The Concubine

Chapter 78: Meng Yun Shizi Is A Lunatic

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"The wind is blowing from the surface of the pond, 

And beautiful ripples are exposed between the waves. 

Whoever puts a green cover on the water surface, 

But the cover is red makeup and singing lotus picking."

Facing such a beautiful scenery, Zhao Ling couldn't help but burst into poetry, stroking the soft white hair of the little fox in hee arms, and reciting a few verses casually.

Xiaojiao slightly opened her blue eyes, called Zhao Ling twice, then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

This little thing was not a fox at all, but a cat. How could she be so lazy. Zhao Ling tugged at its ears in disbelief, causing the little fox to raise his claws to protest in dissatisfaction.

Zhao Ling grabbed then its short legs, the blue-eyed spirit fox couldn't move, and could only stare at her sadly, panting heavily, with an aggrieved look on her face.

"Giggle..." Zhao Ling couldn't help laughing out loud. This little thing was so cute.

Under a big tree outside the gate of the small courtyard, Meng Yun stood quietly, watching the scene of this lady and a fox interacting with love, and couldn't help but stare blankly.

This woman was so beautiful.

Meng Yun did not know how to describe this kind of beauty. He had been in the flowery world all year round, and it could be agreed that he had seen and been with countless women, but in front of Zhao Ling, he felt like a fledgling boy, and the shock in his heart was indescribable.

Thinking of what kind of peerless beauty he had missed by his rash decision to break off the marriage, his heart twitched in pain. He swayed involuntarily, stumbled and stepped on a branch under his feet, "craaack", it was very clear in the quiet courtyard.

Hearing the change of sound in the silent yard, Zhao Ling looked over alertly. Her days on the on Wuji Island, had taught her vigilance and her reaction ability have been enhanced a lot.

Zhao Ling frowned when she saw the person standing under the tree. It was Meng Yun. What was he here for?

Meng Yun was not embarrassed when he saw that she had detected him peeping, and simply strode into the courtyard, staring blankly at Zhao Ling.

The beauty was close at hand, Meng Yun's eyes were fixed on Zhao Ling's body like glue.

Seeing him staring at her so directly, Zhao Ling felt a little nauseated, and her brows furrowed even tighter. Her pretty face became cold and solemn, and she said in a flat voice: "Meng Shizi, what are you doing here? I don't have anything to say to you."

Meng Yun saw her stern face towards him, but felt anguish in her heart, and said in a deep voice, "Did you wear a veil on purpose that day to make this prince think that your appearance was ruined and induce this prince to break off the marriage?"

What? Zhao Ling couldn't understand it for a while, but after thinking about it, she was almost laughing angrily.

Was he now blaming himself for not doing his job well enough to induce him to break off the marriage? She sneered: "If I didn't cover my veil at that time, I'm afraid I would've scared Prince Meng witless, and I could't afford the crime of scaring the prince."

"Then... why are you so beautiful now?" Meng Yun rebuked dissatisfiedly, with an injured and deceived expression.

"I didn't say that my face injury couldn't be cured." Zhao Ling couldn't help complaining about Meng Yun's low IQ, "Prince Meng, this small courtyard is a little secluded, you shouldn't stay for too long here, please go back to your guest. Qingluo, see the prince off." 

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Seeing his unreasonable appearance and listening to his words, Zhao Ling didn't bother to talk to him anymore. She picked up the little fox and headed towards her chamber.

Qingluo stepped forward and made a gesture of "please" to Meng Yun, but Meng Yun could no longer bear Zhao Ling's cold attitude towards him. Pushing Qingluo to the ground, he took a few steps forward to stop Zhao Ling. He stared at her sullenly, his body exuding a dangerous aura.

"Meng Shizi, please respect yourself." Zhao Ling took a few steps back and her tone was a little stern. This Meng Yun was too ignorant of the power of this mansion. This was the government's palace, how could he be so foolish.

Meng Yun considered himself suave and unrestrained, hence women cowered before him. But this woman saw him, and she wasn't shy and cowered, but blatantly disregarded him. How could he ever suffer such a cold face in front of a woman? He didn't know what was wrong with her to be that cold towards him. 

Seeing Zhao Ling's pretty face, which was as flowery as jade but as cold as frost, he felt as if his heart was suffocating and the pain became unbearable. His face became more gloomy and shadowy, and his words were a bit erratic.

"It's a pity. Miss Zhao is as beautiful as a goddess, but wants to marry the crippled Meng Yuan. I heard that Meng Yuan is still inhuman, so that would be a waste of Miss Shen's beautiful beauty. In that case, why not let this prince come to taste the flowery aroma of Miss Shen first."

Zhao Ling, who didn't expect to hear such obscene words from this prince, became stunned. Still in shock, she could only watch as Meng Yun rushed towards her like a hungry tiger rushing towards a fattened sheep.

Suddenly, the little white fox shot at Meng Yun like an arrow, and two sharp claws scratched several bloodstains on his face in an instant. As soon as the hit was done, the little fox immediately jumped back into Zhao Ling's arms again, showing her teeth and claws at Meng Yun. The fox's expression was full of hostility.

Qingluo, who was pushed heavily to the ground by Meng Yun, was unable to move. Seeing Meng Yun so deranged, she was so anxious to act that she struggled to get up from the ground and put herself in front of Zhao Ling.

Meng Yun wiped the blood on his face and was furious. What he valued most was his own face, but now he was scratched by this hateful little fox. How could he see people now?

He became more and more determined to want the first-grade beauty, and approached Zhao Ling step by step, the anger and bloodthirsty light shining in his sinister eyes.

Although Meng Yun was an ignorant playboy, he had also learned the martial arts of horseback and archery since he was a child, and his skills were not weak. Now that he was on guard, Xiaojiao's sneak attack won't work.

He approached Zhao Ling and pushed away Qingluo who was standing in front of Zhao Ling to protect her, then he wanted to hug Zhao Ling and kiss the sweet cherry lips.

Zhao Ling's face did not change, but was frantically thinking of her next move. 

While he was approaching her, all of a sudden, his legs softened and he fell on his knees with a thumping sound on the ground.

Two small pebbles rolled down on the bluestone floor. It seemed that Meng Yun was hit by the two small pebbles in the acupuncture point of his leg. Judging by his expression, the force of the pebbles seemed to be not too light. Meng Yun knelt on the ground with a grin and couldn't get up for a while. 

He stared at her in surprise and shouted angrily, "What have you done to me?"

Madam Xu and Luzhu heard the movement in the garden from the back room, and they both ran out. Seeing this scene, they were shocked and hurriedly stepped forward to help Qingluo, and asked, "Miss, what happened?"

Zhao Ling didn't want to look at Meng Yun, and said calmly to the two of them: "Meng Shizi was walking in the garden, and when he walked to the courtyard, he suddenly suffered a leg injury, and it seemed that he couldn't walk. Mamma Xu, Green Bamboo, the two of you will help Prince Meng to the front yard, and ask the government doctor to come and take a look."

She didn't want to make things worse. If today's matter spread out, it won't be good for his reputation or the reputation of Xuanwang's mansion. It was just Meng Yun, it seemed that he would be more wary of him in the future.

Mammy Xu and Luzhu carried Meng Yun away from the courtyard to the front yard. Before leaving, Meng Yun still had an incredible expression, as if he was still puzzled by why he was suddenly attacked just now. He glared at her fiercely, thinking: This woman, he must taste her.

Qingluo was thrown by Meng Yun twice in a row. She was weak, not as strong as Luzhu, so Zhao Ling let her go to her room to rest.

For a while, the courtyard was quiet again.. Zhao Ling sat at the stone table and said lightly to the empty yard, "Come out."

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