The Demon Lord And His Hero

Chapter 58: Red Got Us Kidnapped

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Luci was calmly seated inside the carriage that was rapidly moving away from the outskirts of Elysium. The golden sun dipped below the horizon and he worried for his brothers who were surely looking for him, fearful and losing their minds. It was all Red's fault for following the creepy old man who had lured him with the promise of an arcane book.

It began when the man had entered the shop to find Red paging through a book of basic spells. Just a few honeyed words about an extraordinary library that he could visit anytime for more arcane tomes, and Red was out the door hand in hand with their kidnapper.

[I know what I'm doing] Red's sullen voice cut through their shared mental space.

(Do you really? Syryn will have our hides when we get back home. IF we get back home!) Luci frustratedly replied.

[Trust me, we will! Although I'm not sure how we'll find our way back..]

"Lucien, you've been so quiet," the older man spoke. He looked to be in his late 40s and had a hairline that was receding like a drying river bank. A bushy moustache sat above his lip; an overenthusiastic caterpillar that shook every time he spoke.

"I don't feel so good," Luci replied. Chin length red hair that was thick and luscious stood stark against his milky skin. The older man's eyes began to shine with a strange light as he truly realised at that moment how gorgeously ethereal the child was. Alas, a prize so precious could not be eaten by him. Lucien was a tribute to a greater end that would pave his road with bricks of gold.

"We'll get to the library soon and you'll feel better in no time. I even have a bowl of sweetmeats from Tewü. Have you ever tasted them?" A disgusting hand brushed over his head and despite his self-control, Lucien's brows wrinkled.

(I can't do this. Can you take over?)

Wordlessly, Red took control and smiled at the older man. "No, but I like sweets."

Buoyed by the lovely smile that had been aimed at him, the kidnapper's spirit was further rejuvenated. He grinned widely at the fairy child whose eyes were like the scarlet of blood. "You're a good boy Lucien. I'll make sure to feed you well when we get there."

Red hummed with amusement. "I'll take a nap now mister. Wake me up when we arrive." He leaned against the man's shoulder and closed his eyes. Red wasn't sleepy but neither was he in the mood for conversation with his kidnapper.

"Lucien, we've arrived." A hand gently shook his arm, rousing him from a dream about Magnus. The fire mage had been furious in his dreamscape, burning down Syryn's establishment before he morphed into a black dragon and ate up the king's knights.

"It's late," Luci replied, blearily eyeing the moon. Syryn was going to be so upset with them. Magnus, Alka, Mu Mu... Luci thought about the people he had left back at Elysium. (Why did you follow him when you were aware of his intentions?)

[To kill him.]

Luci squeezed his little fist and followed the man towards a large mansion that was deeply hidden within a mountain.

"Come, Lucien, there's nothing to fear. Beyond these doors lies a treasure for the both of us." The man's smile was insidious in the weak glow that the moon cast upon them. Luci shrunk back in fear but he was pulled roughly by the hand. It gripped his fingers in a bruising squeeze. The monster was done acting now that he was a step away from his goal.

An onslaught of terrifying flashbacks hit Luci with a vengeance for all the good years he had enjoyed, carefree under the shelter of his new family. Details that he had forgotten, scars, and reminders of what he was - came crashing like waves.

A sob was ripped out of his lungs.

[Luci, listen to me. Now isn't the time to get hysterical. Gather your wits because we're about to shed some blood. We'll kill this man and all the other scum writhing inside this fucking mansion.]

The child felt a blanket of calm settle over him at those words. Red, his protector, was by his side. (Yes... I'm okay.)

[Stop lying you little shit. I'd be worried if you really were feeling okay under these circumstances.]

Luci blinked away the tears that were welling up in his eyes. (What should I do?)

[Just follow him for now and act appropriately afraid.] It was an easy task. Luci was scared to death! He hadn't mastered his elements enough to fight against adult mages. He hoped that Red had a better plan than fumbling through their shared skillset of magic.

The kidnapper dragged him up a dark staircase that led up to a library. "See," he sneered at Lucien, "just as promised."

"You, tell your mistress I'm here." He rudely ordered a maid who was standing guard beside a door. "And I've got something that'll make her very happy."

The maid's gaze was trained on Lucien who pitifully stood beside the kidnapper. Her eyes went wide, brows furrowed in distress but it was quickly erased. "I'll let the madam know."

Without acknowledging her answer, Lucien was roughly dumped onto a couch that was in the centre of the library. The man sat beside Luci and waited for the madam to appear.

"Where is the sweetmeat?" Red asked.

The man laughed at his question like it was the funniest joke he had heard. "You've got a heavy pair on you, don't you? And here I thought you were terrified. There's no sweetmeat boy, but you can ask madam Zelli when she comes out. For someone as pretty as you, I'm sure she has a lot more than sweetmeats." The grin on his face was positively maniacal. He may have looked human but Luci was sure that his heart was demonic. His brother was more human than this man could ever be.

"Really? I like big tits. I hope she has really big ones," Red leered. His kidnapper's jaw fell open wide enough to catch flies in it.

"Oh, did I just ruin the picture of a child as pure as the driven snow you'd painted of me?" Red giggled like a naughty sprite and lounged back on the couch with easy nonchalance. "You should run as far as you can from here tonight because I'll kill you." The sure certainty of the statement sent a chill down the man's back.

"How dare you!" No victim of his had ever dared to disrespect him so. If he wasn't so invaluable, the child would be finding himself in chains, naked at the mercy of a whip.

The tension in the air dissipated when the door was opened. A beautiful woman stepped out of what looked to be a study. With her heart-shaped face and bright red lips that split into a tender smile, madam Zelli was a genial looking woman. Red pegged her age in the mid-20s. Her blonde hair was curled into ringlets that fell past her waist in a waterfall. A loving, caring, and gentle noblewoman - that was what Red would have pinned her to be if he didn't know better. Not even the white lace dress could purify the aura of her malevolent energy.

"How precious," she immediately spoke when her doe-like eyes took in the sight of Lucien. A fanatical light was shining in her gaze and it gave Luci the creeps. Red was in control but he could see, smell, feel together if he chose to.

"Madam, I knew you'd love him the moment I saw him." The man enthused while dripping deference. He was a bootlicker.

Madam Zelli was pleased beyond words. She turned to him with a beatific smile, one she rarely ever made in his presence. "You've done a wonderful thing. Tell Kensi that I'm lending Lumi to you for a week."

"Lu-Lumi?!" He hadn't heard wrong, had he? "My lady, you mean it?"

"Go before I change my mind. Lumi is injured from- an experiment. You can take him away tomorrow. Kensi will provide you with accommodation for tonight."

Heart beating a mile per minute at the thought of Lumi in his grasp, the man hurried down the staircase taking 3 steps with a stride. The Lumi he had desired, his angel, the flower that caged his heart! Finally, after all the years of waiting! Lumi would be his, if temporarily.

"Child, what is your name?" Zelli sat beside Lucien, keeping a good distance between them.


She studied him, a gentle smile on her sweet face. "Do you know why you're here?"


[I thought we'd gotten kidnapped by a garden variety paedophile but I was wrong. This woman reeks of old magic.]

"You'll know soon," she replied, her voice a trill of birdlike notes. "It is late though I wish to sit and speak with you longer. Let's get you to a room then, shall we."

"When can I go home?"

"Home?" She paused and turned to him, "soon my dear."

(I don't think the home she's got in mind is the place we're thinking of.) Luci was himself now that Red had taken over.

[No shit. We'll send her home before she sends us.] Madam Zelli was walking ahead and missed the nasty grin that cut across the red head's face.

The noble lady locked Red inside a luxurious room that was furnished in the colours preferred by little girls. Pastel shades and laces were everywhere in complete harmony. He hated the decoration but at the least, it was done tastefully.

[Tsk! Look at these iron bars. The windows and ventilators are escape-proof.]

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(Are we going to wait passively then?)

[Nope. Syryn is going to find us I'm quite sure. We can't have him interrupt your baptism so we will strike tonight.]

(What baptism?)

[Your first kill, Luci.]


[I had mine when I was younger than you. I killed my master while he slept like a pig.]


[Why? I don't know. Maybe it was because he dislocated every possible joint in my body for daring to steal some food from his leftovers.] The boy said it with the gravitas reserved for biscuit and tea time with friends.

(I'm sorry..) Luci could not bear to think of the pain that Red had endured. He was lucky to have met Syryn and escaped a life of slavery.

[Yeah, me too. But that's okay. You're safe Luci, and that's more important.]

(But.. but do I really have to kill someone?)

[Yes. You've had your fun. It's time to grow up and understand that Syryn won't always be there to protect you. He was in a toilet, dick out, and taking a piss when you were kidnapped.]

(And whose fault was it?)

[Regardless, you're just a weak pathetic little boy always waiting for your big brothers to help you. I'm sick of it.]

(Is that why you got us kidnapped?)

[Yep. Speaking of which, I had another motive. I need your help to undo the seal that Syryn slapped on us. The damn thing is stickier than a whore after her money.]

[No! Syryn warned me of what could happen if we did that.]

[Well good luck with your elemental powers then.]


(You don't play fair Red.)

[Fair is for pussies. The world doesn't care for fairness, Luci. If playing dirty is what it takes, then play dirty. Lie, cheat, deceive, kill, whatever. Nothing matters so long as you get to live another day.]

(You're wrong.)

[Oh? What's your maxim to live by then?]

(To do right by the people who you owe and care about. The rest of the world can go to hell.)

[I guess that makes sense. You love those brats don't you?]

(I want to grow strong so I can protect them instead of the other way round.)

[You know Luci, you're not all that innocent yourself. You act dumb and childish in front of them but it's far from the truth.]

(As children my age are wont to do. My act is age-appropriate.)

[How annoying. Anyway, peel the seal off Luci.]

(You have to promise me that we're going straight back to Syryn after this.)

[Yeah, yeah, it's not like I'm eager to live like a vagabond. Besides, I still haven't gotten a chance to tease Magnus.]

(We're still too young for your dirty mind!)

[I know! Why do you think I've been miserably twiddling my thumbs rather than just attack him?!]

(Thanks... I guess?)

[Get the damn seal off, you parasite.)

(You're the parasite.)

[Says the one depending on me to rescue him.]



(I'm afraid- to kill someone I mean.)

[Even someone who wants your life?]

(Yes. Can't we forgive them?)

[Sure we can.]



(But we still have to kill..?)

[Yeah. I'm not sure how long I'll get to stick around with you Luci. Before I disappear, I want to teach you everything I know.]

(What do you mean disappear?? You can't leave me Red!)

[Not my decision, doll. Can you just fucking do the one job I've been asking you to do?!]

(Okay. Tell me how!)

[Right, pay attention to my instructions. If you make a mistake, we might end up sealing the mana core and turning into sitting ducks.]

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