The Demon Lord And His Hero

Chapter 96: Danger

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Syryn handed three envelopes to Rowan. The names of his intended recipients were hastily scrawled across the brown paper. One of the envelopes even had an ugly ink spatter across it.

With that out of the way, he had another important task to complete. It was time to call in a favour from the plant mage.

"Hey Alka, are you going shopping anytime soon?"

"I guess I am since you're asking. What do you need?" Alka was in Lucien and Magnus' shared room, helping the redhead pack his favourite snacks and sweets, his necromancy tome, and a green cloak that the plant mage produced from his own dimensional bag.

"Blue feeds on magic but I can't just grab random mages off the street so I had this semi brilliant idea that we could feed him mana crystals. Lots and lots of crystals."

"That sounds like a lot. At least half of your savings gone." The plant mage buttoned the collar on Lucien's cloak. A light leather sling bag around his shoulder carried all of the redhead's worldly possessions.

"I'm not going to ask how you know about my account," Syryn replied. "Here's a bill of exchange for what I hope is a sufficient number of crystals until I'm back." The paper was stamped with the crest of the merchant guild where Syryn had his money deposited safely.

Alka slid the paper towards himself and examined it. "Some people don't even make this much money in their lifetime and you're throwing it all away on a serial killer."

"Syryn, I didn't get to see the squid. You should have woken me up," Lucien complained.

"We'll meet Blue when we're back." Syryn had one last thing left to do. "I'm going to meet Salem now so take a final inventory of whatever you need, Lucien. Once we enter the rift, we are not coming back for your favourite toy."

"I'm not a baby, Syryn," Lucien protested. "I've already packed whatever I need."

"Good for you. Carry some extra ginger candies for me to suck on. I'll be bored to death this time."

"Don't forget to carry some form of identification with you, Syryn," Alka reminded him.

"Already have it."

Sebastian came through the door then, jabbing his thumb backwards behind him. "There's a bird man at the door, S'ryn. He's asking for you."

"Tell him we're coming along and that I'll be there in a few minutes." The alchemist raced to Salem's door and knocked on it loud enough to wake the dead.

Salem swung the door open after 4 heavy knocks. His eyes were growing dark circles under them. Looking more tired than a single mother of triplets, Salem blinked his heavy eyelids at the alchemist. "This better be an emergency, Syryn."

"It is," the younger mage replied. "I'm leaving to Nua for a month and I'm taking Lucien with me. But, I'm also handing over two assistants to you, Salem. They're good kids but they fight a lot so you can't leave them unattended in the workroom. Please take care of business while I'm absconding. I promise to work harder and make up for it when I'm back."

"This is all very sudden," Salem replied after a beat. "Wait here."

The blond alchemist opened up a cabinet from which he retrieved a bottle of liquid. He brought it over to Syryn then placed it in the boy's hand. "Your skin will burn faster at higher altitudes so apply this liberally and wear a hat when you're walking about under sunlight. Do you have a hat?"

Syryn shook the bottle and it made a sloshing sound. "No, I'll pack it right now. Thanks, Salem."

"Good omens lead you, Syryn. Come home safe." Salem placed a light kiss on the teen's forehead. Before Syryn could slip in another word, the half-elf was already slamming the door shut in his face. His eagerness to get back to bed had trumped his good manners.

Rowan, Sebastian, Alka, Lucien, and even Riha were all present in the kitchen when Syryn rushed back.

"Syryn, he says we're getting late!" Lucien piped up. The alchemist had to forego the hats. He was quite sure that they'd find places that sold hats.

Navi was already inside Lucien's kitty carrier bag and strapped to the front of the boy's chest. Already used to it from their frequent use, the cat's orange head was sleepily poking out of the bag. It yawned and closed its eyes, falling asleep right there. Milky on the other hand was waiting on the floor. He absolutely refused to get squeezed inside a carrier. And after an episode with his claws, nobody ever attempted to force him into one.

"We must depart."

Syryn turned to the speaker, their avian guard. On his face was a dark purple mask where a beak protruded. Contrasting with Riaku's female guard, this one had no presence at all. It was disconcerting. The eye holes on his mask were curved like fox eyes and Syryn couldn't see through the darkness of it.

The alchemist wanted one last kiss from Rowan but he feared it would make their separation harder. "Take care, everyone," he said after tearing his gaze away from Rowan. Taking Lucien's hand in his, Syryn began to follow the guard.

The sky was still dark when they entered a simply furnished carriage that was parked outside their gate. It was the kind that people rented out for short distance travels within Elysium. And as they bumped along the road in their uncomfortable carriage, Lucien caught another small power nap. Syryn on the other hand found the ride unbearable. He was used to luxury coaches.

To his relief, It didn't take too long for their arrival at a clearing. A group of 8 people were already gathered at the meeting spot. Syryn could make out the figure of a mage hunter he knew all too well.

"You've decided to go," Artemus said when Syryn reached them.

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"Had a letter for you. Would have brought it with me if I'd have known I would find you here."

"What letter?"

"Rowan will hand it over to you."

The anti mage nodded. "Send a missive if anything comes up."

"And bother the mage hunters?"

Artemus looked at the overcast sky and frowned. "Sigil protects her own. Stay safe, Syryn."


Riaku's navigator was a distinguished-looking avian male. He split the air professionally and walked in first. The others followed at a pace that Syryn and Lucien matched. Their purple masked guard was the last to enter.

Inside the path, Riaku was beside the navigator who was leading them. Syryn and Lucien were made to walk behind the prince. The remaining avians arranged themselves into a tight diamond formation around them. Purple mask flanked Syryn to the left. He had a feeling that the guard had been charged to protect him and Lucien.

Eerie silence reigned over the group as they kept walking. With Alka, they'd connected their wrists with a rope before entrance into the path. The avians didn't bother with it. The trained guards maintained almost perfect integrity of their formation as they moved.

Milky was now perched on Syryn's shoulder with half his body inside the alchemist's hood. Blue eyes scanned the path lazily. Whatever he saw didn't bother him.

Not long into their walk, Syryn started feeling a trickle of anxiety down his spine. The path was safe enough for travel so it wasn't the creatures in there that made him anxious. The alchemist soon spotted the same silhouette that had followed him in his first foray through the path with Alka. It stood very far away but maintained just enough proximity for Syryn to notice its shape through the fog. Even the avian guards raised their heads and turned to the creature from time to time.

Syryn's anxiety began peaking like a wave. Something was wrong. He squeezed Lucien's hand in his. Feeling the unease radiating off his brother, Red looked up at him. Syryn couldn't tell what was wrong except that their lives were in danger.

"Riaku," he whispered but it carried to the prince.

A slight inclination of the head told him the prince was listening.

"Danger," he whispered again. Syryn sensed the guards stiffen. Riaku fell back and walked next to him as they kept pace.

"My instinct is telling me there's something ahead that wants our lives."

Syryn knew it wasn't much to go on. Survival instincts weren't always trustworthy, not when their minds were on elevated levels of alertness, and every shadow or sound could be perceived by the hyperactive imagination as an enemy.

"Gosan, exit at D6," Riaku's instructions were crisp and just loud enough for the navigator to hear.

For whatever reason, the prince heeded his warning. Gosan made a change in direction by sharply cutting to the left. Syryn wasn't assured. The sense of danger continued to plague him.

"This way is also dangerous," he told the prince after they made a good distance.

"Are you sure?" Riaku's reply was subdued.


"Then we'll meet death courageously."

Syryn would have cussed out the prince if he wasn't feeling so jittery.

"Wen, Soka, Rei, guard the healer and his brother," Riaku instructed. "The rest with me."

Senses cast out in a net, Syryn was on high alert. There was no hidden enemy, no assassin in the shadows. A lone statue of a humanoid creature became discernable as they got closer to their exit point. The stone sculpture was as tall as a house.

Riaku raised his hand and all movement came to a stop.

"You were right, healer," he said to Syryn in his silvery voice. "Leave with Gosan as soon as he opens the rift."

Syryn remembered Rowan's instructions to stay low key. 

"Okay," but he couldn't abandon the others to the statue. It felt like cowardice.

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