The Condemned Prince of Efrua

Chapter 7: The Cursed and the damned

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“Look I am sorry, Rian…” Asher said softly. 


“Stop being that way man although I noticed you have been not yourself since the time you came here.” Rian stated. 


“I don’t even know where I am!” Asher explained. 


“Let me die to save you idiot!” Rian argued. 


"We just met again after what has been years!" 


"That doesn't matter!" Rian shouted back. 


"Is the young prince here?" A voice asked. 


Asher looked up and saw a woman standing in front of him. She had long white blonde hair with light blue eyes that were filled with sorrow. She was dressed in traditional garbs but her attire was not worn by someone who lives around a castle.


He quickly stood and bowed to greet her. “I am Prince Asher, may I ask why are you looking for me?” He asked politely. 


The girl smiled slightly, she had very pretty lips. “You look much like your mother, I believe it is fate we meet today as well,” She spoke softly.


“My name is Princess Althea, my dear brother, however I must warn you; you could be killed or worse.” She warned.


“Sister?!" Asher gasped at the statement.


Princess Althea placed a hand on his shoulder. “It appears my brother has done something he shouldn’t have done so I will tell you this now before I change my mind, but if you wish to see our world again than follow your heart.”




"No one can see me, but you and Rian...remember the lady holding the crystal ball? Your future begins now! I will give you the tools to fight and the clues to find so please listen to the air, listen to the earth, watch me in the fires and grace the waters with my name and I will never be far!" 


Her vision melted away and then everything went black. He woke up to bright sunlight streaming through as his eyes became hollow accepting a sword of light in the palm of his hands. 


"Asher..!" Rian called out. 

No longer did he register those around him as he swung his sword out lashing at the guards around him. He charged forward slashing their throats ignited by the glimmering sword smashing them down one by one without fear of death. 


His face twisted into a snarl and his eyes were a mix between red and yellow as he sliced them apart and continued to charge forward. 


A voice rang from above as he cut another soldier down. He jumped and spun around slashing at the person who had spoken to him. His sword was blocked as he stumbled backward. He glanced around running up the steps of the mansion fighting anyone who stood in his path.


"Please...please stop!" A young boy pleaded.


His sword was blocked by an arrow aimed straight for his chest. He growled as another arrow shot past causing him to stumble. 


"Don't hurt him." A voice commanded. 


The boy earlier that held the small sword in his hands gazed up at Asher. He saw his mother from the side with a look of terror gradually snapping out of the sudden trance. 


She raised her arms and a large barrier appeared shielding both him and the boy. Asher let his sword fall to the floor and turned away as he slowly walked away.


"Wait!" The boy cried out.


"Asher is now not interfere!" The Queen shouted. 


Asher turned around watching the barrier disappear behind him as the boy ran toward him.


"Please don't leave! Please, don't leave me alone!" The boy begged clutching onto Asher's sleeve desperately trying to keep pace with him.


“Wait…who are you?” Asher asked. 


“Your half brother…” The Queen noted. 


The prince reached a hand down picking up his weapon turning it over in his hands.


"Please don't go!" The boy repeated.


“Nickolai! Enough!” She shouted. 


He lowered his arm staring intently at the blade of his new weapon. The handle felt cold against his hand yet it didn't seem like anything compared to his current predicament.


Asher felt numb and hollow.


"Brother..." The boy sobbed.


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Asher snapped out of his thoughts realizing that he had already walked far away from the scene unfolding before him. He stopped and dropped to his knees holding his head in his hands.


His body felt heavy after what had happened and acquiring the weapon from his sister. He became cursed he thought coming here was a mistake of it's own. 


"Guards seize him!" 


"Not on my watch!" Rian shouted.


Using his magic to fight back as Asher sat there defeated.


“Asher…” A voice said softly. 


Asher felt something touch his shoulder, slowly lifting his head and seeing a familiar face.


"Rian?" He mumbled.


The Queen mother Sorrel used her power in anger lashing out at Asher and Rian trying to pull back her child.


However, the two of them stood their ground blocking her attack. She began to panic as the two fighters refused to budge. She pulled her son away with all her strength, forcing him to run while she stayed behind to fend off the guards.


He watched in despair as they took his half brother away from him. He felt empty.


His mind blank he couldn't form a single idea other than to return to the kingdom and get away from this life.


With a deep sigh Asher rose from the ground and stared at the forest that loomed before him.Rian did all he could throwing his magic at the queen. 


"You are no longer my son Asher!" She insisted. 


His other eye glowed nearly blinding him as he turned the sword in his hands. With a loud crack Asher slashed through the trees leaving them in shreds.

"Asher! Wait!" Rian screamed as he ran after him.


Rian reached for the prince only to feel nothing but emptiness. Looking around Asher's eyes widened in realization.


In the distance Rian heard a faint whisper.




"Who are you?" Rian muttered.


"This isn't real are not meant to see me…" The whisper continued.


"Asher, come on!" Rian shouted as he tried to catch up.


Rian shook his head, still trying to catch up with Asher as he kept walking. Suddenly Nickolai stepped aside stopping him in his tracks.


"I'm sorry Sir but I will not allow you to leave," Nickolai explained.


"Don't forget me, please." The voice whispered.


Before he realized he had fallen into darkness.


Asher's eyes widened as he regained consciousness. Everything was fuzzy, his eyes stung as he sat upright.


"Prince Asher..."


The voice beckoning him wanted Asher to fight with rage and malice his eyes blurred unable to make heads or tails of who was around him swiping his sword left and right trying to hit something as he struggled to stay focused.


He grunted as he was tackled by another guard.

Ash landed on the hard stone ground breathing heavily as guards surrounded him. A dagger struck him in the side causing him to cry out loudly as he clutched his side.


Another knife stabbed his leg making him howl in pain. One more stab and he collapsed onto the ground once again, blood dripping from his lips. "I told you, he is dangerous!" The bulter who carried a bow and arrows exclaimed before running away.


Asher struggled to his feet, feeling the world spin as his stomach started hurting. Blood dripped out from between his fingers as he clutched his side. He looked around noticing that his companions had disappeared along with the rest of the guards. The only ones left was the three who held bows and arrows.


"Kill him before he manages to get to us!" The Queen shouted. 


Three guards rushed at Asher with weapons drawn, aiming for him. Blood dripped from between Ashers lips as tears spilled. It wasn't fair, he should have never been born this way. This wasn't supposed to happen to him. He didn't deserve this destiny...he didn't deserve to live…


Suddenly one of the guards came closer, raising his sword aiming to strike at Asher. Without thinking he quickly grabbed the sword with one hand thrusting it towards the man's chest. Blood spurted forth splattering onto Asher's shirt as he fell backwards.


Asher collapsed onto his side, coughing up blood. More guards surrounded Asher and attacked him relentlessly. He was tired and weak and unable to defend himself, not that it mattered anyway. It wouldn't matter what they did to him because he would die anyway.

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