The Controller

Chapter 1: Chapter [001] – The Start

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[ Chapter One: The Start ]

Hello... My name is Hoshi Yami... and this is the story of how I became the strongest being in the cosmos. Enjoy...


I had awoken, but I hadn't opened my eyes yet.


Laying down upon what felt like a hospital bed, I silently listened to the conversations of those around me. Men, women, boys and girls, even children.


It seemed as though I was an important person, whoever I was.


The reason why I said that was because... I died, I know I died, because I struck down, struck down by black lightning that screamed punishment.


It wasn't all that strange to me, because I had done many things that even the worst of gods would admonish me for, not only that, I've seen a variety of supernatural or unnatural phenomena that would shake and shatter the minds of mortals.


All of what I saw never really had an effect on me though, no matter what, because in reality it 'wasn't really there', right?


Well that's what I thought until that one time, the time when I saw a shadowy figure in the form of some sort of demon.


It appeared not to long after I killed for the first time, and yes, I killed, and I enjoyed it.


Anyways, the damned shadow demon would just randomly appear and disappear.


It was pretty annoying, especially when the damn thing would move closer in the corner of my eye or when I wasn't looking.


Basically, when it was there, it was like a weeping angel, y'know, those angel statues that move towards you when you're not looking at them, but then completely freeze whenever you look at them.


Yeah, it was like that.


Well, one time I looked away for to long and wound up with a set of three deep claw marks carved into my back.


Lemme tell you, it fucking hurt, it stung so bad it felt as though my back was on fire.


After that though, the shadow demon didn't appear for an entire month, but when he did, he was bigger, darker, and more pronounced, as if my blood had fed him or something.


Oh, the reason I'm saying this is because the set of three deep claw marks that were carved into my back left not a trace of blood.


Not only that, the wound was apparently cauterized upon contact.


It's crazy, right? I'd think so too, but since it happened to yours truly, of course Imma believe that shit.


I mean, the mother fucker clawed the shit outta my back, and it hurt like hell!


But uh... yeah, that um... that's something that happened to me in the past, so I'm gonna leave it at that.


Alright, where was I...?


Ah right, I was laying in what felt like a hospital bed surrounded by alot of people of varying ages.


I listened to them and heard a lot of strange things, but I noted it down in my mind for later.


Some of them were talking about how high-tiered beasts were moving in on the city.


Others were debating about what elements or attributes I would get, something like that.


I also overheard a few of them talking about going to a new unexplored planet.


The topics confused me a bit, but I jotted it down in my infinite mental notebook before proceeding to open my eyes slowly.


I instantly saw a beautiful young woman who had long and silky black hair along with a pair of gorgeous azure eyes.


Her gorgeous eyes widened, and she covered her mouth for a second before shouting.


"H-He's awake!"


Her loud shout was one of glee, hope, love, and surprise.


I truthfully didn't know what the hell was happening, but oh well, I'll probably figure it out in a bit.


The beautiful young woman caught the attention of everyone around her, and with that, what seemed like a hopeful uproar occurred.


I hadn't moved yet, but my eyes were open and observing the people jumping and hugging each other like their lives depended on his awakening.


But uh... after a dozen seconds, the cheers, hugs, and jumps all stopped, and they looked at me solemnly with sincere smiles.


Once again, I had no clue what was happening, but the words the beautiful young woman spoke next enlightened me ever-so-slightly.


"My... My Yami is awake, I'm... I'm so glad you woke up."


With tears streaking down her face, she said my name as- wait no, I died, so I guess Yami is the name of the current me also, hmm...?!

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Wait-wait-wait, what the fuck, isn't Yami the name of the main character in the light novel I finished earlier?!


A beautiful young woman with long and silky black hair, gorgeous azure eyes, a goddess-like personality, and a perfect figure with large breasts...


It's Sora Hayami, the fiancé, childhood friend, and 'true love' of Hoshi Yami, the main character.


Hayami is from the Sky family, and is the eldest daughter of the Sky family, not only that, in the future, she will be one of the few people in history to awaken a unique attribute.


But this isn't the only thing she will awaken... not only will she will gain her family's innate water element, she will awaken the wind element and the ice element.


Nonetheless, with that out of the way, I stopped holding back my words and spoke aloud.


"I'm glad you're safe and by my side Hayami. Foo~... It's good to be back."


My words, tone, way of speech, and gestures were completely different from the previous Yami.


In fact, the previous Yami was quite the naïve little imbecile with the only talent of his being his handsome face and innate charm.


My actions caused a wave of surprise to wash over the entire room, but not only that, those in the room seemed at ease and content with my 'new self' even if they knew not of why I was like this.


The only one who didn't seem very content was Hayami, but that was to be expected since she grew up to know and love the naïve little imbecile known as the previous Yami.


"W-What happened to you, Yami?"


Hayami spoke to me with worry, concern, and confusion... but it didn't faze me at all because despite 'my change', I knew that this little goddess would love 'me' no matter what.


"Nothing happened, my love, nothing at all. I am the same Yami you knew before, however I am not only wiser and stronger, apparently I am also luckier..."


A warm and wise smile had shifted onto my face as I spoke with slitted eyes and soft, sincere words.


My hand that I had raised up to Hayami's cheek came back down to my side, and after speaking my piece, surprise once again spread throughout the room.


"Remember what I said to you underneath the Jade-Leafed Tree? I told you that no matter what happened to me, I would always return to you safe and sound."


The extreme surprise and shock that was displayed on her face was quite amusing, however I didn't let anything show, instead, I continued to warmly and wisely smile at her as I brought a hand up and laid it atop her head lightly.




The blue-eyed goddess couldn't hold it in any longer and proceeded to jump into my embrace as I sat upright upon the hospital bed.


A hand of mine lightly rested atop her head as her tears endlessly flowed and she tightly hugged me, sobbing into the gown I wore.


We sat like that for a bit, and after a few minutes her tears seemed to dry up as she brought her head back and looked up at me with watery eyes and red cheeks.


Then in an instant, Hayami's lips connected with mine, and she kissed me with passionate intensity as her watery eyes closed and her soft hands wrapped around my back.


It wasn't really surprising, I mean... who wouldn't want to kiss their lover after they've woken up from a nearly three-year coma.


Well, from the memories that are slowly seeping into my brain, apparently I am indeed Hoshi Yami.


What I mean is that the Hoshi Yami from that light novel I finished before I died is now me, not only that, the fact that I'm also the main character with a system and basically invincible plot armor... helps quite a bit.


Am I complaining... no, definitely not, why would I complain when I'm the main character with basically invincible plot armor and a system that I'm going to attain soon.


Now sure, I may be the main character, but I'm definitely not like the previous naïve little imbecile, I... am way stronger than that guy.


But enough of all of that, and by all of that, I mean the kissing, talking, changing clothes, and other whatnot... kind of like a time-skip.


Yeah, after I woke up, everyone was surprised to see how spectacular my body and face looked, but it wasn't all drama, because my apparently 'fit' body from before, as well as my 'handsome' face disappeared, and in their place were masterpieces sculpted by the gods.


Light, clear, and smooth class-like skin, a body with cable-like muscles, and a face that goes way beyond aethereal, yeah, that was now me.


Oh and I ought to say that now, instead of having short light-grey hair, I now have hip-length ice-white hair and crimson red eyes instead of sky-blue eyes.


Needless to say, but I'm now six foot nine inches instead of five foot seven inches tall... yeah, I'm kinda tall.


But uh... anyways, after all of that, my fiancé Hayami brought me home to a massive mansion that apparently was in my name and only my name.


'She actually lives with me, sweet!'


Those were honestly my thoughts whenever I heard that, like actually that's pretty fucking nice.


Yeah so uh... after that we were served a large dinner for just the two of us that was cooked and served by masker chefs, and then we bathed together, after which we went to bed and stared at each other for a while talking and laying down.


Soon enough she fell asleep, and after she did, I tucked her in, gave her a kiss on the forehead, and went to the front of the large bed, before crisscrossing my legs, and meditating in a trance.


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