The Demon Lord And His Hero

Chapter 66: Lumi

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"What's going on?" Magnus asked from his spot by the stove. The fire mage was adding salt to the tomato soup that was bubbling in a big pot. Alka had left him in charge of the soup and he was doing his best not to burn it.

Salem, Syryn, and Riha had wordlessly entered the kitchen, bringing with them a heavy mood that cast a gloom over the otherwise cheery kitchen.

"Intervention," Syryn replied.

Riha lifted the birdcage that had been left by the kitchen window. The selkie placed it on the table and looked up at Syryn and Salem who were quietly watching him.

"We should give them some privacy," Salem told the others and was the first to leave the kitchen.

"Five minutes Riha," Syryn followed at the heels of Salem. When Riha looked to Magnus, the fire mage sighed and lowered the heat to his tomato soup.

"If it starts burning, turn it off," he told the selkie and got a nod in return.

Syryn updated Magnus on the situation with Lumi.

"A transformation serum?" Magnus looked at the tiny vial in Salem's palm. He had been aware of the oddity with Aya and had even discussed it with the half-elf.

"We won't resort to it if Riha succeeds."

"I don't like it. We can't just force him to shift when he clearly isn't comfortable enough to."

"Then what do you propose? He obviously needs all the help he can get."

"He needs to be convinced that we can be trusted," Magnus replied firmly. "The serum might take you one step forward but you'll find you've taken five backwards. The worst thing you could inflict on a scared shapeshifter is that serum." Despite the calm he tried to project, the other two noticed how Magnus wasn't bothering with his lazy act. The hard look in his eyes told Syryn that there was history there, that Magnus or someone he cared about had been at the receiving end of a forcefully administered serum.

"How long do you think it has been since Lumi arrived here?" Syryn asked the shapeshifter. "Who does he think has been feeding him and cleaning his cage? It sure as hell wasn't Aya. The bird has had enough time to adjust and speak with us, Magnus. We've waited long enough. If Riha himself is unable to convince Lumi, then there's nothing else we can do."

Magnus frowned at Syryn and said, "you're acting like he's a burden to us. He is scared, surrounded by strangers in a strange place - have some sympathy."

"Sympathy for what?" Syryn snapped back. "The hell has he done for us? All he does is eat, sleep, and act like we're all out to murder him as soon as he closes his eyes."

"So you're just going to violate his will for that reason? We're the ones that brought him here. Deal with it!" He bit out, anger lacing the words with a sharpness that was foreign to his listeners.

Syryn was pissed off. How dare Magnus pick a fight with him for a person he barely even knew! It stung him with jealousy. Magnus was supposed to be on his side. Magnus was HIS friend. "That's exactly what we've been doing for 4 fucking months. Don't bring your personal feelings into this!" He hissed at the fire mage.

Magnus was suddenly closed off, his expression frigid. "Forgive me for thinking you could empathise with the humiliation of being force shifted. I should have known better." The words were spoken coldly. "It's your house, do what you think is best."

Magnus walked away from them, leaving Syryn shaking and upset. There was an ember of anger smouldering in his chest but it was overshadowed by the shock of having fought with Magnus. This was Magnus, the ever smirking and cool Magnus who never lost his temper, never raised his voice at Syryn. The fact that it happened because of an outsider hurt Syryn more than the fight itself.

"It'll be alright," Salem quietly assured him. "Just give him time to stew."

Syryn gloomily nodded. He hated Lumi already.

"Five minutes is up," he told Salem. The two of them walked back into the kitchen to find Lumi sitting on a chair, deep in conversation with Riha.

Lumi was an angelic-looking teenager. Wispy honey blonde hair curled around his lovely face. Big, guileless baby blue eyes blinked at them when he noticed their arrival. A pair of yellow wings were tucked primly behind him, giving them the illusion that an angel was seated amongst them. Lumi had on a white shirt that was too large on him, Riha's. He was beautiful, breathtaking. Syryn hated him even more.

Deciding to take the higher road, he tamped down on his irrational anger and allowed Salem to lead their exchange.

"Lumi, thank you for joining us finally."

The avian looked away, a light blush high on his cheekbones. "Riha told me I couldn't hide any longer," his voice was soft and it grated on Syryn's nerves. He much preferred Alka's voice.

Salem had been the recipient of Lumi's feverish gaze on and off whenever he had been in the kitchen. Seeing him for what he really looked like, the blonde alchemist still couldn't shake off the unwelcome feeling of it. "You should know it isn't healthy to stay in your animal form for long periods of time."

Bowing his head, Lumi nodded. "I was afraid." His slender shoulders were tight, withdrawn, and he appeared so very fragile. It evoked a feeling of protectiveness that Salem refused to act upon. Dark clouds gathered behind him where Syryn was fuming. The half-elf glanced at Riha whose gaze rested on Lumi. The selkie looked anything but happy.

"What's wrong with your sister?" Syryn asked. He had moved to stand next to Salem and was frowning at Lumi. The avian nervously licked his pink lips and looked to Riha for help but the selkie's response was silence.

"Aya is dead," Lumi let out in a breathy whisper. They almost hadn't heard it. "This little one is a wild bird that my captors replaced her with." The avian's eyes were misting over as he spoke about his sister. "I'm sorry I lied to you, Riha. I was grieving and couldn't accept that Aya was longer in this world."

Syryn almost felt sorry for Lumi. The avian had been through so much all at once, and Syryn sort of felt like an ass for directing his anger towards the boy. Well, boo hoo, they all had sob stories so Lumi was no special exception to be treated with more care.

"How can we help you?" Syryn asked Lumi. He was going to try and attempt civility not for Lumi's sake but for Magnus who he cared more about.

The avian raised his head to look at Syryn. Locking gazes with him, Lumi studied Syryn's ethereal face. "You're very beautiful," he was informed.

"How can we help you?" Syryn repeated after an awkward pause. He completely ignored the compliment that felt at odds with the mood that hung over them.

"You've done so much for me and there's nothing more I can ask for. Please let me help you in any way I can. I'm good at cleaning and cooking," Lumi earnestly replied. This was a total 180 from his earlier fearful behaviour. His gaze drifted to Salem who had remained quiet after their initial exchange. The half-elf noticed the attention and looked at Lumi but the avian quickly averted his eyes.

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"Alright then, Riha, I'll leave Lumi to your care. You're familiar with the house chores so allocate work as you see fit." Syryn then turned to Lumi, "if you fall ill or feel uncomfortable anywhere, you can come to me or Salem. We can be found in the alchemy chamber which is at the end of the corridor. I'll get Alka to prepare a room for you when he comes back."

"There's no need for that. I'll sleep in the birdcage," Lumi answered.

Syryn turned around and left after a brief glance at Lumi. He had to find Magnus. The alchemist just couldn't bear the thought of passing another minute knowing things weren't okay between them.

He found the fire mage in his room. The door was ajar, letting out the sounds of a young boy's giggles. At least Luci was happy, Syryn bitterly thought. His knuckles rapped on the door twice, letting them know he was coming in.

"Syryn, Magnus couldn't find his shirt with the bird-shaped print on it. He had been wearing it the entire time!" Luci was smiling widely and pointing at the shirt that the fire mage had worn. It had an eagle motif just under the collar, not easily noticeable to the eyes that weren't looking for it.

"Rub it in will ya?" Magnus scowled at nobody in particular. "I'm growing old Luci. Will you still laugh at me when I forget even more?"

Luci scrambled off the bed he was sat on. Because of the fire mage's words, he was suddenly reminded of the task that Alka had left to him before the plant mage left to buy some fertiliser. "I forgot to water the gooey plant! Alka is going to kill me!"

The redhead rushed out of the room, leaving Syryn and Magnus staring at each other. Magnus turned away first, choosing to sit on the neatly made bed where a shallow dent was left on the mattress in the aftermath of Luci's bouncing.

"We didn't administer the serum," Syryn said to the fire mage.


Magnus flashed a weak smile at Syryn. "I'm sorry, I overreacted."

"Yes, you did."

The prickling inside him melted away at the very moment Magnus chuckled. A pillow hit Syryn's face but he was grinning back at his fire mage. Lucien was Syryn's brother and Magnus was his best friend. Right?

"Magnus, if you ever betray me for another, I'll kill your special person and destroy your life." Syryn had a way with words when he was feeling less than pleased.

Magnus' mouth parted silently and he shut it with a soft 'click'. His brain couldn't decide whether it wanted his body to be afraid or flattered - maybe both - at Syryn's possessiveness. In a measured tone, he asked the teen, "is that supposed to be a confession?"

"Don't be an idiot," Syryn replied with a scoff. Their redhead had staked his claim on Magnus, and Syryn wasn't blind to it.

"Thank fuck," Magnus replied and blew out a gust of air dramatically.

"I take offence to your relief. I'm a catch."

Magnus smiled widely at his vain friend. "Come here," and he extended his arms beckoning Syryn in for a hug.

The younger mage walked over and allowed Magnus to squeeze the air out of him. It felt like he was being smothered by a furnace. Encircling the broad back with his arms, Syryn felt the steady heartbeats that drummed against his ear.

"You'll always be my special person, Syryn. Even when I get married, I'll put an extra bed in my room for you."

Syryn was starting to really feel the heat that came off the fire mage but he didn't let go. "Lucien won't like that," he murmured very softly, smiling at the image that Magnus painted.

"What did you say?" The fire mage asked.

"That you'll need a bigger room because I'll bring my boyfriend along."

"You mean boyfriends."

"You say that as if it's a bad thing."

Magnus laughed and Syryn felt the sound go through his chest. "You're going to break a lot of hearts, aren't you?"

"Yes, including my own," Syryn answered. As fun as it was, Syryn was aware that it would all come back to bite him in the arse. He felt the fire mage rest his chin on top of Syryn's head. Peaceful quietness settled between them as Magnus processed the fact that Syryn was self-aware and still headed straight towards a wall at full speed.

"You're smarter than this, Ryn."

Syryn's heart did a little jump. Only Rowan had been allowed to call him that. He supposed he could extend the honour to Magnus as well, considering how fond he was of the fire mage. He pried himself out of the warm embrace. How did Magnus tolerate his own body heat?

"You'll be there to pick it up when my heart breaks into little pieces, won't you?"

Magnus was about to say something silly but he realised that Syryn was serious. The fire mage placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder and squeezed.


Syryn's trust in Magnus was as firm as the position of the Twin Stars. It was implicit in the way he depended on the fire mage. Magnus had been a rock-solid presence since the beginning of his new life. He had been willing to sacrifice his life for Syryn and Lucien when they were barely acquaintances. He had looked past their blood and accepted the good and the bad that came with the friendship. Magnus could not be replaced, and neither Alka.

"I'll hold you to that," Syryn replied, grateful, unaware of the winds gathering for a storm that would test their friendship.

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