The Cursed Adventurer

Chapter 3: 3 – Special Officer

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A casual evening in the city of Keshmar where the ruler of the land, Duke Felix De Keshmar along with his family resided peacefully.

It was the only major city in the North connecting neighboring kingdoms with the peninsula where the empire stood strong.

Every land trade or deal that was eager to reach the millions of residents had to pass through the city of Keshmar. Therefore, it bloomed into a major business hub where anything and everything could be found first and foremost.

It was one of the reasons for the rapid growth of the Duke. And the dead hive that resurrected itself posed a major threat he couldn't ignore.

So, his hastiness put the Atlas Corporation, the entity responsible for safeguarding every inch of the land, into hot waters. They were doing their best to protect it at all costs, but some puzzling issues like the hive were bound to happen. 

Though it was less of a problem and more of a hassle. There were professionals to take care of such matters and it was only a matter of time before they were assigned to do what they were good at.

“Everything will be over once that guy gets here,” Virkfon spoke to himself, leering under his breath.

He was the Chief of the east sector Atlas base and the man previously responsible for taking care of that hive which he arguably never planned to do. He knew his inability, so was begging for something Godly to happen and it happened sooner than he expected.

To relay this news to someone very important and interested and to display his loyalty, he was now at the hotel named “El Floral”, located in the heart of the city; owned and operated by the famous noble house of Frias.

A very high-end place for the likes of most, but a fine choice for the nobles that flocked to experience the richness and remarkable wine it offered.

Virkfon had ordered and was waiting for his guest who, for some reason, was running late. He had been here for an hour and was slowly getting impatient. Having said that, nothing could be done, even if they did not show up.

Hence, maintaining his faith he took a sip of the costly red liquid. Praising the aftertaste stared outside; into the bustling streets, crowded by luxurious carriages and people alike.

There stood two soldiers talking amongst each other; observing the avenue when a boy around the age of nine or ten came running. He said something and one soldier lunged into action.

In an instant, he disappeared somewhere. Virk could not follow. A few seconds later a bulky dude came flying in, rolled onto the ground a few times then came to a halt once the other soldier kicked him in the gut. Handcuffed him and dragged him away.

Bystanders gasped and whispered but soon went on their merry way. Watching them, Virkfon snickered, giving a genuine reaction, unlike the nobles who ignored them intentionally.

“What would these people do without us?” He said.

“You are right, Sir Virkfon.” Replied the familiar voice. “What would we do without you!"

Recognizing the voice, Virkfon jumped to his legs. A half-assed grin covered his stunned mien. 

"You flatter me, milady." He bowed deeply.

"I only direct gratitude where it is due." The woman responded, gracefully taking the opposite seat.

“Once again I humbly thank you for answering my call, Senorita Lucía!” Virkfon spoke, carefully sitting back and pouring a glass of wine. Then slid it toward the women.

“Honor is all mine, Sir.” Lucía lifted the glass, a tender smile on her pristine face; her lavender eyes observant of the man’s every action.

Virkfon emptied his glass and straightened his face and stance as if presenting something to his immediate superior. “The reason I invited you here is of a very light concern but might interest you very much.”

“How thoughtful of you!” She took a shallow sip. “Please enlighten me.”

“There has been a slight alteration on our task.” Virkfon's words were filled with emotions, just like his half-excited, half-dejected expression.

Lucia made no reply. But arched a fine eyebrow.

"... Meaning there might be some issues in possible future, mainly for you.” He cleared any lingering doubts.

“I am glad that you are worried for me. But can we stop playing games and get to the point.” Lucia lifted her chin and took another sip. Her eyes scanned the room; filled with a dozen observers.

Virkfon bent forward; eyes rotating sideways to judge his surroundings, but nobody bat an eye. So, he shook his head inwardly. Comforted that no one was interested nor would intrude on this very private conversation happening in a very public area.

"Someone is coming, who… I am afraid, is beyond my control."

“Permanent base commander?" She was quick to catch on.

"There is no such thing as permanent in the military, Senorita." Virkfon chuckled, correcting her misconception. "We are all bound to be moving every few years."

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"I see." Nodding impatiently, she pushed the topic at hand. "What is so interesting about the new guy?"

"His name!"

"..." Lucia remained still, tapping the table, waiting. Not in the mood to play the game of guessing.

"Grey!” Seeing her manner Virk broke the ice. “He will be here by morning."

Hearing the name, Lucia’s brows wrinkled, and her eyes darkened. "Are you certain?" She questioned; tone impassive.

"Yes!” He answered promptly, matching her gaze. “I received the notice this afternoon. He is stationed here as a special officer from the central. He is beyond the base orders.”

“Special Officer?”

“Officer with Special privileges.” His voice and expression turned lousy. “He is ordered to eliminate the hive." He propped back on his chair, pouring another glass of wine and chugging it all down in one go.

“You seem way too relaxed, Sir Virkfon.” Observing the man’s action, Lucia voiced her concern. “Even a slight change in command might disrupt your moves.”

“That is perfectly fine, Senorita,” Virk smirked, raising the empty glass. “Because everything was, is, and will be going the way I want them to be. Soon enough you will have your cards and I will have the rewards… As promised.”

“Till we get results, I can only admire your confidence, Sir!” Lucia wore a half-smile. Raised her glass and neared it to the man who agreed to a shake.

The glasses touched and a very faint noise was heard which died down in an instant. But shortly every table did the same and the room reverted with clatters of one glass hitting another.

Astonished Virkfon looked around only to find the attendees gradually leaving their tables. Within a few seconds, the entire hall was empty and doors were shut with a loud thump. They were the only ones remaining.

“This is not a game, Sir Virkfon.” She sounded ominous; her appearance insensitive. “You must be aware that, if something goes wrong you will be the one shouldering all the blame. We never met, nor we ever had a deal. Is that clear?”

Virkfon who just witnessed the authority of the only daughter of Count Frias could only nod. His face no longer carried that bold grin. Although he was sure that he would get the cards even if Grey intervened, being audacious in front of the client was never a good idea. It would only serve to undermine his value.

So, the next moment, he collected himself. Sat straight and with a polite smile lowered his head. “Forgive me Senorita… I was just…”

“Never in your dreams underestimate that man.” Glaring outside, she spoke her mind. “He may act virtuous, but there is no one more wicked than that bastard. He is an expert in ruining everything.” Her focus returned to the man up front. “Proceed with caution, Sir. You are treading high waters now.”

Virkfon swallowed hard, the hardest since the day he accepted this deal which seemed nothing out of ordinary, nor the hardest in the bunch.

It was simple. Raid the card exchange, wipe the evidence, submit the cards, and get the money. A four-step plan that neither broke nor endorsed any laws. Virkfon was happy to have this deal as the money would fix the majority of his problems.

He did everything he could to clear the way for a swift execution. Even went ahead to recruit some of his best men to get this done fast and efficiently. But never thought that on a random day, he would have someone new breathing down his neck.

Though this sudden situation was not supposed to cause any major disturbance, her words gave birth to a new fear in him.

From the investigation he conducted in a short amount of time, the man named Grey appeared to be just another top brass sent by the Central who had a history with Keshmar. The records also stated that he was an upright individual who liked to do the job and not poke his nose around others' business.

And even if push came to shove, all he had to do was divert Grey's attention toward the hive. Hardly a night was required to clean up everything.

“Listen well,” Lucia commanded. “There will be five Spell cards. Two Standard, One Eminent, and Two Rare. Exchange is scheduled for around eight at night, tomorrow. Seventy miles east, last house from the right, under the Oak tree, Orlin village.”

“…” Virk opened his mouth to respond, yet she stepped over him.

“This is the last intel you get.” She rose on her feet. “And the last time we meet. Bring us the cards as promised or rest assured you will miss your son’s birthday.”

Doors opened, heels turned and Lucia walked away.

Virkfon could only blink in disbelief as her ash-brown hair faded from his view. He then turned to his glass and scoffed.

“Valuing people too much is really an understatement.”


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