The Concubine

Chapter 40: Wuji Promise Teaching

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According to Zhao Ling's understanding, Leng Xiangning was actually hypnotized under the action of a certain drug, and the reason why she could be easily hypnotized was probably because she was too obsessed with it.

Examination of the remaining organs found no abnormalities. Zhao Ling finished the autopsy and sutured Leng Xiangning's incision. Seeing Leng Xiangning's stunning face, she sighed inwardly.

It was just that as the master of the dignified Huayue Palace, how did she get poisoned? What was the intention of the poisoner?

When Zhao Ling walked out of the ice room, she saw Meng Yuan sitting in a wheelchair far away, looking aloof and cold.

Zhao Ling curled his lips, this guy now showed himself with a cold and arrogant face. Was he still angry that she just forced him to sit in a wheelchair?

Speaking of it, Changdong, the personal guard, was really dedicated to his master's responsibilities. He was worried that Meng Yuan had been walking upright for so long and his body would be too much to bear the backlash. So when he went to pick up Situ Gong, he also moved his wheelchair intimately.

But Meng Yuan glanced at Changdong like a knife, and spit out two words coldly. "It's troublesome."

Chang Dong's face paled in fright, and he wanted to throw his wheelchair immediately. Had it not been for Zhao Ling's insistence on letting him sit and rest, maybe this wheelchair would be scrapped by him.

Unexpectedly, this guy Meng Yuan had a big temper when he got angry. Was it possible to coax him by herself? Zhao Ling thought for a while, but forgot about it. Not to mention it was not the time to do this, there were more important things to do now.

To maintain the effect of the Heart Erosion Technique, it was necessary to take medicine from time to time. More so, there must be a person who could administer medicine to Leng Xiangning without her knowing it. It was most likely a person from the Huayue Palace.

Leng Aoshuang was surprised when she heard this. So, was her sister killed by medicine? Who on earth was trying to deal with her so hard? And the ladies of the Huayue Palace who followed their sisters were confidants. Who betrayed them?

"Come here, go and call Tingyu." She ordered.

Ting Yu was always waiting next to Leng Xiangning, and no one knew Leng Xiangning's diet better than her.

Not long after, a blue-robed court lady came curling up. With a graceful figure and beautiful appearance, she was also a girl who looked like a jade flower.

But this Huayue Palace had beautiful woman, and Zhao Ling was a bit tired of aesthetics.

The lady in blue knelt down in front of Leng Ao Shuang, lowered her head and shouted respectfully. "Listening to the rain here, and she sees auntie."

"Listening to the rain, I see you too. You are in charge of the palace lord's diet and daily life, aren't you?" Leng Aoshuang asked coldly.

"Aunt Hui, exactly." Listening to the rain replied.

"Has the palace owner's diet changed these days?"

"Aunt Hui, there is no change."

"Can you find anything unusual?"

"Aunt Hui, I didn't find anything unusual." Ting Yu kept her head down, bowed her waist, and answered respectfully.

This palace lady was lying! Zhao Ling stared sharply after listening to the rain.

She learned some micro-expressions when she was a minor in psychology. When people lie, they tend to unconsciously tighten their body and tighten their shoulders. At that time, she subconsciously protected her actions, and sometimes she might not even know her actions.

She shook her head to Leng Ao Shuang, indicating that this person had a problem.

Leng Aoshuang's face shrank, and she was about to attack, but Zhao Ling raised her hand to stop it. She turned to the girl in blue and asked aloud. "You are called Tingyu?"

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"Exactly." Tingyu answered without raising his head.

"I heard that you serve the palace lord personally, so you could know what the palace lord liked to eat, what she least liked to eat, what color she liked the most, what color she disliked the least, what she would do when she was in a good mood, and when she was in a bad mood What would she do?"

Zhao Ling asked a series of questions, listened to Yu Yu in silence for a long time, but did not receive any answer.

"You are not listening to the rain." Zhao Ling said slowly. Originally, she was only skeptical, so she made a test. Now she could be sure that this person was not listening to the rain. As a close-serving court lady to the master, did she need to think about Leng Xiangning's preferences for so long?

Leng Aoshuang's face changed drastically, and she asked sharply, "Who are you, why do you pretend to listen to the rain and come into the Huayue Palace?"

Kneeling down, Tingyu suddenly let out a few weird laughs, slowly raised her head, and then tore off her face with her hands. Tearing off a human skin mask, she revealed a face that was brighter than Tingyu's.

She stood up and smiled like a peach blossom. "Princess Xuan is really amazing." After a pause, she continued. "It's a pity that Leng Xiangning who was such a good pawn disappeared like this. I thought I had to work hard to get her to be recruited."

Although it was a troublesome situation, her face still looked relaxed.

"The fire at Baoning Temple was your handwriting?" Zhao Ling frowned. "You made Leng Xiangning saw Tao Zhirui died in the fire with her own eyes, and drugged her when she was heartbroken and unsuspecting. Leng Xiangning would gradually lose her mind and become cruel and bloodthirsty."

The blue-clothed woman showed a touch of appreciation, "Princess Xuan is really as careful as dust, and very clever. But it's not good for a woman to be too clever. Be careful to get her upper body."

Before the words fell, she already moved her body. Her whole body flew up, rushing towards the direction where Zhao Ling was standing.

Zhao Ling felt that she was already powerless to do anything. In modern times, she could be regarded as a hero in female middle school, but in front of these ancient people who flew around at every turn, she simply was as weak as a new born.

But she couldn't just wait and die. She was about to dodge, when she was swept away by a flying figure, able to avoid the woman's attack. She then steadily fell into a warm embrace.

The faint smell of herbs came, and she unconsciously moved the corner of her mouth. Isn't this guy mad at her, but he moved very fast to save her now.

Feng Ze, Lu Ziqing, Leng Aoshuang and others were caught off guard. When they reacted, they saw that Zhao Ling had been rescued by Meng Yuan. They turned to besiege the woman. The woman couldn't do anything as she glared at them. After a while, she threw out an item, and the hall was suddenly filled with white gas, blocking everyone's sight.

The woman took the opportunity to get away, and soon disappeared. A word came from a distance, echoing in the hall. "On the third day of May, Wuji teaches you in Suzhou, waiting for your ride."

Zhao Ling was ignoring Meng Yuan's dark face, trying to break away from his arms, and to get up from his lap.

After the king continued to hug her in his arms, she fell on the wheelchair. She could only sit sideways on his lap, in a very ambiguous posture. No matter how thick-skinned Zhao Ling was, it would be a bit embarrassing.

After hearing the woman's words, Zhao Ling was startled and looked at Xie Mingyu, who was also shocked.

On the third day of May, wasn't it the 80th birthday of Mr. Misty? So the Xie family was in danger?

Lu Ziqing's face was also ugly. He came to Yunzhou this time because the prefect of Yunzhou reported a strange missing case of a group of scholars, and he suspected it was related to the Wuji Sect.

Du Yu, Li Wenzheng, Yunzhou scholars, and now the Baoning Temple case was added. Unknowingly, the Wuji Sect had made such a big disturbance. But she couldn't do anything, everything seemed to be led by the nose by the Wuji Teaching. How could she not get frustrated?

Meng Yuan was sitting in the wheelchair with the same gloomy expression, his hands holding the wheelchair tightly, and a trace of sorrow appeared in his eyes. A woman who dared to plot against her woman must not stay with the Promise Teaching!

Only Fengze looked sad. He asked Lu Ziqing to go south to investigate Wuji more. He was happy to see Zhao Ling, but he did not expect that Zhao Ling had married Wang Xuan. And by the look of things, Wang Xuan seemed to have affection for her. Only when he saw Wang Xuan holding her in his arms, that he felt his heart was severely sore and painful.

For 25 years, he had never cared for any woman in his heart. He hoped that his wife was someone who he could spend the rest of his life with. Any woman who could stay with him was an extraordinary woman.

Now that he found it, was it still a step too late after all?

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