The Dead Man Plunderer

Chapter 64: Chapter 63. The Oiran- 2

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They stayed inside the air dimension for half an hour as Hiyori wanted to get a hang of her new powers. She excitedly kept using it in the dimension much to Alex's amusement.

After that, they both came back out of the air dimension and headed toward the building once again to talk with Mr 2 who was disguising himself as her.

Inside the building, Hiyori explained some important things to Mr 2 like how he needs to act around certain people so he wouldn't be captured by some enemy.

When she was done explaining those things to Mr 2, she along with Alex headed toward a food stall to meet a Toko, a little girl who serves her as her Kamuro.

"Toko, there you are." Hiyori sat next to the little girl with a small smile. "You didn't come to work just to eat some food, right?" She asked with a knowing smile causing the little girl to giggle.

"I was about to go there. You didn't need to come here." Toko replied with a smile while waiting for the food excitedly.

"I am going somewhere else with him. Do you want to come with me?" She spoke while pointing toward Alex who sat beside Hiyori. 

"You are leaving me all alone here?" Toko turned to look at her.

"I don't want to leave you here, that's why I am asking you if you wish to come with me," Hiyori replied with a small smile while rubbing her head gently. "What do you think about it, Toko?"

Toko thought about it for some time and finally replied. "I can go, however, who will provide money for my father?" This was the only thing that she was worried about.

"Don't worry about that. There is a guy here who is gonna collect money and then send it to your father regularly." Hiyori assured with a small smile, causing the little girl to smile in happiness.

After some time, a waiter began to serve them food on their tables. The little girl immediately began to eat the food much to the amusement of Hiyori and Alex.

"Is there anyone else you wish to meet before we leave this country?'" Alex suddenly asked with a curious expression. He wasn't worried about getting heard by some passersby as almost everyone who was in his Hypnosis field was under his control.

"I wanted to meet another person however I don't think that it's the right time as it might cause problems for him." After thinking for some time, she replied to which Alex nodded and continued to eat his food.

After finishing their meals, Alex took hold of Hiyori and Toko's hands before flying into the sky, heading outside of the Wano at a very fast speed.

[Does the host wish to plunder Smile devil fruit(defactive) from Toko's body?]

"Hahaha, it's so exciting!!" Toko began to laugh while feeling the wind on her face. "Elder sister looks, the country looks so small from here….!"

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"It looks beautiful as well," Hiyori spoke with a small smile. However, from inside, she was feeling very frightened as this was the first time she was flying in her entire life and that too at a very high level which intensified her fear even more.

Alex slightly squeezed her hand while looking at her with a small smile. "Don't worry, we aren't gonna fall from here." He assured her in an amused tone to which she nodded, slightly embarrassed that he managed to notice her fear.

When they were out of the Wano, Alex continued to fly toward an island which he sensed because of his Navigation skill. On the way, the girls talked among themselves while Alex used his lightning web to make sure that no one was following them.

After flying for some time, they finally were able to see an enormous island. Alex landed on the island along with them and then he began to use his power to make it float before creating a spatial door to pass the entire island through it.

He then created a staircase using boulders and then connected this island with the entertainment city. "Hiyori, you are gonna spend your time on this island. If you want to have food or spend some time doing something fun, you can go to that city which has a lot of things that you will like."

"I understand." Hiyori nodded with a small smile and then she turned to look at the little girl beside her. "Do you wanna go there now? There would be a lot of delicious food there."

"Delicious food…!!!" Toko's smile widened in excitement. She grabbed her hand and began to urge her to go there. "Let's eat food first and then we will do anything else."

Hiyori chuckled slightly at her excited behaviour. "You should first thank Alex for bringing you here otherwise you wouldn't have the chance to come here to eat delicious food."

"I forgot that….." Toko murmured with a surprised expression. She turned to look at Alex and bowed slightly. "Thank you for bringing me here, big brother. If you want to marry my elder sister, I will support you fully." Saying that she gave him thumbs with an amused smile on her face.

"You shouldn't speak such words at your age," Hiyori spoke with an irritated expression and then lightly slapped Toko's head. "These kinds of things are not something that kids like you are supposed to know."

"It hurts….." Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes. She looked at Hiyori with a hurtful expression on her face. "Why did you hit me like that?"

"Y-You are crying……?" Hiyori looked at her with a shocked expression. "But how…..???" As if she thought of something, she turned to look at Alex. "Did you do something, Alex?"

"Don't worry, I just removed the defective devil fruit from her body." He replied in a casual tone shocking both Hiyori and Toko. "Now, she would be able to show her emotions fully."

Hearing his words, Toko leapt forward and hugged his legs tightly while crying out loud. "T-Thank you, b-big brother…..!!"

"Thank you for doing such a thing for her, Alex," Hiyori said with a grateful smile while looking at the little girl who was crying in happiness.

Alex simply smiled at her while rubbing Toko's head affectionately. "How long are you gonna cry? Let's go and have some food before it gets cold."

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