The Concubine

Chapter 57: The Cave

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The Promise Religion dungeon was dark, damp and airtight.

Zhao Ling had stayed here all night, she quietly huddled herself in the corner of the dungeon.

The snake venom attacked more and more intensely. She felt as if her whole body was being roasted in the fire, and her heart felt like there were thousands of ants gnawing at it.

Her clothes were already wet with sweat, she licked her chapped lips, picked up the scalpel and slashed hard on her left arm. Blood immediately overflowed from the wound. The severe pain brought her consciousness back to a sense of clarity.

Thinking of the plan of the enchanting leader, she felt a little nauseated, so she propped herself up and retched a few times.

Suddenly, a white shadow shot from the only small skylight on the dungeon wall. Zhao Ling only felt a flower in front of her eyes, and there was a fluffy round thing on her chest. She took a closer look and saw that it was the little white fox that was in the jungle last time.

"Little thing, why are you here?" Zhao Ling patted the little fox's head and asked softly. She had always liked this cute little animal.

The little fox opened its big watery eyes, raised his chubby short legs, and squeaked at Zhao Ling.

A small bamboo tube was tied to his leg. Zhao Ling untied it, opened it, and found a small piece of paper rolled up inside.

A line of words was written on it, "the blood of the blue-eyed spirit fox can relieve toxicity".

Zhao Ling recognized that it was Old Man Duan's handwriting. She smiled slightly and hid the note close to her body. Seeing the little fox lift its leg, it seems to want it to cut its flesh and draw blood.

She smiled and gently stroked its furry body, "What a good little thing you are, why don't I call you Little Good in the future?"

The blue-eyed Linghu blinked, squeaked excitedly, and jumped a few times in Zhao Ling's arms, as if it was satisfied with its new name.

Zhao Ling was amused by its cute actions, but the next moment her body was like a volcanic eruption, and the feeling of burning fire came rushing back. She leaned against the stone wall feebly, gradually falling short of breath.

Seeing Zhao Ling's poisonous attack, and the pain being unbearable for her, the blue-eyed spirit fox raised his leg to Zhao Ling again, screaming and screaming in a hurry.

As long as she took its blood, she could relieve the pain of her poisoned blood. Looking at the little fox in front of her, Zhao Ling held the scalpel tightly in her hand, but couldn't cut the fox's leg. This little fox was so well-behaved, how could she be able to do it?

She gritted her teeth, raised the knife and was about to slash her arm again, when she heard a dinging sound, and the dagger fell to the ground.

"Hmph, Duan old man is really good to you, and he's willing to send the blue-eyed spirit fox to relieve you of the poison." Yin Zhan's evil voice sounded outside the dungeon.

Zhao Ling only felt the soft approach of a floating flower, and Yin Zhan's red figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

He squatted down, grabbed Zhao Ling's left arm, saw the blood-stained scratches on it, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and an inexplicable expression flashed across his face.

"Let go of me!" Zhao Ling used all her strength to shake off his hand. But under Yin Zhan's tight restraint, her resistance was so powerless.

Yin Zhan turned her arm over and put her slender fingers on her wrist, a look of surprise flashed on her face. He grabbed the blue-eyed Linghu and inspected it, making sure that Zhao Ling hadn't taken its blood.

Satisfied, he threw the spirit fox to the ground, lifted Zhao Ling's chin, forced her eyes to meet his, and asked : "What are you carrying on your body, why can you suppress the poison of Biluohua?"

Why does this monster like to pick people's chin so much! Zhao Ling really hated his action. She tried her best to control her emotions, looked at him with cold eyes, and said nothing.

However, Yin Zhan saw the red silk thread tied around her neck. With a flash of light in his eyes, he pulled out the red thread and saw the small and warm blood jade, making him frowned bitterly. "Unexpectedly, Meng Yuanheng has already given you all the exquisite blood jade. It seems that Wuhen and the others have indeed caught the right person."

Yin Zhan stared at the piece of blood jade, gritted his teeth and said, "Come on, clean up this woman and send her to my chamber."

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On the way to the shower room, Zhao Ling clenched the blood jade on her chest and thought to herself. No wonder everyone was poisoned at her grandfather's birthday party last time, only herself was fine, so it was due to this piece of blood jade. If there was no blood jade on her this time, the poison of the blue flowers on its own might have attacked faster and more violently, how could she persist until now?

The exquisite blood jade was so precious, but Meng Yuan gave it to her. Thinking of this, Zhao Ling felt a warm feeling in her heart.

It was just that Yin Zhan, the leader of the Wuji Sect, seemed to know a lot about Meng Yuanheng. Could it be that they have known each other before?

Zhao Ling couldn't figure it out for a while. But she knew that now was the best time to get out.

Zhao Ling had already sensed that Bi Luohua was actually a kind of sex. Spirit snakes had used Biluo flowers as food for decades, and its blood medicinal properties were unimaginable. Although she had the properties of the blood jade to relieve the poison, if she was taken to Yin Zhan's bedroom, she might really not be able to withstand his teasing and lose herself to him.

She couldn't let this happen. In any case, she must persist until Meng Yuan would find her. At this point in time, she could only hope Yan Mo could find out about her sooner and save her in time before Meng Yuan arrived.

Two Wuji religious women took Zhao Ling to a bathroom not far from Yin Zhan's chamber, and stepped forward to undress her. Zhao Ling raised her hand to stop them, her tone was cold, and her whole body exuded a sense of majesty. "You guys go out, I don't like being served when I take a shower."

The two female believers looked at each other. Although this woman was a hostage, the sect leader seemed to attach great importance to her, and she would be sent to the dormitory tonight to please him. Maybe after tonight, she will be favored by the leader. It was better not to offend her.

The two nodded yes and bowed back. Zhao Ling was the only one left in the bathroom, and of course there was a little fox in her arms.

Zhao Ling looked around the room, only a small window led to the garden outside. She patted the little fox's head and said to it, "Little girl, wait a minute and you jump out of the window and divert the attention of the people outside. Can you do that?"

The blue-eyed spirit fox was very humane, and immediately understood Zhao Ling's intentions. It nodded again and again.

"You're so smart." Zhao Ling patted its head in praise, and the little fox shook its short tail, as if to please her and leaned into her arms.

Zhao Ling carefully examined the terrain outside the window, and said softly to Xiao Gao. "Now, go."

The blue-eyed spirit fox got the order, and jumped out of the window.

The guard outside the door heard the change and immediately chased after the sound.

Zhao Ling took a deep breath, forced herself to regain some consciousness, turned over and lightly jumped out of the window.

There was only one guard left outside, and everyone else was probably chasing the blue-eyed spirit fox. Zhao Ling had the scalpel in her hand, approached behind him, and struck sharply, stabbing the Mingmen acupoint in his back waist. The guard was stabbed to the point, and before he could make a sound, he fell softly to the ground.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to kill anyone unless the situation is urgent." Zhao Ling thought to himself.

Under the cover of the night, Zhao Ling ran quickly along the garden path while checking the terrain.

Wuji Island was surrounded by sea, and she knew that she couldn't leave this place. She just wanted to persevere herself, and when Yan Mo learned the news that she was imprisoned, he would come to save her and prevent Yin Zhan's disgusting plan from succeeding. Then, she would win.

In the depths of the garden, she found a cave. The most dangerous place was the safest place. If Yin Zhan learned that she had escaped, he would never have imagined that she would not have run away at all and would hide under his nose.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ling bent down and hid in the cave.

There was not much space in the cave, and it could only accommodate four or five people. She sat against the wall and closed her eyes to calm her breathing. It was just that the running just now seemed to stimulate the poison in her blood, and Zhao Ling felt that she was getting hotter and hotter by the minute.

The feeling like being roasted in the fire came again, even stronger than the previous few times. Right now, she was weak, sweating profusely, and her consciousness had become more and more sluggish.

At this moment, she heard a few strange noises outside the cave.

"Who!" She shouted sharply, holding on to the last trace of clarity.

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