The dark corners

Chapter 1: Mana cores and magic

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Mana is in everything the air the grass  me ,you everything. People, monster ,and Beast gather mana in the mana core to strengthen themselves , cast spells or grow. Mana core have tiers from 0 to 12 that is known the the human and other  Sentient  humanoid races. 

There are 3 different cores open, closed ,and split . Open allows mana to travel out of the mage  and turn in to a spell formation like fireball or earth wall.

Closed allows the mana to travel fast throughout the body and what is in contact with it . The mana circulates through the body to enchant and strengthen it or object .

Split allows you to do both with one open to cast spells and the other to enchant the body.

Magic elements fire ,earth ,water ,ice , plant,wind,light ,darkness and Lightning.

Spells are mana interacting with your Element and  the world in  in large areas and distance. 

Aura is mana in you, your items and surroundings  with your elements.

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