The Cougar’s Lair

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 – What Happens Next

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Chapter 12 – What Happens Next

An awkward silence filled Natasha's office. 

Liz and Natasha stared at each other for a long minute, having some sort of conversation with just their eyes.

Jack was feeling relaxed, reclining in his chair with his right leg over his left and his hands clasped before him. He had on a winning smile as he looked between the two women expectantly.

"Well? Is someone going to confirm my guess? Do I win a prize?" Jack asks with a wiggle of his eyebrows after the silence had stretched for a couple more minutes. 

Natasha sends Jack an irritated look before she sighs and nods. 

"Yes. You guessed correctly," She answers with a tight-lipped smile.

"Fuuuuuck..." Liz deflates and groans, putting her head in her hands. "I thought I would last much longer...The others are going to-"

"Don't talk about other Animal Masks." Natasha snaps quickly and Liz's mouth slams shut with an audible click of her teeth.

"Oh, no, don't mind me! Please, be at ease and say whatever you want." Jack goads and barks a laugh.

"I don't think any of us expected you to guess correctly on day 1...Perhaps this will be a lesson to be more cautious with him moving forward. Either way, congratulations are in order, Jack. As promised, you will get your end of the bargain and she will get hers. For now, however," Natasha continues and waves at Liz, motioning for the door, "Why don't you leave us so that Jack and I can talk logistics. I will call you tonight and we can go over everything."

Liz nods and starts to get up, but Jack clears his throat to get their attention. "*Ahem* Not so fast, Natasha. I promised Liz punishments for defying my orders on the way here, and, yet, she did so twice on our way to your office. What kind of good Dom would I be if I let that pass?"

"She can make them to you another time-" Natasha begins with a frown, but Jack will hear none of it.

"Nonsense!" Jack exclaims and waves the objections away as he uncrosses his legs and pats his thighs twice with a hand, "Liz, I want you to come over to me and lay yourself across my lap. Hike up that skirt, however, I would hate to muss the fabric."

"W-What? Y-You can't expect me to do t-that in Natasha's..." Liz tries to argue, but Jack puts an end to that real quick. 

"Now, Liz. I want to make your pearly white ass cheeks glow red. Lay across my lap and present them...Unless you want to add another punishment to the list? I will be lenient with your refusal just this once, given the circumstances."

Liz stares at Jack with wide eyes, a slight tremble to her lips as her face flushes completely red. 

Jack thought back to her Animal Mask fantasy:

She wants to be tamed by White Mask completely; Forced to do his bidding at all times, but she won't make it easy on him. He will need to keep her on a tight leash, otherwise, she is guaranteed to do something to annoy him.

'This is going to be fun.' Jack thinks with an internal chuckle, "Brats were always some of my least favorites to deal with, but being able to do this right in front of Natasha? How could I pass up that opportunity?' The smile on his face gains a bit of a wicked glint as he turns his attention to the shocked Natasha.

Natasha, who had been watching this interaction bemusedly, finally decides to step in. 

"Jack..." She says with a frown, "Liz isn't into shame or public play. That is why we need to go over this next part. Once you correctly guess an Animal Mask, you get a full profile on their sexuality. We have created an extensive 300-question test that every Animal Mask has taken beforehand. The results of that test will be your guide to being the best Dom for them, you can't just wing it and hope for the best. That is not the treatment they are paying for."

Jack's smile sours. 

To be fair, that was exactly what he was doing. He wasn't told how this whole thing worked, and he was very thankful that he got some information to prepare before he had to do the deed with them, but the fact that he was forced into this made him really, really want to test the boundaries of all the rules Natasha sets.

He figured this would be the wrong way to go about it when he made his plans for Liz yesterday, but he still went through with it to see what happened. 

How did he know Liz was the Rabbit before today? 

Brats were some of the easiest to out in the BDSM community - Though "out" was the wrong word for it. That community is all about inclusiveness, so even if one was outed, it would be celebrated and not looked down on. 

Liz had been acting bratty towards him since day 1, and he already pegged her as one before he knew about the game. So when he saw that the Rabbit's main kink was being a Brat, it was fairly simple to connect the dots. He just had to test the waters today, and he had done exactly that to confirm her identity:

Egg her on, make a command, see her reaction, play it off as a joke, watch her new reaction, and~ Voilà!

It was all planned beforehand, and it worked magnificently. 

That had been his first test of the boundaries. His next was what he was doing now. 

Natasha continues from where she left off. "Now, Liz, it would be best if Jack and I had this conversation in private, so as to not spoil anything or embarrass you while we do our brainstorming. Go ahead and leave so we can-"

'Wait for it...' Jack thinks, hiding his smile that so desperately wanted to burst free.

"Um...Actually..." Liz splutters out, her face so red she would look at home in a tomato patch. She takes a deep breath and looks at Jack with determination. "I don't mind."

Liz takes several shaky steps towards Jack, glances at Natasha briefly, blushes even harder, and then looks down at Jack from where she stands next to his chair. Her hands tremble in anticipation as she slowly pulls up her black business skirt until it is past her waist.

She then looks into his eyes and breathily asks, "Is this to your liking...Sir?"

Underneath her skirt was a silky, black-lace garter belt that connected her panties to her glossy black stockings. It screamed office MILF, and Jack very much appreciated the view. 

'Well, shit. I didn't think that would actually work...' Jack thinks with a chuckle. He thought for sure that Liz would deny it or Natasha would stop it before it happened. He didn't mind, however. Jack more than appreciated the view of her long, pale legs and plump thighs. 

"Very much," Jack says taking several seconds to appreciate her from multiple angles. 

He was, of course, happy to go through with his offer, especially in front of Natasha.

Speaking of Natasha...

"Excuse me, this is my office! I would appreciate it if you kept your conquests outside of-" A now pissed Nat starts to say, but Jack was not letting her gain any advantage today.

"Oh? I thought you loved having sex in your office?" Jack counters with a fake innocent expression, "We must have done it, what, 20-30 times in here?"

Natasha blanches and shoots Jack a scowl of indignation.

Jack answers with a victorious smile as Liz carefully lays herself across his lap. Her ass is now slightly off to his left and her clothed back and head off to his right.

Sighing to herself in resignation, Natasha sits up straight and pulls out several more pieces of paper from her desk. 

'If Liz and Jack both agree to it, then I will just let it happen...Even if it is in my office...This is what Liz paid for, after all, and I am sure this situation is exciting for her. Jack is retaliating against me, thinking this would get on my nerves. Unfortunately for him, I am not that easy to offend. I also have no problem with threesomes or watching, so, if anything, this is only making me horny.' She thinks with an internal chuckle. 

Still, she couldn't let him know that. If this was helping him through his anger, then so be it. She deserved much worse, she knew.

"Fine," Natasha snaps shortly, playing the part of a jilted lover. "Shall we get this discussion started, or do you two need a moment?" She asks with a tight-lipped business-like smile. 

*Slap* "Ahn!"

"I think we are good to go," Jack answers as he brings his left hand down onto Liz's ass cheek. He doesn't slap her too hard, not knowing if she was into pain or not yet, but he did it hard enough to leave a light hand print on her alabaster flesh.

Liz lets out a moan, but, apparently didn't mean to as she quickly covers her face with her hands in embarrassment. 

Jack chuckles as he looks over to Natasha with a look of victory on his face. 

'God my man is hot...' Natasha thinks. 

"Great. Try to keep that down while I explain." Natasha says with a twitch of her eyebrow, acting directly opposite of how she actually felt.

* | * | *

Later That Evening - Natasha's Apartment

Natasha lays back on her bed thinking about the day she just had. 

It started normally enough, but, as soon as Jack stormed into her office holding Liz by the arm, she knew her normal day was over. 

They had discussed what was required of them both after correctly guessing an Animal Mask, what information Jack would receive, clarifying the rewards again, and discussed at length the practice sessions Jack and she would share before the live session could start. 

The practice session was a rule she put in for herself. She wanted to say it was for the business or for the reason she gave Jack (They needed to make sure the discovered Animal Mask's session was perfect and that they got their money's worth), but the truth of the matter was that she needed these for her main goal. 

Natasha needed them to show Jack that they were perfect for one another. 

Yes, as much as she knew it was a forgone conclusion that Jack would hate her for, possibly, the rest of their lives, she still clung to the hope that, through these intimate one-on-one sessions, he would see her as the perfect woman she knew she was for him. 

Natasha didn't want him to change who he was, as much as he probably thought she did, she just wanted him to realize his potential. She wanted to show him that he found his calling already! That he doesn't need to give into the pressures of a "Proper-Society" that only wanted to force him into a carbon copy of everyone else.

He was so beautifully unique...and now he wanted to be remade from a plastic mold.

That: His uniqueness.

That is what she was fighting to protect. It had nothing to do with his career path or if he wanted to work in the industry anymore. She had long accepted that he would never be a porn star again, and, besides, he would have had to retire sooner or later anyway. The thing she refused to allow him to let go of, however, was his uniqueness. 

This is where she fits in! Natasha had the means and opportunity to singlehandedly fulfill that unique aspect of Jack's life. Through her efforts, he will be able to fully explore his skills at pleasuring and dominating women, and, hopefully, when it was all done, he would forgive her and they could get married. 

The sex business part of The Cougar Club would have to go, but the modeling agency could stay. Jack would keep his position using what he learned in college, he could model if he wants to or help hire new male models if he didn't, Natasha could continue her work as the CEO of the company, and they could even share whatever willing models caught their eye! 

Natasha would never give Jack's heart to anyone, but she was more than willing to share their bed. The thought of them working as a Dom pair and breaking in newbies...


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He would ask the babysitter if she wanted an alternate form of payment while I nodded seductively...

We would strip her down and kiss and lick her all over...

I would force her head deeper onto his cock while I kissed him and teased her pussy...

He would fuck her from behind while she ate me out, us staring at each other the whole time...

Then we could start with the toys and restraints...and...and...


Natasha spasmed in pleasure and felt the waves of heat flash over her body as she experienced an orgasm...and then the fantasy was over.

After the bliss ended, reality sunk in, and its claws dug painful trails into her heart. 

"Urg!" Natasha screams out in frustration and grabs some tissues near her bed to clean herself off. She then rolls over on her bed and buries her face into her pillow. 

In truth, none of that was likely to happen. She had just been blowing off steam since the whole thing in her office had left her so hot and bothered...

During their conversation earlier, Jack did everything he could to get under her skin through Liz.

It started with the spanks, then he undid a few buttons on her blouse and played with her nipples. When that didn't rattle Natasha, he slipped his fingers inside Liz's dripping pussy slowly, undoing her garter belt ties and moving aside her panties in the process.

Liz went from the occasional yelp and moan to practically yowling like a cat when he started that. It was a good thing Natasha's office was soundproof. 

Jack seemed to grow annoyed with Liz's sounds after 10 minutes or so, especially when she came and screamed. His solution was to have her stuff her own panties into her mouth to quiet her down.

During this part of the conversation, Natasha was still feeling in control. She was turned on from the scene happening before her, but, other than a slight reddening to her cheeks, she had continued her act of pretending to be irritated masterfully.

That's when the big surprise happened. 

After making her cum for the second time, Jack seemed to be done with what he had planned for Liz, so he stopped, sat her up, and told her that her punishments were completed.

Liz, however, was not yet satisfied and decided to push things further. 

She narrowed her eyes at Jack, spit her own panties in his face, then crouched down between his legs and started undoing his pants button. 

Jack had just recovered from his surprise due to her action when she had freed his member from his boxers and gave it a long, slow lick.

He glared at her as she smiled smugly up at him past her rimless glasses. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and went down for another lick, but Jack was not going to leave that outburst unpunished. He grabbed the back of her head and forced her down as far as she could go onto his cock. 

He didn't technically force her, as she was not at all unwilling, but it was more like he guided her until she resisted naturally herself. He used that stopping point as a gauge of where he was safe to hold her. Like most things in BDSM, it was meant to be uncomfortable to stimulate a sexual itch, but not seriously painful or harmful. 

That was the plus side of Brats. They often took initiative, would say the opposite of what they really wanted to make it easier to please them, and were some of the best guides to their own pleasure a Dom could want. She moved down there on her own, knowing exactly what would happen, and led him to do precisely what she wanted. It's the true power of a sub who knows what they were doing.

Natasha, for her part, watched on in silent shock. Her mask was slipping and her thighs were uncomfortably rubbing together due to their dampness. She wanted nothing more than to join in...But she couldn't. She had her own role to play.

Natasha continued the conversation with Jack, though he was much more distracted this time. 

When he finally came, Natasha thought she would get a reprieve from the visual and audible stimulation, but she was out of luck. Jack decided to return the favor and laid Liz out on Natasha's own desk as he did it. 

He didn't even ask...he just went for it...and Natasha couldn't say anything against it. 

By that point, one of her hands had, somehow or other, found its way between her legs and her face was a deep crimson as she watched Jack's masterful oral techniques intently. 

She had seemingly been completely ignored...and that didn't help with cooling her down in the least.

Liz had to stuff her fist into her mouth since her panties had been discarded on the floor, but that did little to stop the moans she let out. 

Throughout his administrations, Jack stared at Natasha. He never blinked or looked away, and his rich brown eyes seemed to light a fire in her core as they bore into her own yellow orbs. 

Natasha was unable to break his gaze, and she discretely pleasured herself while enjoying the view of him eating out one of her employees.

Some sort of connection seemed to be formed between them. One wanting more of what she saw and the other trying to make her want him. The sexual tension between the two grew exponentially, and, for a brief moment, both forgot about the situation or where they were. They just stared into each other eyes with mutual perverse delight...

Then the moment passed.

After another couple of orgasms, Jack let Liz go and stood up with a victorious smile on his face as he looked down at Natasha. 

Their conversation had been completely derailed, but the most important things had already been said, so it was fine. Realizing she was staring back at him with sultry eyes, Natasha tried her best to put her mask back on. 

She made some excuse about being glad he had finally finished as Jack put himself away and helped the shaky-legged Liz back into her panties and garter belt. He commented sarcastically on how productive the conversation was as he finished cleaning up.

Natasha led them both to the door of her office to see them out and, just before he left the room, Jack locked eyes with her once more. There was a lot of confusion, anger, accusation, overwhelming amount of lust in his look, but he quickly shook his head and left the room. 

Natasha was now alone once again, only this time she was left feeling aroused instead of sad. 

She worked for the rest of the day, but it wasn't very productive. She couldn't get the scene out of her head, nor could she forget that last look Jack sent her...

It ate at her mind, gawing through her focus and leading her to daydream about other fantasies and what-if scenarios.

When she left the office, it was a little past 6 pm. She had to stay a bit later to make up for what she had been too distracted to do. 

The weather was awful. The bright, cloudless day of the morning had turned into murky darkness with angry gray clouds covering the sky like a blanket. Lighting flashed in the distance and the wind howled out a baleful cry as it blew her hair wildly to and fro. 

Just her luck, the second Natasha stepped past the cover of the building, it started to rain. By the time she was at her car, it was pouring and she had gotten herself nearly drenched. 

The drive was miserable, but the refreshing shower she took when she got home and the fluffy robe she now wore made it all better...or so she told herself.

And now, she lays face down on her bed, feeling drained of energy and more and more depressed as the night stretches on.

She knows she needs to be strong and tough it out, but, fuck, did it suck. It was only when she was alone like this that she felt the deepest regret.

'Still, it was always going to be a process. It might be a hopeless goal, but I will not stop working towards it. I believe in myself and my love for-'

*Ding Dong*

The doorbell to her apartment rang throughout the silent apartment.

Natasha frowned as she stood up, adjusted her hair, ensured her bathrobe was tied tightly, and made her way to the door.

When she peeked through the eyehole, she was shocked silly at what she saw. 

Jack stood there, drenched from the pouring rain, his face looking hollow, and a crimson fury burning in his eyes.

Natasha quickly threw open the door and stared wide-eyed at him.

"J-Jack...? What are do you doing here? Why are you standing out in the rain-" Natasha starts to fuss over him, but Jack interrupts her by stepping into her apartment and closing the door behind him. He then spins her around and pushes her up against the door, holding her shoulders in place with his strong grip.

Fear...and just a twinge of anticipation...flood through Natasha at Jack's aggressive action. 

"Jack! What are you doing?" Natasha hisses out through clenched teeth. 

Jack closes his eyes for several seconds and then opens them again to look squarely into her own. 

"I can't...I can't do what I need to with these feelings all bottled up." He says, failing once with a tremble in his jaw.

"Okay...What do you need from me? How can I help you, Jack?" Natasha asks with true concern for his wellbeing, despite the situation. 

"Tomorrow I can be what you need. We can schedule your stupid practice session, and I can flirt with all those two-faced bitches. Tomorrow I can pretend that everything is alright and I am not only hanging on by a thread. Tomorrow I can put aside my feelings of anger and betrayal and do the work that needs to be done..." He promises the trembling extending down his body and into Natasha from where his hands hold her pinned.

"But tonight..." He growls out, the fire in his eyes looking like Natasha was staring into the pits of hell.

"Tonight, I need to let it out. I need to use these feelings of hatred or they are going to make me do something I will regret. I don't know why, and I am a fucking moron for feeling this way, but I am still attracted to you, Natasha. I hate your fucking guts, but you still do something to me that no one else ever has, and I can't stop thinking about you...Something that makes me even angrier...So, I need an outlet. If you want your whore in working order, then tonight I am going to give you the hate fuck to end all hate fucks. I am going to destroy you and use all of these feelings for my own sexual gratification. That is what I need from you, Natasha."

Natasha stares back at Jack for long seconds in silence, before nodding with a soft-spoken, "...Alright, Jack. If that is what you need..."

Internally, however, she felt elated. Her body was his to use as he wished whenever and however he wanted. She was long past the sensible kind of love, and much too deep into the crazy side to find any issues with this arrangement. To Natasha, Jack was the only man for her and if he thought this would help, then she was more than willing to do it for him...Happy to, even...Not to mention she still had some remaining unfulfilled sexual tension from their meeting earlier and she loved rough sex.

But that is not why she felt so happy. 

No, Natasha was thrilled because now she thought she could see it.

At the end of the tunnel, a candle's light flickered to life for the first time, just barely enough to shine through the murky, uncertain darkness.

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