The Confessions of Cassidy Cain (Grandmaster of Theft #1)

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Seal the Deal with a Kiss?

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Wynn escorted me up the stairway while I informed Becca I had arrived via text. 

The door’s unlocked, she texted back.

“I’ll be ready to leave around midnight,” I said once we reached her apartment’s door.

“I should be done with my stuff by then,” Wynn said.

I wasn’t the only person preparing for the coming operation. However, Wynn’s pre-heist method was more precarious than mine. He chose to participate in smokers, unsanctioned fights, as opposed to simple sparring. He reasoned it was closer to reality and thus better suited for his practice.

The fights take place in one of the many sections of Osynilia, the name given to the underworld of sorts which formed out of the various catacombs, abandoned tunnels, and so forth beneath Himitus. So, in other words, Wynn was literally headed to an underground fight.

“Please be careful,” I said.

“I’m more careful than you.”

I gave a dismissive snort and opened Becca’s door.

 The word which best described Becca’s studio apartment was cluttered. Labelled storage bins clogged the hardwood floor and stacks of books populated nearly every surface. Her television stand held books, her coffee table held books, her desk held books. The only area without books near was her dresser, by which a hill of laundry had formed. The room itself was far from spacious, with only a counter separating the tiny kitchen space from the rest of the room.

I shook my head. I had offered to find her a new apartment, even pay for it since I understood how high rent could be in the city, but she refused. Said she “didn’t want to be in my debt.” Perhaps I can convince her to allow Henriette to tidy this up, I considered as my mind turned to our family’s maid.

“Becca?” I called out. “Where are—”

A pair of slender, peachy arms looped around my waist.

“I missed you, Cassie!” Becca said, her voice as melodic as ever.

A faint, floral fragrance filled my nose as her plump chest pressed against my back.

My mouth watered, but I spoke with a calm voice. “We were texting the entire time.”

“Not the same!” Her bind constricted.

“As thrilled as I am to see you, I’d be even happier if I could breathe.”

“Sorry! Got carried away!”

Becca released her grasp and I twirled to face her.

Becca could easily be mistaken for Lady Ljura. Much like her, she possesses long, wavy honey-blonde hair – though she styles hers in a long, braided ponytail – and an adorable heart-shaped face. 

Her eyes are a lovely cornflower-blue, her nose a button, her lips pillows. If there’s anyone in this world who can rival a goddess of love and beauty in appearance, it’s Becca.

My breath hitched as I glanced over her. She wore a tight tank top which flattered her slim, curvy figure and cut-off shorts which complemented her shapely legs. 

“Still,” Becca said, “it’s been like a month since we’ve hung out.”

“I was preoccupied. I should be free in the coming weeks. We can schedule some more time together then.”

“What day?” She pulled an apple-red cellphone from her pocket and swiped the screen. “I’ll schedule it in for you.”

I narrowed my eyes and patted my right pocket. “You stole my phone during the hug.”

“Borrowed!” She held it out. “Though speaking of stealing, I got a super interesting text today…”

I accepted my phone as I furrowed my brow. “Does this involve The Grandmaster of Theft’s challenge?”

“Bingo!” Becca scampered over to her futon, plopped down, and patted the spot next to her. 

I strolled around boxes and settled next to her. “What do you wish to discuss?”

“Rae told me you plan to get involved in Narcissa’s challenge.”

“Did she now?” While Becca’s awareness made little difference, it made little sense for Rae to inform her. “What exactly did she say?”

“She asked me to ‘make you see reason’ so you’ll ‘stay out of it.’”

“You’re still an advocate for The Grandmaster, correct?” 

Becca bobbed her head. “She’s the best!”

“Then why does she think you’d object?”

“You plan to work with Narcissa, right?”

I clenched my jaw. “Worst-case scenario.”

“Rae said that you don’t think The Grandmaster will show up…”

Much obliged, Rae, I thought. “I told her The Grandmaster wouldn’t so that she’d leave me be. This is The Grandmaster of Theft we’re talking about. She will showcase something magnificent which will topple Narcissa.”

Becca cocked her head, frowned, and tugged her earlobe. “Will you work with her if The Grandmaster doesn’t show?”

My temple throbbed and I wished I could’ve turned our attention to something else. “If required.”

Becca grabbed my jacket and jerked me in closer. “Cassie, please don’t! If The Grandmaster doesn’t show up, that means she probably has something enormous planned! I don’t want you getting swept up in it!”

A knot rose in my throat. It would’ve been so much easier if I told her the truth. However, I couldn’t – or I supposed it would be more accurate to say wouldn’t – share.

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Wynn and I both feared the consequences of her learning of our extralegal ventures, though not for the same reason we hid from Rae or Gale. Becca had the opposite problem; she would seek to join. Wynn feared her becoming a liability due to her inexperience. As for me, I… I’ll address my concerns in a moment.

At any rate, I suspected she wouldn’t assist me if I didn’t provide her reassurance. “The Grandmaster only harms those unjust, correct?”


“Do you consider me unjust?”

“Of course not!”

Her swift answer baked my heart. I fought back the urge to hug her and calmly asked, “Then why worry? The Grandmaster won’t harm me.”

“But what if The Grandmaster doesn’t realize you’re not the same as people like Narcissa?”

“My family is hosting an annual gala which informs about and collects donations for environmental preservation projects. The Grandmaster will judge me correctly.”

She tilted her head and tugged her earlobe again. Then she clapped her hands together. “You’re right! Though still, if you do get involved with Narcissa, be careful. Narcissa’s… She seems like a huge asshat. I read some interviews today on how she treats her staff. And people in general. I wouldn’t want her pulling stuff to you.”

“She’s welcome to try, but I can’t say it’ll end well for her.”

Becca let out a giggle. “You should totally kick her like you did Andrea.”

My mind rewound to our time in private school, when said incident occurred. I’d rather not go into all the particulars, but the memory of punting Andrea in her side always cheers me up.

“I doubt such tactics will be necessary,” I said. “Though if they are, I’ve readied myself. I sparred with Rae earlier. I can’t imagine Narcissa is anywhere on her level.”

“Same. Rae is amazing…” She plopped her head against my shoulder. “But she isn’t as amazing as me! Right?”

“You’re the best magician I know.”

She popped back up and thumped her hand against her chest. “I’m the best period!” 

I snickered. “That’s why I turned to you for help.” I dropped down to a knee and bowed my head, mimicking an understudy to a master. “I submit myself to your capable hands.”

“Capable” fails as a word when describing Becca’s prowess. To say she simply slid the coin in and out of her palm through different methods doesn’t capture what she did. Her fingers danced with the coin. It practically melted into her palm, only to materialize once more when she commanded. I copied her movements, not as gracefully but graceful enough, and the coin reappeared and disappeared time and time again. 

Becca made time melt away as well. She ensnared me until my phone pinged. I read the time to find it was ten past midnight and that Wynn was outside.

“It appears we’re out of time…” I said.

Becca crossed her arms and pouted. “Drat.”

“As said, we can spend more time together in a couple of weeks.”

“How about this Ducidi?”

I frowned. “I’ve business with Narcissa, remember? And I’m preoccupied after. I’ve a gala to address still.”

“Ahh, but what about before? You’re going to go to The Plaza ahead of time, right?”

My lips twitched upwards. “Would you like to accompany me?”

“Nope!” Becca brandished a mischievous grin which showcased her pearly whites. “I want you to accompany me!” 

I arched a brow.

“I’m thinking street magic! I’d be dumb if I didn’t take advantage of the huge crowd that’s going to be present. Oh! Maybe I can theme it around theft!? A lot of people will be thinking about theft!”

I burst into laughter; her ambition never failed to please me. “Stellar thinking!”

Becca’s cheeks pinkened and she diverted her eyes away. “I’m just copying you. Sort of. Either way, we can both make some money that day.”

“Won’t it be difficult for us to spend time together if you’re performing?”

“Not if you’re my lovely assistant.”

My heart hammered as I noticed her emphasis on the word lovely. “I suppose I can assist. We may have to plan via text since I might be preoccupied, but I’ll find time for you.”

Becca continued to look away, though her lips curved into a tiny smile. Then she bit down on her bottom lip. She was contemplating something, but I had no inkling as to what. Or at least I didn’t until she sprung her arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a deep embrace. A jolt shot through me as her chest pressed against mine.

“Seal the deal with a kiss?” She closed her eyes and puckered her lips.

My lips slightly parted as I pictured what followed.

I could’ve slowly leaned in and pecked her lips once, twice, three times, likely more. Or I could’ve yanked her head closer and plunged my tongue into her mouth for one deep kiss. Nothing we haven’t done before, a part of me said.

We kissed in drama club for some production. What’s more, we kissed numerous times prior to our performances. At first, I rationalized it as practice for said performance. As affairs continued, I realized the depths of her affection as well as mine. Finally, I decided against our relationship progressing any further.

Romance is…fraught with danger. While emotions proved inconvenient, love and affection disturbed me more than any other. Love can blind one to the most treacherous maneuvers of those apparently on one’s side. Or it can begin well, only for them to forsake you when you’re no longer convenient for them. I couldn’t picture Becca ever acting in such a manner, but my judgment was clearly biased in her favor.

I grimaced as my gaze caressed her adorable face and glistening, soft lips. I didn’t wish to jeopardize my power, but… but I couldn’t dismiss her either. I relished her company. I relished her beauty. I relished her… her. I relished her. I adored her. I couldn’t bring myself to reject her.

I leaned in and brushed my nose against hers. “You never said what kind of kiss.”

She giggled. “I was kidding!” She leaned in and brushed her nose against mine. “But I’m okay with this.”

I forced a smile, gave my farewells, and departed. Only once I reached the car did I allow my true sentiments to surface; I heaved myself into the backseat and slammed the door.

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