The Cursed Adventurer

Chapter 5: 5 – Deal

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Engines hummed, rotors turned, and bidding farewell to the patrolling duo, Grey boarded the chopper. Slowly it left the ground, turning its nose towards the East Sector base. A slight tug could be felt inside the cabin and it gently flew to its destination.

Grey sat straight, his eyes darting through the faces of the people flying beside him. Except for Fena, there were the two pilots, the base commander Virkfon and his not-introduced subordinate. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Not wanting to have any boring conversation about the weather, he turned to his assistant who was busy going through the pages of the black diary she always carried.

“Found something?” He asked.

A little surprised, she raised her head. "This Resistance Front… they are… a very interesting bunch.”

“What about them?”

“If we can tap into them, we might find a pathway to the inner layer.” 

Stretching his legs, Grey leaned on the hard seat. “Running after them is more beneficial than probing the Northern front for a single node.”

She had a point. They were selling shards that could be only found in the hive. If they track them down, they might get the info about shards along with their origin. Though that idea also had an issue of its own.

“What are your thoughts on this whole purification fiasco?” Virkfon quizzed, interrupting Grey’s thoughts.

“From the intel, we have gathered, there is nothing definitive to be settled on,” Grey spoke his mind. “The shards can be from any hive. After a thorough cleaning, it is impossible to trace them back. Right?”

“Yes.” Virk gave a tight nod.

“But why in Keshmar of all places?” Grey’s eyes narrowed. “Why can't it be everywhere in the empire or the whole continent? What is so special here?”

If the shards were not native then they should be found everywhere. But the majority were in Keshmar and in the border towns of Aeron Kingdom, too close to the hive he was dealing with. This clause alone negated the previous statement on TARF getting shards from anywhere else, but the Keshmar hive.

“We are still piecing everything together.” He heaved a breath. “So, there is no final answer, not yet.”

“First the artificial jacking of shards. Then the dead hive resurrects itself, the High-table blaming the Resistance Front for this impossibility.” Grey rubbed his forehead. “Don’t you think all this is a little strange? I get the feeling… they are linked somehow, here in Keshmar.” 

No matter the viewpoint, things were not adding up. Keshmar came in the center of all business, TARF may or may not operate. 

“What if all this is just a coincidence?” Like before Virk tapped his boots on the fuselage, face stale. “TARF and the hive may have no relation. Running behind them without any credible source may lead you astray. And I am sure the High-table is not paying you for that.”

Listening to this odd comment, Grey frowned inwardly.

There was no such thing as coincidence in this world. Everything happened for a reason. Throwing the entire TARF and hive link into the coincidence bin was just dumb when the entire narrative was pointing at a different angle with endless possibilities.

But then chasing tales without any evidence would only delay the whole operation and the table required results, the sooner the better.

“So, what do you propose?” Grey asked, observant of Virk’s every action.

“You, obeying the order, limit yourself only to taking care of that ditch. And let the dedicated task force handle the TARF as they have always done. You get your shit done, so will they.”

Grey shared a look with Fena. She was equally confused. Both of them were in an uncalled-for pickle. But a response was due.

“I will see what I can do.” He replied belatedly, a seed of doubt growing in his mind.

“That will be much appreciated.”


Two hours later, inside the office room assigned to the Special Officer, Grey sat behind the empty desk, legs sited over the table and body completely leaning on the chair, a little stretch and he would be in a sleeping position.

He was gazing at the empty ceiling with nothing but lights illuminating the room, alongside the sun rays from the tinted window.

As for Fena, she was busy cleaning the room. A few minutes later, she finished and stood beside the table.

"It's clean." She said.

"I know." His tone was impassive, eyes still at the ceiling, he himself lost in thoughts.

Both stayed silent for another minute and observing Grey's stare, Fena too glanced at the ceiling to find nothing out of the ordinary. 

"Something there?" She asked, a playful smile on her face.

With the same lifeless mien, Grey tilted his head. Ignoring her, he put forward his own. "Your family. Have they contacted you?"

Hearing the word 'Family', Fena's expression sank. "Is it necessary to talk about them?" She queried, lips carrying an uneasy smile.

"Answer the question." His tone was blank.

"No." She faced the floor. "They haven't."

"Strange!" He reverted his eyes. "You are here for half a day now. And your beloved family hasn't sent a chauffeur to escort you back."

"They won't." She raised her head. "I don't want to go."

"But you will go." Grey lifted himself from slumber. "You will have to go."

"Why?" She raised her tone, expression pained.

"Do not forget your objective, Estefena De Keshmar." He maintained his blankness.


"This is where it all started, and this is where it all ends." He tapped the table repeatedly. “I am here to make that happen… No matter the cost.”

"..." Clutching her fist, Fena looked at the man in front. “Should not you be more worried about the hive… than a petty squabble with the Duke.”

Grey let out a half-chuckle. “You have been with me for so long… Yet, you have not figured out what type of man I am.”


“I am a man who hates taking orders, especially from the incompetents.” He rested his hands on the wooden panel. “So, don’t bother reminding me of my work. I do what I see fit.”

“I am sorry, Sir.” She lowered her head.

“Both the hive and the Duke will be taken care of. I promise you that.” He leaned back, legs folded. “You focus on your end of the deal. Grant me my wish. Take your freedom back."

"...What… What if I don't want my freedom back." She mumbled; voice cluttered with emotions.

"I have always said it and will say it again… We are worlds apart, Senorita." Grey smiled. "You do not belong here. Escape while you can."

"I can't…"

Before Fena could finish his words, a knock on the door was heard and a lady barged in. 

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Asking no permission whatsoever she went straight to the table, pulled a chair, and sat down; legs folded. Then turned to the man sitting opposite her.

"Long time no see, old friend." A grin on her finely carved face. "You too, Senorita Estefena."

Watching her, Fena backed down and stood closer to the wall behind; expression unreadable.

"Intruding as always, huh… Frost." Softening his demeanor, Grey responded. "I thought you got lost in the eastern desert and never made it back."

"That day won't come soon, Lt." She cracked her neck. "And just so you know, I have a name like yours. It’s Kate, K-A-T-E.”

He nodded, adding no further. Her arrival was the last thing needed here.

"So, what's up?" Kate seemed excited.

"Don't act like you don't know."

"Never knew you would be a lapdog for the High-table." The woman scoffed. "Do whatever they want you to do. I expected better from you."

"Well…" Grey sighed. "You aren't wrong. But not right either."

"So, you are here for a reason other than the hive."

"Who knows!" He fell back on the chair. "Now, care to explain why you are here." 

“To greet my friend.”

“I know you can do better than that.” He clicked his tongue.

“I never like the way you doubt every little thing.” She said, pursing her lips. “I am not here to kill you. I just wanted to see your faces. Am I not allowed here?”

Grey did not expect what seemed like an honest reaction. He was trying to find an ulterior motive as this woman was never to be trusted. She always acted for a selfish reason and he knew better than to be on guard than to fall into a trap like he fell when they were in the same unit.

But that fable was for another time. Now he had to apologize for his wrong assumption.

“No! You can come and go anytime.” He said, tone apologetic. “And… Thanks for still remembering us.”

“You are welcome.” She smiled too, running a hand through her hair that resembled the color of the first snow.

“So, what are you doing now?” He had to continue the talk, just for the talk’s sake. Or it would hurt her even more. “Busy today, if not then can you help me with something.” 

Although, he was not going to waste time discussing nonsense. Time was of the essence.

“Sorry, but not today.” She let out a light breath. “I am tasked on a mission tonight.”

“A mission!” Grey had no interest in other matters, but if Kate was involved then the mission had to be something important to her. Matter of fact she did not like bidding for others. She was getting something out of this and that was a very engaging topic. So, curiosity got the best of him.

“If it is not official or classified, can you maybe share some contents of the op?” He asked, not sure of the outcome.

“It’s a strange one.” Kate began her speech. “They say it is official and sanctioned by the Northern Command. But there is no record to back that up. Virk and the other two guys are the only people allowed to have the detailed info.”

Grey rested his chin over his intertwined fingers. “An OP that exists yet does not. Fascinating.” 

The seed of doubt that had been growing for the past few hours now morphed into a plant with a few leaves. Now those ‘it might be a coincidence’ and ‘you stay out of this’ remarks made sense. Virk was onto something that needed to be off the records. He did not want anyone sniffing around.

“Anything about the objective?” He continued the search. A link between the hive and TARF might be right before his eyes.

“Barebones. But will be explained on the fly. It is that secret.” 


“Why so much interest Grey? You want some quick cash.” Kate raised a brow.

Listening to her proposal, he smiled. “What if I say yes?”

“I won’t believe you.”


“Because that doesn’t sound like you.” She shook her head in denial. “Tell me what you want?”

“What I want huh…” Playing with his tongue, Grey stared at the ceiling for a moment. “… Information. I want information.”

“On what?” She leaned on the chair, legs crossed.

“You know what it is.” He wasn’t planning to explain the publicly available information. The reason for his presence here was announced beforehand. The entirety of Keshmar would have been alerted by now.

Kate nodded; expression thoughtful. “It is the info you want then, not money.”

“Who doesn’t want money?” Lifting his hands in the air, Grey smirked. “Even the dogs on the streets want it. I am no better.”

She rubbed her forehead. “So, you want both data and money.”

“Kinda. Though information takes priority.” He bent forward. “And I will be grateful if you can help me with that.”

“Nobles do charity.” Kate’s eyes shifted to Fena whose face stiffened in return. Averting, she focused on Grey. “Sadly, I am not nobility. So, you would have to forgive me for letting you down.”

“How much?” He asked; tone dry, eyes sharp.

“Doing business huh...” She snickered. “Ten thousand Peres will be a good deal I reckon.”

Grey let out a short laugh. "You never disappoint."

If the overall economic state of the empire was taken into consideration, a commoner family required only a hundred Peres to pass a month, comfortably. Compared to that analogy the amount she required was beyond exuberant, ridiculous even.

However, Kate had the upper hand in this scenario. Sacrifices had to be made for the greater good.

“What do you say?” Kate rested her hands on the table, face to face with Grey. “I know you as a special officer can manage it.”

 A long pause and a sigh later, he put forward his hand. “Payment will be processed after the completion of the mission.”

“Deal then.” She grinned, compliant with the motion.



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