fengze, thank you for your help just now." Zhao Ling thanked him.

Feng Ze was staring blankly at Zhao Ling who was lost in thought, bewildered by the light in her eyes. He was staring blankly for a while, and only recovered when he heard Zhao Ling talking to him. He smiled awkwardly, shook his head and said, "It's just a matter of effort."

Then he asked nervously. "By the way, Qianmo, are you okay?"  

"Of course I'm fine, I'm not in this carriage." Zhao Ling smiled lightly. This Fengze's temperament was actually very similar to Yuan Lie's. Looking serious and dull, but in fact simple and cute.

"Oh, that's right." Fengze scratched his head and glanced at Zhao Ling vainly, for fear that his careful thoughts would be discovered. Seeing the horse lying on the ground foaming at the mouth, he had an idea and said to Zhao Ling. "Ling, this horse seems to be dysfunctional. Why don't I call another one for you and send you home? "

After finishing speaking, as if Zhao Ling refused, he ordered a guard behind him to lead the horse.

Fengze was right. There was still a long way to go from the Zhao Mansion, and it was unrealistic to go back. But letting the dignified General Wuwei be a horse groom to take her home, it seemed a bit unreasonable. Zhao Ling said. "Fengze, you should be on duty, and you just need to call a horse groom."

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But after the guard brought the horse over, Fengze prepared the carriage by himself, leaped up and sat on the horse-driving seat, and said awkwardly to Zhao Ling. "Get in the carriage."

Zhao Ling watched the imposing Fengze sitting in a seat not quite commensurate with him, and suddenly remembered that there was a time when the police car broke down halfway and only temporarily requisitioned a passing car with Yuan Lie following a clue to a criminal suspect. The lady's battery car, Yuan Lie was like now, sitting in the small battery car, and said to her awkwardly. "Get in the car."

Thinking of this, Zhao Ling snorted and laughed out of a jealous past. She turned her head and said to Qing Luo, "Let's go."

Qing Luo also hid her face and laughed. Seeing the young lady speaking, she helped Zhao Ling into the carriage.

Fengze was a little stunned when he saw Zhao Ling smile at herself. Although she was wearing a veil on her face, her brows and eyes were crooked and her smile was so deeply imprinted in his heart that it made his heart move.

Seeing her in the carriage, his hale and handsome face burst into a happy and contented smile, and with a wave of his whip, he started the carriage. And his heart was flying like a horse whip in his hand.

The two Jinwuwei soldiers were left looking at each other, and their heads felt like this. Could they leave work early? Or could they take the opportunity to be lazy? The two tangled in place for a while, and finally resigned themselves to continue patrolling. If the general knew that they were lazy, the consequences would be serious.

When the crowd dispersed, Meng Yuan and Yun Yi slowly appeared from the corner of the street. Yun Yi was still in white clothes, waving a folding fan in his hand, and said jokingly to Meng Yuan. "A-Yuan, it seems that your future princess does not accept your affection. This is good for you, but now, Fengze was picked up by the idiot. Why? Well, how do you feel now?"

Sitting in the wheelchair, Meng Yuan still had a cold face and his expression was concealed. He just gave Yun Yi a warning look, meaning, "shut up."

It was rare for Yun Yi to see Meng Yuan deflated. How could he easily let it go? Ignoring Meng Yuan's eyes, he continued to ridicule him. "According to Lord Ben's observation, the future Princess Xuan seems to have a special feelings towards Fengze. What kind of feeling is this? Hello, Aheng, what do you think?"

"If you want to be a real dumb, this king can fulfill your wish." Meng Yuan said with a faint expression.

Yun Yi's face froze. "Meng Yuan, you dare to threaten me! If it weren't for me, who would do something that is not visible to mother-in-law?" The person who secretly protected Zhao Ling and secretly monitored the Zhao Mansion. Zhao Ling was secretly relieved when she was in distress, due to him. These trivial matters were simply an insult to the shadow guard of Woyun Mountain Villa!

"You can also choose not to do it." Meng Yuan's tone was still cold.

"Humph, nonsense!" Yun Yi snorted coldly with a little lack of confidence. If he had a choice, would he still do this kind of worthless thing? Had it not been for the former King Xuan who had saved his life for his life, he would have made him make a poisonous oath before he died, and he would be the ox and horse for the Royal Palace in this life, and after death. If he violated this oath, he would no longer belong to the Yun family. So it was not that he didn't want to, but that he had no choice.

However, Yunyi and Meng Yuan have been together for so many years. Yun Yi knew that apart from being a little bit mean, this guy also liked to put on a dead face, but he treated his brothers and friends with kindness. He just couldn't understand his Meng Sao appearance, and deliberately teased him.

It was just that when did this guy care about Zhao Ling so much?

Last time, even ignoring that she might have a cold toxin, he forcibly used his Zhen Qi to sneak into the Zhao Mansion to give medicine to her. He even secretly defended her in every possible way.

He looked at Meng Yuan who was silent on the side meaningfully, raised his eyebrows, and thought to himself, "it seemed that there will be a good show."

Meng Yuanhen concealed himself in the dark corner of the street, watching Zhao Ling's carriage slowly leaving, tightly grasping the wheelchair armrest, and lowering his eyes to condense the waves in the depths of his eyes.

She had never smiled at him, but when she smiled at Fengze just now, he had an urge to embrace her and declare his sovereignty. This woman belonged to him, and no one could change that!

At this moment, he finally recognized his intentions.

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