The Confessions of Cassidy Cain (Grandmaster of Theft #1)

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: On The Move

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Becca answered on the third ring. “Hey Cassie. How’d the luncheon go?”

“Can I tell you in person?”

“Uh, sure. I’m kind of in the middle of something at the sec, but—”

“I normally wouldn’t ask this, but please leave it be. I need you.”

“Can Wynn come pick me up—”

“I’ll hitch you a ride. Simply be ready for when it arrives.”

“Kay… I’ll see you soon. Love ya.”

A pang struck my center.

“I love you too,” I said.

We ended the call, and I carried out my task on Hitch while wearing a smile. I didn’t feel like smiling, however. My mind ran through how everything could’ve been different. How I should’ve chosen her and retired sooner. The predicament we found ourselves in wouldn’t have existed had I chosen differently.

The past is the past, my more logical side said. Sylvia needed me in the present. Becca needed me in the present. Wynn needed me in the present. All of them needed me to be The Grandmaster of Theft. I rolled it back and forth, shaking off the stiffness while reviewing the next steps in my head.

“Sir,” I said, “do you still possess your drone?”

“Of course. Do you wish to stake out The Melting Pot?”

I shook my head. “Follow us instead. If I were in Narcissa’s position, I’d place a tail on me. What’s more, Gale might utilize someone else as a spy.”

Grandfather began to open his mouth, I suspect to protest, but I continued.

“Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Gale might not trust you to bring me down on account of us being family.”

Grandfather’s nose wrinkled as an uneasy frown darkened his face.

I jolt shot through me. My fingers tingled a little, though I maintained composure. Perhaps Wynn is right, I mused – right with regards to me being able to finesse our way out of the predicament we were in with Grandpa once we resolved Sylvia’s ordeal.

“Will I have to get rid of them if we have any tails?” Wynn asked.

“Of course not,” I said. “This may work to our benefit. If they’re connected to Narcissa, I’ll have an alibi for when The Grandmaster is present and active elsewhere. It’s the same principle as the gala grift. I’ll be in two places at once.”

Wynn crossed his arms while scrutinizing me. “What if Ozon uses this for a test? He has reason to suspect you now, so maybe he’ll send someone into the hotel while The Grandmaster is busy. You know, to check out to see if you’re there.”

The possibility was a lance to my innards. My muscles coiled as my mind flew to Becca in danger. “You’ll remain with Becca while I sneak—”

“You can’t go to this meeting alone!” Grandpa said, his voice harsh.

“I won’t be alone,” I said. “I’ve an outside man ready whenever. I’ll instruct him to meet me there.”

A frigidness paralyzed me as I realized what I had said.

“Cass,” Wynn said, “trusting him to get and deliver The Maker’s Tear is one thing. Trusting him with your life—

“I’m trusting you with my life!”

The true depth of my statement siphoned blood from Wynn’s face. He let out a long sigh. “Fine.”

“Not fine!” Grandpa said. “Kiddo, you can’t—”

“My life is all but forfeit if I don’t,” I said with firmness. “I haven’t much choice. Besides, I bear some responsibility for this, so I must address the matter. And I’ll do so while ensuring everybody on our side comes out ahead. That’s what it means to be a noble thief. And I am a noble thief.”

Grandpa’s face tensed, but he said nothing.

“Time is of the essence,” I said as I broke away to retrieve my Grandmaster cell. “Wynn, ready the car. I’ll be with you in a moment. We’ll figure out the remainder of the plan along the way. Grandpa, if you wish to help, ready your drone. We can discuss the particulars of the scheme on the ride to the hotel.”

Wynn nodded and began to leave, but he halted at the doorway and looked back at Grandpa, who had sealed his eyes and contorted his face into a pained expression. It took him a moment, but he opened his eyes and his face cleared.

“In case this is my last chance to say it,” he said with a low and even voice, “there is a part of me who is proud of you, kiddo. Cassidy. If Gale suspects me, he’s right to. I meant it when I said I wasn’t concerned with those you targeted, only your safety. I still don’t wish for you to be The Grandmaster of Theft any longer, but we’ll address it after you steal this victory.”

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A warmth spread through me, and a reserve of energy kicked into motion. I bowed deep. “Yes, sir!”

They left and I went about my remaining preparations. First, I messaged Crow, informing him to meet up at The Melting Pot. Second, I checked the status of Becca’s Hitch – she was already on her way. All that remained was the scheme for the encounter. Fortunately, I had something in mind.

“I believe the first half of the job will be easily achieved,” I explained once Wynn and I left.

The sedan darted through the backroads, its headlights slicing through the darkness. Per the norm, Wynn was at the steering wheel while I sat in the backseat, pressed against the plush interior. The one difference was my phone, which I had selected conference call for so Grandpa could participate.

“Sylvia will have fulfilled her purpose once I’m reeled in,” I said, “and so Ozon will cast her out. She’s far too inconvenient to keep in play.”

“Plus he’ll have less dicey hostages all around…” Wynn said.

“I’ll protect them all too. Regardless, Sylvia is the highest priority. She’ll be sent to Crow, who will escort her to a safe house. We’ll keep him on his best behavior making clear how important Sylvia is.”

“What about you?” Grandpa asked. “How will you get out?”

My lips spread into a wide grin. “I’m going to kill myself!”

“What?!” Grandpa cried out.

“Not this again…” Wynn murmured. “Cass has this obsession with wanting to fake her death.”

“It’s a classic! It’s why some of the best caper films end with the leads eluding capture by faking their own death.”

“How exactly would it work here?” Grandpa asked.

“Plan A,” I said, “I take myself hostage and threaten suicide. We’ll learn if Ozon wishes to take me dead or alive. If the former, I’ll feign it with some acting and beta blockers. The blockers will lower my pulse so low it should go beneath notice. It'll likewise draw attention with those present – I don’t imagine they’ll want eyes on us.”

“Trust me,” Wynn said, “this is better than the alternative. Cass researched pufferfish toxin first.”

I shot Wynn a glare. It would’ve been better had Grandpa not learned about that. “The key word being ‘researched.’ I’m aware of the hazards tetrodotoxin carries, which is why I decided against it. I take calculated risks.”

My Grandmaster phone vibrated. I had received a message from my other calculated risk.

I’m on the move, Crow texted.

“It appears everything is in order,” I said. “Crow is on his way.”

“There’s something you’re missing,” Grandpa said. “What’s your extraction plan?”

His question wiped the smirk off my face. I had nothing. I couldn’t rely on Crow – he had to escort Sylvia – and I refused to remove Wynn from his role as Becca’s bodyguard. If everything else failed, I’d have to resort to force.

I couldn’t say that, however. Their worries would only fester. So, with an even voice, I said, “I’m forgoing one, as part of my strategy.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me…” Wynn said.

“Ever hear of The Raid of Zoashui?”

“Just tell me what you’re thinking.”

“She’s thinking death ground strategy,” Grandpa said. “The Raid of Zoashui involved a smaller force sneaking into a location and burning their boats so they couldn’t flee if it went awry. With their backs up against the wall, they were further motivated to defeat a force much larger than they.”

“Our current predicament fits the conditions,” I said. “I’m already feeling quite motivated to execute it to perfection.”

“Edan,” Wynn said, “keep a drone on her. If he manages to take you, I’m rescuing you.”

“You must—” I began.

“Think of it as extra motivation to not screw up,” Wynn said.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and yielded. Nothing I said could’ve convinced him otherwise.

Anyway, since the plan was set, I ended the call and turned on some upbeat tunes. Riffs after riffs livened the car as we cruised to the hotel.

I purchased an entire floor for us once we arrived. Nobody could approach without us knowing. I took to one of the rooms while Wynn occupied another. Then it simply became a matter of waiting. Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait long. Becca arrived not too long after.

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