The Correct Way Of Feeding The Sick And Delicate Villain

Chapter 21: CH 21

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You’re a Very Interesting Person (1)

Ding Yi knelt down half way, trying to sound encouraging as she spoke:

“There’ll be someone to protect you and teach you skills. Why wouldn’t that be good?”

“It’s not. Don’t go, I won’t go either,” said Mu Yueshi, his voice sounding depressed and slightly aggrieved.

It was then that Ding Yi came to a realization.

So that’s how it is.

I was wondering why the boss was acting so awkward and difficult, but it turns out he just didn’t want to be away from me?

After putting in some thought, Ding Yi thought it to be quite understandable.

Judging by the fact that Lu Liheng accused her of being a demonic cultivator when he saw her, Mount Yuling wasn’t a place that would allow someone with an unverifiable background such as her to venture. It didn’t matter whether she had the potential to cultivate or not.

There was no way for her to accompany Mu Yueshi to Mount Yuling. He was an insecure child, so it was no wonder he wasn’t willing.

Ding Yi felt her heart soften, but she still asked again softly:

“But don’t you want to cultivate? To become stronger?”

In this world where strength meant everything, even children knew that the weak were only prey for the strong. In such a world, who could resist the opportunity to learn and seek power?

Even an ordinary person would take such an opportunity. The allure for someone with a childhood as difficult as Mu Yueshi’s was all that much stronger.

To survive, it was necessary to be strong.

Even though it pained Ding Yi to see Mu Yueshi bear so much hardship at such a young age, it was necessary for him to follow the same path that he did in the original plot. The rocky road of cultivation was unavoidable.

Mu Yueshi froze briefly, but in the end, he still admitted:

“I do.”

He wanted to become strong.

How could he not?

But before his desire for strength, was his desire to be together with Ding Yi. They had promised one another that wherever they went, they would be together.

However, Master Lu had said that he would never allow Ding Yi onto the mountain where the sect was. There was no other way than to be separated if he wanted to learn.

There was no way Mu Yueshi could be happy about this, and there was no way he wanted it to happen this way.

When Ding Yi heard Mu Yueshi’s words of affirmation, she felt a great sense of satisfaction knowing this is how things should be.

To become an unstoppable villain in the future, it was necessary to be ambitious when young!

She was so moved she felt the urge to offer Mu Yueshi some words of encouragement, but she was unfortunately interrupted by Lu Liheng’s arrival.

Lu Liheng wore the graceful and dignified white robes unique to the Yuling sect cultivators. With his handsome face bearing a slight smile, his calm demeanor was almost ethereal.

Mu Yueshi instantly stood straighter, greeting him:

“Master Lu.”

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Ding Yi knew very well the sharpness hidden behind Lu Liheng’s pleasant demeanor, and her back unconsciously tensed when she saw him. But to keep up appearances, she squeezed out a smile:

“What an opportune meeting. Is Master Lu also here… here to get some fresh air?”

Lu Liheng seemed to be able to see the fear hidden under Ding Yi’s feigned casualness, smiling softly:

“Miss Ding is a very interesting person.”

Ding Yi could feel her facial muscles tighten.

No, I’m not interesting at all. Master, please don’t say things that are so easy to misunderstand. My weak little heart can’t take it.

Lu Liheng glanced at the silent Mu Yueshi before fixing his gaze upon Ding Yi, gently smiling:

“I’m sure Yueshi has discussed his admission to the sect with you, Miss Ding. What do you think about it?”

Ding Yi was nearly overwhelmed by Lu Liheng’s unexpectedly respectful attitude towards her.

She would have never thought someone of his standing would ask for her opinion. His good reputation was well deserved.

“That- that I,” she stuttered nervously.

As if he knew what she would say if allowed to continue, Mu Yueshi immediately cut her off.

“Master Yu, there’s no need to ask, Ding Yi said she doesn’t agree,” said Mu Yueshi solemnly.

Lu Liheng was slightly taken aback by such an answer and looked towards Ding Yi with surprise, his friendly gaze taking on a much more lukewarm feel.

He was probably reconsidering the truthfulness of Ding Yi’s earlier courageous demeanor and heartfelt words.

Ding Yi felt wronged, staring blankly.

What*? What did you just say, boss?

*(This is in English, expressing her absolute indignation.)

When did I ever say I didn’t agree?

She wanted to refute, but the system in her mind, which just finished its maintenance, sent her an abrupt notice.

[Warning! The host should not alter the timeline of the original work. Do not attempt to change the nature of the character development, or there will be serious consequences. Note: Target’s Darkness Deviation Value is high. Do not attempt to artificially speed up development.]

At first Ding Yi was startled, but soon she felt her frustration explode:

Good grief, couldn’t you have been just a minute slower?!

You sure picked a good time to send your warning! You’re just out to mess things up for me aren’t you!

The system ignored her protests, sending the red warning notice once again with mechanical indifference.

Ding Yi almost felt like her brains would splatter from her rising blood pressure.

This was a great opportunity, she implored, but the indifferent system did not budge.

With the warning sign sticking out like a sore thumb, there was no way Ding Yi could go against the rules of the system, no matter how much she wanted to. In the end, she could only give up on the shortcut that was inches out of reach.

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