The Creator

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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I remember the day it happened vividly even. Portals were opening left and right. Otherworldly beings had come out of them and destroyed anything and everything in their path. Panic was in everyone, nobody knowing what to do. I was scared. But suddenly, when all hope was lost, people started to fight back! It was as if superheroes had become real protecting humanity. This was the first instance of the Ascended. Select individuals with superhuman abilities. In the beginning, I don't know if people were more or less worried at their sighting of them. Nowadays people are much more relaxed with topics surrounding them, but that doesn't mean some still don't trust the ascended in my eyes, they are heroes and here's why.


UUuugh this is so embarrassing! I tap my finger on the table and bounce my feet rapidly. Why is viewing your work so awkward!? And even more so when someone criticizes it!


"Y-yes!?" I jolt up, snapping myself out of my stupor.

"Are you okay? You don't look too good." my English teacher said. I look at myself. My legs were bouncing up and down rapidly. My palms were clasped together and felt sweaty.

"Oh, I'm alright. I just felt embarrassed when you read my work out loud."

"Don't be this is a good start, just use more details and go for the jugular."

"Alright thank you for the advice," I said before taking my work and heading back to my desk.

I sigh, it hasn't been that long since the ascended have appeared yet, it feels like no time at all. In no time, they have fully integrated into society and most media and pop culture have mentioned these unique individuals. Though there haven't been many events to talk about, at least that I know of. Maybe I should research-

"Grade 10s please head down to the gym. Grade 10s please head down to the gym." The PA speaker interrupts my train of thought. Had that much time already passed? Taking a glance at my teacher, she gives a quick nod. Getting the confirmation, I dropped what I was doing and headed to the gymnasium.

Speed walking down to the gym I noticed some people heading there as well. Though there are fewer going than I thought there would be. Well makes things easier for me. I open the front door to the gym and look around. What used to be home to my P.E. class in grade 9 now looks like something from a sci-fi movie. I guess that happens when the government needs to figure out who is Ascended. It used to be young adults making appointments to see if they had the potential, but as time went by, the age range increased to include more groups. For students testing facilities are brought to the school so, appointments won't have to be made for something unnecessary.

Thanks to my punctuality I got ahead of the crowd. I got called up and went. I sat down on a chair and the person beside me started to ask questions about myself. Name, age, date of birth, height, weight; simple things. I didn't know the last two so, they checked with a stadiometer and scale. Once all the information was put in, the tester pulled out a device.

The first thing I noticed was the crystal sticking out of it. It was about the size of my hand and looked translucent. It was mostly clear but, there was a single swirl of ever-changing colour. It was like a thread of string held by an invisible hand swirling around cloudy water. The crystal was surrounded by a metallic dome. Connected to it was an electronic device. It probably reads off stats and readings and the like.

"Alright," The testing person finally said. "Put your hand on the crystal and we'll see if you're an Ascended."

My hand reaches out toward the device. This is it, I thought. The moment of truth. Am I an Ascended or not? If I am one, then am I a strong one? Time seemed to stretch on and on. In reality, not even a minute has passed.

"Are you nervous?" the tester asked. I nodded.

"That's understandable," she said in response. "This must be a big moment for you."

I didn't say anything because I knew I had been called out. I tried to act like this didn't matter to me but I've been seen through.

"I don't want to try and get your hopes up so I'll just say this," she took my silence as an invitation to continue. "If nothing happens then you'll continue your normal life. If something does happen, regardless of how big or small it is, wouldn't that be good?" she finished.

I considered those words. It made absolute sense. If the device didn't react to me, I wasn't an Ascended. Therefore nothing about my life would change. If the device did respond to me then that would mean I am an Ascended. This would mean I would use the powers I get from that for humanity. Funny how just by stating the facts, I could calm down so much.

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"Okay, I'm ready," I say, having found my resolve.

I place my hand on the jewel. The swirl grows and turns red. A faint glowing red orb lies within the crystal. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I am an Ascended.

"Congratulations!" the tester said.

"Umm, what now?" I asked.

"Now to check how strong you are."

"Don't you already know that?"

"Well, yes I can see your readings, but it only tells me your level. This doesn't say what your strengths or abilities are. You can check yourself."

"How do I do that?"

"I can't give a direct answer but most people say they visualize something to tell them."

Ooookay then. I feel my mouth turn into a straight line. What would be the thing that tells me how strong I am? I tried to think hard about what it would be but one thing stayed in my mind.

"Open," I said softly.

And there appeared a stat screen straight out of a video game. There are Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Awareness. Unsurprisingly my stats are nothing of note. None of them were below the double digits, but they didn't surpass 20, not even 15. As I look across the screen, my eyes stop in the middle. What was supposed to be my class was something I would not have expected.


While I am not the most knowledgeable about the divisions of Ascended, I know enough to realize that what I am seeing is weird.

"Hey, um, my thing is saying something weird," I said.

"New things tend to be weird for everyone," The tester said dismissively.

"But it's saying something that shouldn't be there," I pressured. She then looked at me with a hard stare. I flinch and move back. It seems like my question will not be answered. She turns back to the laptop, types some things in and drops something in my hand.

"You have been registered as an Ascended and can now participate in the work of Hunters. However as you are a student and of the lowest rank, your options are limited." The tester then said in a business-like tone.

I stand up and leave. As I exit the gymnasium and head back to class, I sigh. That could have gone better, I think to myself. Yet I don't feel terrible. I'm an Ascended. I get to be a Hunter. I get to help people. And it seems like I have something different from the rest. 

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