The Confessions of Cassidy Cain (Grandmaster of Theft #1)

Chapter 43: Chapter 43: Quid Pro Quo

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This is absurd, I thought as I slipped into my dress. Counting it, it was the eighth time I had swapped appearances on that day. I’m certain it was a record of some sort. Regardless, once clothed, I retrieved my heels and summoned Wynn to follow. If you’re wondering why I didn’t bring Becca, it’s because she officially wasn’t present. I could acknowledge her presence from an unofficial perspective – it’s part of how I intended to explain the room if questioned – but I had no desire to unless pressed.

Regardless, I instructed Becca to hide in the bathroom, behind the shower, while Wynn and I carried out the sting.

I sent a text to Narcissa which went as follows: I know about O. Come to Room 214 alone in ten minutes or else. If any Dama tries to stop you, threaten them with kidnapping charges. If they try to follow, threaten them with stalking. Make sure you aren’t followed.

If you’re wondering why I lured her to my rented room, the reasoning was simple: I had no inkling what spyware or such might exist within her own room. The less Vincent heard or could learn about what I would say to Narcissa, the better.

It didn’t even take ten minutes until a series of rapid whacks met the door. I gestured for Wynn to open the door, which he did.

Narcissa stormed into the room, the putrid odor of cigarettes wafting around her.

“How do you know?” she asked, her tone aggressive yet her voice pitched low.

“Wynn,” I said, “please step outside.”

He nodded and then did as such. The door clanked as it sealed.

“You can thank The Grandmaster,” I said. “I received a notice informing me of the big picture. Of why you pursued her.” I paused and leveled a stare at her before saying, “Of Ozonnole.”

“The Grandmaster is an outlaw!” Narcissa barked out, defensive. “It’s criminals—”

I placed my finger to my lips and shushed her. With a voice half her volume, I said, “I’d rather we not go through all this trouble for a secret meeting only for you to blow our cover by being loud.”

She began to flash a glare back, but she wiped the grimace off her face and lowered her voice. “It’s criminals going after criminals. Nobody good would’ve been hurt.”

I ached with the effort of maintaining a polite smile. My mind went to Sylvia, but I realized it wasn’t the time. “I’m not here to judge. I’m more of a…broker.”

She surveyed me with an accusatory squint. “So, you were working for The Grandmaster…”

I jerked my head in a no. “The Grandmaster contacted me tonight because I aligned myself with you.”

“Why are you helping her now?”

“Her feelings on the matter echo mine. We both wish to help you escape Ozonnole’s grasp.”


“By sending you into hiding. I have the resources to arrange and maintain such a feat. What’s more, your disappearance could easily be explained thanks to your conflict with The Grandmaster.”

My comment made slits of her eyes. “This is a quid pro quo, isn’t it? You protect me, I give over The Maker’s Tear. That’s the only reason The Grandmaster cares.”

I kept grinning. Truth be told, I was pleased she reached such a conclusion on her own. It saved me time.

“It’s better than the alternatives,” I said. “You could turn yourself over to the police, but I doubt it’ll do you any good. If there isn’t sufficient evidence of Ozonnole’s existence, they’ll drop the case, leaving you vulnerable to Ozonnole’s reprisal. If there is sufficient evidence, you’d be confessing to participating in a criminal conspiracy to kidnap and possibly murder someone.”

“I’m not a criminal,” she gritted out. “I didn’t want anything to do with this. I’m the victim.”

I propped my head against my hand and indulged in a smirk. “Do you truly believe you’d elude any consequences? Do you believe the law will take your side?”

Narcissa’s wrinkled forehead, fidgeting eyes, and tremoring hands spoke far more than her words ever could.

“What do you get out of this?” she asked. “If you cared about helping, you could just help.”

“I won’t deny I have an ulterior motive, but it doesn’t negate my desire to help.”

“What do you get out of this?”

“I’ve assets to protect from The Grandmaster.”

“Tell. Me. I’m tired of this runaround. I’m tired of you avoiding questions. Tell me or I’ll leave, and we can suffer together.”

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Her demand flattened my lips. Kakaz… I cursed as I realized I needed something plausible. The answer came to me within seconds: Rebecca. Narcissa likely knew I spent the night at a hotel with her, thanks to The Damatessa, so it would corroborate what she discovered on her own.

“My pursuit or your safety,” I said, to appear to resist a little more, “what matters more?”

Narcissa twisted her back to me and trotted to the door. I internally counted to three as she closed the door.

“The Grandmaster somehow learned about my girlfriend,” I said, “and she’s blackmailing me.”

Narcissa snapped back around to face me, her brows practically melted together. “Why does that matter?”

“My girlfriend doesn’t advertise her sexuality due to her job. Well, jobs… It’s all ultimately part of one unified project for her as a magician. Regardless, her work requires a certain amount of fantasy for the male portions of her audience – of which there are plenty. She pretends to be interested in guys when performing.”

She glanced down while attempting to maintain the mask of uncertainty. It dissolved, however, as her face softened.

“Let’s say I go along with this plan,” she said, her voice weary. “All you’d be doing is stashing me away. I’d be all but dead anyway.”

“Your disappearance would be temporary. My grandfather and I will bring Ozonnole to justice.”

“What could you possibly do that I haven’t already? I already hired a detective. Had them investigate Vincent and Sharpe Security after Oz told me to contact them for help. Know what they found out? Zilch.”

“I’ll solve the case,” I said. “I’ll do whatever I must, even if it means aligning myself with The Grandmaster of Theft.”

She tilted her head and cast a skeptical gaze. “Just to protect your girlfriend’s stupid secret?”

I shrugged. “Love is a double-edged sword. Though if that knowledge doesn’t suffice, we can draw up a contract.”

“What kind of contract?”

“We’ll document this entire affair. I’ll admit to cooperating with The Grandmaster of Theft as well as placing you in hiding and of my commitment to bringing Ozonnole down. You can expose me if I fail to uphold my end of the bargain.”

She pursed her lips. I’m sure she was seeking some sort of trick or trap in my statement.

“What about my babies?” she asked.

I arched a brow. “Babies?”

“My pets! I don’t want to be separated from them for too long!”

My jaw stiffened, but I plastered a smile back on. “You’ll be away from them permanently if Ozonnole isn’t dealt with.”

A frostiest of frowns gathered on her face. “Fine. But I want results in…six months.”

I blinked. “Six months? Seriously?”

“If you’re as great as they say,” she said, voice dripping with derision, “you’ll find a way.”

I chomped on my inner cheek. It was far from ideal, but since I already knew who Ozonnole was already, I was confident I could somehow make it work. If not, I’d figure out a way out of our arrangement without any blowback. After all, this wasn’t a negotiation at the end of the day; it was a con. I’d say whatever I needed to acquire The Maker’s Tear. And I did.

“Well then, if I’ve only six months to work with, let’s make haste on the deal. Time is of the essence.”
I recorded Narcissa signing a statement which clarified who owned The Maker’s Tear. Furthermore, I made her state as much on video. Our exchange can endure any legal scrutiny – meaning there’s nothing to fear should the truth ever surface. The Maker’s Tear was, is, and shall forever be safe from Narcissa.

Narcissa returned to her room not long after, though before she did, she granted me The Maker’s Tear once more. It dangled in my hands as Wynn returned to the room and Becca exited the bathroom.

“Finally,” Wynn said as he admired the diamond necklace. “Never been happier to see a shiny rock.”

His joke quirked the edge of my lips into a faint smile, though I decided against celebrating yet. After all, the job wasn’t over. I still had to address the head of the conspiracy.


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