The Dead Man Plunderer

Chapter 67: Chapter 65. Vinsmoke

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Since he was now done doing everything that he wanted to do in Wano, he decided to leave the country. Though he suddenly remembered that there was another person that he wanted to meet.

So without wasting any time, he flew toward Onigashima, the place where the captain of Beast pirates stays along with the other top members of the Beast pirates.

When he reached the island, he went into stealth mode and then began to head toward the Sacred cave where the Beasts Pirates would keep prisoners starved of food until they joined the crew.

He swiftly entered the cave and began to look for her. On his way, he saw a lot of prisoners who were laying on the ground with hopeless expressions.

He didn't care about them, instead, he kept walking deep inside the cave and finally saw her, sitting near a large rock all alone. Though she was reading a logbook with a small smile on her face.

He quickly took out 3 gas-filled bottles from the system storage and then threw them near her. When the bottles broke, gas began to flow out of them which started to affect her. Though she simply shook her head and continued to read her logbook. After some seconds, she fell to the ground unconscious.

Alex walked toward her and then began to use his Hypnosis skill to alter her memories. There were a lot of things that he wanted to change inside her mind so he was sure that it would take a lot of time.


"Thanks for the food, Alex," Yamato said with a happy smile while eating food that was on the dining table in front of her. "And thanks for taking me out of that place as well."

Alex nodded at her words and continued to drink his tea. "So are you willing to join my crew now?" Alex asked with a curious expression.

"Mmm, I will join your crew. I did promise you that, you know." Yamato nodded while continuing to eat her food. "You were talking about Advanced Haki or something like that. Are you gonna teach me how to use those things?" 

"Of course, I planned to teach you those things even if you didn't join my crew," Alex spoke with a chuckle. Altering her mind proved to be a very good decision as now, he didn't need to worry about her. Unlike a certain man who changed his crew very easily, she won't do the same thing.

The duo stayed at the dining table for some more time and then both of them headed toward the other side of the palace where the training ground was located.

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Since she was already proficient in the three types of Haki, it proved very useful when he began to explain to her the advanced versions of Haki. Though he found out that she already knew about advanced Armament Haki, she just didn't know that it was an advanced version. Still, she only knew one version of advanced Armament Haki so he continued to explain to her the other version.

After that, he began to tell her about the advanced versions of Observation and Conqueror Haki. Since she would need a training partner to learn these advanced versions, Alex introduced Yamato to Shakky who knew how to use the advanced Haki of all types.


The Germa Kingdom, also known as the Kingdom of Science is the world's only seafaring kingdom and a former member nation of the World Government.

The Vinsmoke Family is a royal bloodline that rules the Germa Kingdom. They are also a powerful and infamous family of Underworld mercenaries.

Right now, a lot of ships with the number 66 on them could be seen sailing toward an empire that was located on platforms surrounded by railings that are built on the shells of large snails resembling Den Den Mushi. This was the reason why this kingdom was called, 'A Nation Without Land.'

On the front ship that was leading the Germa troops, a pink-haired woman could be seen reading a newspaper with an emotionless expression. Except for her on the deck, no one else was present as they were all busy working inside the ship.

"I hope that you are okay..……" Vinsmoke Reiju mumbled with a sad smile on her face while gazing at the sky. "I just hope that none of our family finds out about your appearance on the Grand Line, otherwise I might not be able to help you this time."

Shaking her head, she put the newspaper on the table and leaned backwards on the sofa. Closing her eyes, she decided to take a small nap to pass the time. She however didn't notice a small bottle that suddenly appeared near her sofa. After some seconds, she fell unconscious and that was time, Alex flew down to the ship.

Without wasting any time, he began to use his Hypnosis skill to delete some memories from her mind regarding a guy who wasn't useful as of now. He then made sure to erase the disdain that she has for her family and the kingdom.

When he was done doing that, he began to create a spatial door to head to the Germa Kingdom to meet the leading scientist as well as the current family head of Vinsmoke family.

He already collected that devil fruit, those strength boosting pills, that strength increasing mixture and that immortality gold recipe along with the best doctors and Scientists under him.

Now, he can finally begin to create that drug that he has been thinking about for a long time. Something that would be very beneficial for him and every person who was under him.

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