The Confessions of Cassidy Cain (Grandmaster of Theft #1)

Chapter 12: Chapter 11: Everything Has a Cost

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I rejoined Becca and Wynn not long after my exchange. Wynn remained as glacial as ever while Becca’s eyes gleamed.

“Watching you work is so fun!” Becca said.

I stage bowed. “I’m always delighted to please.”

“Anything else to do here?” Wynn asked as he scanned the surroundings. “If not, let’s get going.”

Becca peered around the crowd as well, though with a squint. “Something the matter?”

“I’m not a crowd guy,” he said.

I recognized Wynn lending me a means to leave, so I seized it. We hitched another car and the driver returned Wynn and I to Cain International. Becca, meanwhile, returned home. I wasn’t the happiest to see her leave, but I figured we’d reunite soon enough – and that I could reveal the truth when I did.

Wynn and I entered my car, at which point we could discuss the proceedings.

“Were you able to clone Narcissa’s phone?” I asked, my foot jittering against the floor.

“Of course. Not like I had to do much beyond stand nearby.”

I would’ve been pacing if we weren’t in the car. A part of me even wished to exit the vehicle and somehow meet him at Crossroads – I felt I had the energy to accomplish such a feat on feet! I licked my lips and grinned as we made our way to what I believed would be the sting – the moment the mark hands over the score.

I figured then was as ideal a time as any to bring it up.

“Wynn,” I said, “I’ve a question.”


“What’s your opinion on Becca joining the crew?”

“Ah, so that’s what that earlier stuff was about?”

I cocked my head, feigning ignorance. “What do you mean?”

“I know what you’re doing.”

“I’d hope you would, seeing as it’s straightforward. I wish to learn your thoughts.”

“How long have you been considering bringing her in?” Wynn asked.

“Will my answer influence yours?”

“I just want to know how much thought you’ve put into this.”

“A couple of days,” I said, figuring an honest answer was best.

“You haven’t forgotten what I said about borrowed time, right?”

“I’ve not,” I said. “And I’ve a response: everything has a cost. There are positives and negative in any course of action. As you also said, the alternative is to stop while ahead and turn a blind eye to people’s suffering. When weighing the two against one another, I cannot do the latter. Since I cannot, we must improve as criminals. Bolstering our ranks is the finest way of doing so.”

“How ‘bout this: what if I say yes to Rebecca, but with one condition.”

“What’s the condition?”

“You can’t date her.”

My body stiffened. “Why is that any of your concern?”

“I’m just mitigating a risk, just like you. I wouldn’t want relationship drama impacting us in the field.”

I ground my teeth.

“It wouldn’t be a problem, right?” Wynn asked.

“Why are you so opposed to me having a love life? You object to it with those outside the crew and now you’re objecting to it within. You’re presenting me no recourse.”

“So,” Wynn said, his voice smug, “you admit you plan on dating her? Meaning all this is driven by your emotions, not logic.”

Sablin! I cursed. I needed to regain my offensive, before he pressed his vantage any further. “You’re dodging the question. Why are you so opposed?”

“Because if you were legit about improving as a criminal, you’d sever attachments like that. Stuff like that is the cost of walking the thief path. You can’t have anything in your life that you can’t walk away from in an instant since, one day, you might have to. If you want to explore a relationship with her, retire. If you want to bring her into the crew, don’t complicate it with romance. You know what happens if things go bad between you two and she knows, right?”

“Becca wouldn’t betray the crew.” My voice was more assertive than ever, much to my surprise. While I had similar concerns, something about being challenged forced me to voice what I believed. “Even if things went awry between us, she wouldn’t betray. It isn’t who she is.”

“You’re only saying that cause you trust her.”

“I trust her because I doubted her. However, I didn’t allow my doubt to remain doubt. I took the time and effort to consider who she is, what she’s capable of, and why.”

A hush descended and the engine’s familiar purr replaced our conversation.

“Give me some time to do the same and I’ll get back to you on that,” Wynn said.

I slumped back into the cushion and grinned. “Reasonable enough. I’m willing to wait.”

Most of what followed what routine. We arrived to the safehouse not too long after that. Like usual, we guised our appearance and the vehicle before heading to Crossroads. Once we arrived, we approached Qiang and I provided the usual code words.

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“Lock the door and follow me,” Qiang said, altering the usual pattern.

Wynn did as Qiang instructed before we made our way into the backroom where we usually spoke with Lilah. She didn’t wait in the room, however. Instead, Qiang halted and turned to face us.

“Lilah is waiting for you in the basement,” he said. “However, before you head down, I must deliver a message.”

I rose my brow.

“There is a special guest with Lilah who wants to meet you.”

My heart skipped.

“If you agree to meet with the guest,” Qiang continued, “Lilah shall reimburse you for this job. If not, the deal proceeds as planned.”

Why did she acknowledge our relationship at all? I wondered. Who was this guest? How did they even learn of Lilah and I’s relationship? I needed to discover more about them and why Lilah valued them.

“Can you deliver a message to Lilah for me?” I asked.

“Certainly,” Qiang said.

“I will meet with this guest if she agrees to the following: not only will she reimburse me, but she’ll also send a retrieval for an item.”

His brows launched up. Then he bowed his head. “I shall return in a moment.”

A couple of minutes passed after Qiang left. When he returned, he answered my request with a nod.

My breath hitched and I couldn’t find words. Can I press this further? I wondered. Given what I had gained was a great deal, I decided against it. Besides, I needed answers.

The journey to the basement was swift. When we entered, a mellow, mossy aroma bristled my nose.

The wooden wall scones which surrounded a curiously adorable mink tapestry shaded the room a warm gold. Moreover, they flickered over the minutiae which lent plausibility to the replica.

A weathered timber, queen-sized bed occupied the space beneath the tapestry and served as the centerpiece. An almond blanket and stack of pillows, both of which featured a lime-green leaf pattern, decorated the bed.

A framed portrait of twin blonde teenagers – I assumed Narcissa and her sister – resided atop an oak nightstand to the right of the bed. As for the left side, an ornate, antique mirrored dresser filled the space next to the walls on which Lilah had installed beaded oak paneling. A chestnut-brown, shag carpet completed the rustic bedroom.

Stellar work, Lilah! I thought as I trembled from head to toe.

“This is her,” Lilah said.

On the opposite side of the stage presided Lilah and another at a table like directors on a set. I froze upon noticing them.

Lilah wasn’t what stilled me. The sole detail of note regarding her, if this can even be counted as noteworthy, was the fact she presented herself as Lilah instead of Aaron. A high-necked, embroidered silk dress of Shishuchul origin cradled her body from head to toe while a dark blue lipstick and violet eyeshadow decorated her face. As for the top of her head, a long-flowing, midnight-blue wig concealed her baldness.

The other was a little girl.

“Grandmaster of Theft,” Lilah said, “I would like you to meet Sylvia, my ward.”

Sylvia’s frizzy ebony hair which had been tied into a puff ponytail caught my eye first. Her light expresso complexion, a prominent nose, and shimmering white teeth drew my gaze second. Third, I noted the punk aesthetic she adorned herself with. She accessorized with a scarlet-red leather jacket with rolled-up sleeves, a gothic-black shirt, a plaid black and white skirt, stockings with stylish holes, and knee-high boots.

“You really The Grandmaster of Theft?” Sylvia asked with a skeptical voice.

The questions can wait, I decided. No matter what the reasons, Sylvia was a child. She was innocent and I’d do my utmost to provide a pleasant experience.

I kneeled and, once our gazes met, I shaped my lips into a courteous smile. “Guilty as charged.”

Sylvia squinted. “Prove it?”

I rubbed my chin. “How about I perform a job in front of your eyes?”

Sylvia’s almond eyes gleamed as she bounced.

“Lilah,” Wynn said with an assertive tone, “can we talk? Just us?”

I shifted my gaze to Wynn. In place of his usual composure, he wore a grim expression. I had never seen him exhibit such an air towards Lilah.

“We can later,” Lilah said, casual. “This sting only has this window of opportunity, right?”

“She’s correct,” I said. “Time is of the essence. Lilah, is everything ready?”

Lilah gestured at the replication around us. “It starts whenever you want it to start.”

I nodded, retrieved my burner phone, messaged Gabrielle, and instructed her to perform her part of the con. A couple of seconds later, she sent a message confirming she had activated the jammer and was about to leave the home.

I held my head high. Every piece had fit into its proper place. It was time to complete my strategic masterpiece.

“You may watch what I’m about to do,” I said as I shifted my gaze to Sylvia, “but please remain silent. We can chat after this is done.”

Sylvia zipped her lips and smiled with closed lips.

I snickered. “Much obliged. Now then, allow me to show you why I am The Grandmaster of Theft.”

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