The Confessions of Cassidy Cain (Grandmaster of Theft #1)

Chapter 10: Chapter 9: What Separates a Magician from a Swindler

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I reflected on Sokkinhveim as we returned to Himitus. To be precise, I considered how I might apply the advice I supplied the boy.

Simply speaking up struck me as the ideal approach at first, but I still couldn’t bring myself to. If I did share with her my sentiments, I’d have to share with her everything – thievery included. If I told her everything, she’d have to join the crew. I couldn’t have her knowing about my secret if she wasn’t an accomplice in some respect. It was far too great a liability.

But if I can’t do that, I reasoned, I might as well follow Wynn’s example and do whatever I must to slay my sentiments. They serve no purpose otherwise.

Thus, I reached the mental crossroad which haunted me for what seemed an otherwise inconsequential passage of time. Nothing occurred with regards to Gabrielle and Lilah carried out her tasks without fail, so I had sufficient time to juggle between gala preparations, discussing the performance with Becca, and debating if I should bring Becca into the underworld.

I realized I hadn’t considered Wynn’s sentiments on the matter the night before the confrontation. However, I decided against asking him then and there; his response struck me as obvious.

He’d say that I shouldn’t involve her because she’s a fledgling to the underworld and so it’s too hazardous. Then he’d expand on the hazardous point; he’d ask if I could bear the weight of her suffering on my conscience if anything happened. Finally, he’d say that the sole reason I’d wish to invite her into the crew is due to my affection for her. He’d likely loop that around into the point regarding the hazardous lifestyle.

What might he say if I built a case against those points? I wondered.

The first two struck me as simple to challenge. With regards to Becca’s inexperience, while she would need refinement, she was still a professional magician with years of experience. She had been performing as her mentor’s sidekick since she was eleven and studied a great deal about magic and performance under her older sister well before that. She wouldn’t be entering the underworld devoid of skill. As for the rest, she’d learn swift.

As for the matter of it being too hazardous, quite frankly, I deemed the thought of her suffering weighing on me absurd. If she joined, she’d do so freely and mindful of the hazards. Furthermore, while I wouldn’t be pleased if something befell her, I wouldn’t blame myself more than I would if something befell Wynn or myself. We’d all know the risks, after all.

I’m assuming Becca will accept my offer, I realized. If she didn’t, I’d place myself in an awkward predicament in more ways than one. I had to be certain that she’d ally.

I began concocting an approach which would coincide with my scheme. By the following morning, and a good night’s rest, I was ready to outfox Narcissa, test Becca, and hopefully present Wynn with a stellar case on why Becca would be an excellent addition to the crew.

Wynn fetched my sedan and we departed Cain Manor for Mini Chul once more. When we arrived, we found Becca waiting outside.

I couldn’t help but gawk as we parked. A midnight-black mini-skirt flaunted her smooth, peachy legs while a snow-white, low-cut V-neck flaunted her curves and jerked attention to her buxom chest. A midnight-black open-front jacket completed her ensemble.

Becca waved to us with her free hand – the other grasped on a briefcase I suspected hosted her magic supplies – then joined us in the car. A fruity fragrance caressed me as she slid into the backseat.

“I can’t believe the day’s finally here!” Becca said. “You’ve no idea how excited I am!”

“For the performance or for The Grandmaster?” I asked.

“Both!” Her mouth dropped open and her eyes sparkled. “Maybe The Grandmaster’s there already! Maybe she’ll see our performance!”

I covered my lips and snickered. “If she does witness it, I’m certain she’ll relish the show.”

“I hope so. It took me forever to think this up.”

“What’s the show about anyway?” Wynn asked.

Becca swiveled her head back to me. “You didn’t tell him?”

“We’ve been juggling numerous responsibilities.”

“Valid! Okay, Wynn, answer me this: what’s the difference between a magician and a swindler?”


“Nope!” Becca pursed her lips. “I mean, yeah, true, but that doesn’t get to the heart of it. Both swindlers and magicians have the same skillset. However… they differ in the why! Why they use their skills, how they use their skills, what they do with them – this is what separates a magician from a swindler! Swindlers might be called con artists, but us magicians are the ones really doing it for the art. Swindlers trick for money, we trick for art.”

“Aren’t you doing it for money too,” I said with a hint of humor, “seeing as you seek payment for your performance?”

“I mean, technically,” Becca said, “but my audience aren’t marks. Magicians perform for money, swindlers cheat people of their money.”

“So, magicians are good because they gain consent while swindlers forcibly take?”


I smirked. “Does that mean The Grandmaster of Theft is bad? Seeing as she is a thief who utilizes trickery and forcibly takes.”

“The Grandmaster is…an exception. Or maybe she’s something in between? I don’t know how to define her, but she isn’t a villain.”

“Rae and Gale would disagree.”

Becca let out a huff. “There’s something that I think is dumb that a lot of people do, Gale and Rae included.”

“That being…?” I asked.

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“Assume that someone is in the wrong because what they’re doing is illegal. The law is just a tool for maintaining order. There are tons who are immoral who act within the law. Why don’t people realize that the opposite can be true too?”

My stomach fluttered, but I maintained my poker face. “Is that what you consider The Grandmaster?”

“Yep! I guess you could say that The Grandmaster isn’t so much a cheat as she is…a counterbalance. Besides, what’s the big deal about her breaking the law? She isn’t a killer, and she makes sure those worse off get the fair deals they wouldn’t get otherwise.”

My cheeks sizzled and my lips twitched upward for a fraction of a second, but I fought against the desire. I can’t reveal my hand yet, I reminded myself, though a part of me was cheering that Becca understood me so well.

“Rebecca,” I said, my voice hardened, “I’ve a question for you. If Narcissa and I end up aligned against The Grandmaster, who would you side with?”

“Is that why you’re bringing up all this stuff about The Grandmaster?” she asked.

“Perhaps. Are my motives imperative to your answer?”

“Cass, I lo—” A grimace flickered across her face, and she twirled her head away from me. “You’re my bestie, but if you team with Narcissa, I can’t support you this time around.”

Answers like that are why I love you as well, I mused.

“Narcissa’s in the wrong,” Becca continued. “Haven’t you looked up stuff on The Maker’s Tear? Or heard all the chatter about it?”

“Gala,” I said with a teasing tone.

“The Dilmurid lost it due to a genocide! All cause some ass was upset that they didn’t want to fight in the global war! Narcissa shouldn’t own it. The fact the courts wouldn’t help them out is ridiculous!”

A grin threatened to spread my lips more, but I preserved my cover by forming a smirk. “One might think you’re The Grandmaster of Theft, given how strongly you speak on the topic.”

“I wish I could be that brave. That’s another thing I like about The Grandmaster. Regardless, Cassie, please don’t team up with Narcissa. Allying with her would be like you going back to being friends with Andrea.”

My skin crawled and my lips twisted into a glower.

“Hey Rebecca,” Wynn said, “you never did tell me what the show’s about.”

“Oh right! Sorry, sidetracked.”

Many thanks, Wynn, I thought as I sealed my eyes. In lieu of responding, I repeated my mother’s self-control mantra – that I cannot control others if I cannot control myself – again and again.

“Well,” Becca said, “I did tell you, sort of. Swindlers do it for money, magicians do it for the art. That means we can do something swindlers can’t: reveal the secrets behind the trick!”

“…Isn’t concealing your tricks literally part of being a magician?” Wynn asked.

“Some think that way. I disagree. While I can keep my mouth shut, I think hoarding secrets is dumb. Anybody smart can figure them out if they try hard enough. Magicians shouldn’t be defined by their tricks; they should be defined by the impression they leave on the spectator! In this case, I’ll be defined by educating while entertaining.”

“It probably won’t make a difference.”

Becca frowned. “Why not?”

“Because people are dumb. Even if a mark is educated, their emotions will likely overtake them in the moment. Logic means nothing in the face of emotions.”

“Maybe… Still, I’d rather try. If I can protect even one person from predators, it’s worth it.”

My breathing flickered in and out as I agonized over my predicament. As pleased as I was with her response, it likewise supplied me with more evidence for why I needed her to join. I couldn’t allow that perception – the one regarding Andrea, who I’d rather not discuss – to persist. The sole reason I decided against informing her of the truth then and there was for Wynn’s sake. I wouldn’t blindside him before the job.

By the time we arrived at Cain International’s main HQ building, I had soothed myself. We parked the sedan in my spot – I suspected there wouldn’t be any room to park at the event and didn’t wish to divide our party – and left for The People’s Plaza with the assistance of The Hitch app.

If someone somehow managed to steer clear of the news regarding Narcissa and then arrived at The People’s Plaza, they'd likely assume a parade was scheduled. Mounted policemen in forest-green uniforms clopped through the streets surrounding the city square and surveyed the cluster of civilians with expressions varying from carefully controlled to creased with concern.

I could understand why they displayed such expressions; Narcissa’s challenge enticed persons from all walks of life who were there for me. Some even displayed signs which read things such as “Steal my heart, Grandmaster!” or requested specific items procured.

Stellar! I thought as we exited the vehicle. Becca had more than a sufficient size crowd for her show. At worst, they would be a pain for me to work through once Narcissa arrived, but I had suspected that.

Becca, Wynn, and I jostled our way through a sea of bodies and stenches inhabiting the People’s Plaza’s outer square and made our way into the inner square. Becca found us a spot around the fountain and transformed her briefcase into a table.

Becca’s performance proceeded without complications or consequences to the caper. She was a magnet and the crowd’s coins hooked on her. It wasn’t until someone shrieked that Narcissa had arrived did her spell over the crowd shatter.

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