The Demon Venerable's Wistful Desire

Chapter 16: CH 16

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Note: For the sake of consistency with other sect names, ‘Imperial Spirit Beast School’ will be changed to ‘Yu Chong School’ moving forward. This will be changed gradually in preceding chapters.

The entrance to the Mitian Tongyin Grand Array was found in the Yan Shu湮蜀 - lit. 'Annihilation Shu'

Shu Han is one of the Three Kingdoms in Ancient China.

Not related to Yu Yanshu our little cultivator friend. Mountain Range.

This was an extremely unique Grand Array in which the weather could change from blazing hot to a snowy wasteland in just an hour’s time.

Among the many Grand Arrays available for practitioners to cultivate in, the Mitian Tongyin Grand Array was considered to be one on the harsher end of the scale.

Yet, despite its harsh conditions, there was a reason why people still came here.

The frequent changes in this Grand Array meant that there was more potential for a fortuitous encounter, or treasure to form.

Especially when the Grand Array was open for training. Treasures were guaranteed to appear then.

Rumour had it that a spirit spring suddenly erupted in the midst of the Grand Array. Of those who drank its waters or meditated there, some experienced a breakthrough from early to middle stage while others already at middle stage were able to form their golden core and undergo tribulation outright.

This Grand Array opened on an irregular schedule. Sometimes it would be three years in between, other times five. It all depended on the inner changes of the Grand Array.

Seniors that paid long-term attention to the area would notify the cultivation world’s major sects when they noticed signs of the Grand Array opening. Then the Sects could gather eligible disciples and send them into the Grand Array.

Every time the Mitian Tongyin Grand Array opened could be said to be a grand event for the cultivation world.

It was rare for the Yu Chong Sect to be able to attend a training exercise like this, so they assigned great importance to the invitation. Hao Xia personally took the attendees, Chi Muyao and Yi Shaoxi, to the outside of the Grand Array.

The sight of the vast formation caused Hao Xia to hesitate momentarily. “Accidents, deadly ones, occur every time this Grand Array opens—we can see the state of your Soul Lamp to check on you. We’d have to break in if we miss the time it opens. Even the Nascent Soul Stage seniors would need to put in some effort if they come. Even if it's unlikely anything will happen, you two should take extra precautions."

Chi Muyao and Yi Shaoxi nodded to indicate their understanding.

Hao Xia looked over the two disciples again before patting Chi Muyao's shoulder. "Take care of your Shijie."

"En, I will."

Chi Muyao and Yi Shaoxi rarely had such an opportunity to participate in community events. They took special care to wear their Sect’s uniform.

The Yu Chong School's sect uniform alternated between goose yellow and white. Birds and flowers were embroidered on its wide sleeves and belt, the latter of which was held together by three thin bone twine ropes. A brocade pouch hung on the bottom-most rope.

The pouch was a small bag in the shape of a bunny sewn by Yi Shaoxi herself. It was actually a hand modified Qiankun pouch.

The inner layer consisted of a warm white pleated skirt and pants that danced around your legs when walking.

As they spoke, Chi Muyao sensed others glancing at him from time to time.

He tried to maintain a calm facade, but he still overheard some snippets.

“Is he the one Tian Liu Heavenly Venerable was talking about? He’s not all that, ah..."

"He looks shabby as hell and has a three element spiritual root to boot. How can anyone compare him to Shaoluo-shijie?”

"Right? A man being referred to as beautiful isn’t a compliment. It’s emasculating.”

"He doesn’t seem that..."

The people saying those things included both men and women. They all seemed to think that Chi Muyao wasn’t good-looking.

Uncertain of what was going on, Chi Muyao looked over at them, which caused a hushed silence to fall over the group. Some even sucked in a cold breath of air.

They could blindly say whatever came to mind when looking at the unclear silhouette of Chi Muyao’s back, but his face cast away all doubt. In fact, they were even more embarrassed than Chi Muyao himself.

He didn't say anything. One glance was more than enough to shut those people up for good.

This was what Chi Muyao didn’t know had happened...

At the inter-sect meeting to discuss the opening of the Mitian Tongyin Grand Array, there were few matters on the agenda. As the attendees gathered to chat over some tea, Xian Yue Heavenly Venerable’s young niece, Ming Shaoluo, came in with refreshments. Someone praised Ming Shaluo after noticing her, “Everyone knows that Xian Yue Heavenly Venerable is the most beautiful person in the three realms, but it seems like this title will go to your Ming family once more! Little Niece Shaoluo becomes more stunning by the day.”

The Xian Yue Heavenly Venerable had always been renowned for her beauty across the three realms. She, along with Guan Nan Heavenly Venerable, were once referred to as the golden couple of the cultivation world.

Yet despite Xian Yue Heavenly Venerable’s interest in Guan Nan Heavenly Venerable, he didn’t feel the same way about her. In fact, he even suddenly took on a cultivation partner later on—her title was Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable.

This caused many people to comment on how blind Guan Nan Heavenly Venerable must be. Instead of being with the most beautiful of beauties, he chose Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable.

Still, Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable was a demure and pure beauty herself with a clean reputation as well. She had a gentleness about her that the intelligent and spiteful Xian Yue Heavenly Venerable lacked. With time, people stopped questioning this matter.

Xian Yue Heavenly Venerable pretended to be angry at the compliment. "What, are you saying this because I’m old and decrepit now?"

"How could that be? I just thought the members of your Ming family are more beautiful than any other."

At this time, Tian Liu Heavenly Venerable suddenly shook his head. "No, that might not be the case.”

His comment instantly made him the centre of attention. Tian Liu Heavenly Venerable had suddenly recalled a memory. His voice, when he spoke again, still contained residual awe, “Now that I think about it, I once visited the Yu Chong School to seek their help when my steed grew ill. During my brief stay there, I glimpsed a little disciple of that Sect. A truly heavenly beauty, perhaps the most beautiful person of the three realms.”

No one else had seen this little disciple before. They couldn’t help but wonder, “Are you sure that description is apt?”

"I’m certain. I have known Xian Yue and Guan Nan Heavenly Venerables for many years. I’ve even met Little Friend Shaoluo many times, so my eyes have become discerning. Still, the breath was robbed from my lungs when I saw that disciple. It was some time before I could return to my senses.”

Xian Yue Heavenly Venerable was originally very content after being praised. Even Ming Shaoluo was blushing, her heart leaping with joy.

However, both women’s expressions soured at a rate visible to the naked eye after hearing Tian Liu Heavenly Venerable's words.

Luckily, Xian Yue Heavenly Venerable was the first to recover. She said with a smile, “I’m very interested in this young lady now. I must see her some day."

"No, the person I was referring to is a man.”

Everyone was shocked.

How could a man be called a beauty??

Tian Liu Heavenly Venerable laughed uproariously at everyone’s funny expressions. “You would understand my words if you saw him. Beauty is beauty. It is rooted in your skin and bones yet transcends gender all the same.”

The Tian Liu Heavenly Venerable suddenly remembered something else. He asked Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable, "Hasn't Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable also seen this little beauty?"

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Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable suddenly being named made things a little awkward.

Everyone here knew about the feud between Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable and Xian Yue Heavenly Venerable. The two women struggled over Guan Nan Heavenly Venerable, a conflict Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable won in the end, becoming his cultivation partner.

The grudge born from that was not one that could be resolved overnight.

Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable only smiled faintly at the question. “He is beautiful, but unfortunately his talent is mundane. His name is unlikely to be known for a thousand years.”

The implication was that that disciple really was more beautiful than Ming Shaoluo, but his talent wasn’t as good. Thus, she could take on the title of most beautiful after that little beauty passed away.

This sentence made Xian Yue Heavenly Venerable and Ming Shaoluo blanch with anger. The tea session was also called off unceremoniously.

Guan Nan Heavenly Venerable only gave his cultivation partner a single glance, a doting one bereft of blame. In the end, he left hand in hand with Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable.

* * *

But Chi Muyao didn't know about any of that. All he knew was that people kept looking at him.

Even the Heavenly Venerables gathered under the sunshade spiritual artefact gave him occasional glances. It seemed that even Heavenly Venerables could be full of curiosity.

Only he and Yi Shaoxi were wearing goose-yellow sect costumes, so they stood out like sitting ducks.

Chi Muyao couldn't hear exactly what the Heavenly Venerables were chatting about, but their obvious amusement made him very puzzled.

When he looked up again, he locked eyes with Zhi Shan Heavenly Venerable.

He hesitated for a split second before saluting her. She smiled faintly at him in return.

Among the crowd, Ming Shaoluo saw this exchange.

She may have had a bright smile on her face, but she was rolling her eyes at Chi Muyao on the inside.

It’d been five years since her rebirth. In her previous life, she had actually never heard of anyone able to overshadow her.

Ming Shaoluo had excellent talent and a good family background. Additionally, she was widely believed to be the number one beauty of the three realms. The only ones able to move her heart would be that imperceptive Xi Zihe and Han Qingkui.

Oh…and probably that Xi Huai who wouldn’t stop pestering her too.

Which hole did this little Yu Chong School disciple jump out of? She had never heard of him before.

She was soon able to breathe a sigh of relief. He was probably just a waste. How powerful could he possibly be if he was in that Sect? Coming to this Mitian Tongyin Grand Array opening was a grave mistake!

There was no reason for her to care about a dead man walking.

Almost all the disciples of the various sects had gathered by now.

Chi Muyao and Yi Shaoxi were taken by Yu Yanshu to his team. He quietly instructed them, “Enter the Grand Array with me later on and make sure you don't get separated. I won’t be able to leave the team behind to go search for you two.”

"En. Alright." Chi Muyao nodded good-naturedly. Then he turned to look at the elegant-looking youth standing not far from him.

It was Xi Zihe.

This team’s really something, an all-star squad. Even if something were to happen, it's the people in the other teams who’ll become cannon fodder first.

Disciples gathered in the open area into small teams. Then, Golden Core stage seniors distributed to them cards and bamboo tubes that could store Jilingshou carcasses.

Another senior stood out in front, amplifying his voice using spiritual energy. “One hundred and seventy participants from Nuan Yan Pavilion, One hundred and fifty participants from Xiu Zhu Pavilion...Two participants from Yu Chong School. Have I missed anyone?”

No one present made a peep in response.

The inquiring senior put down that card and was about to read out the precautions to take after entering the Grand Array when people suddenly descended to the center of the field on a flying artefact. One of them said aloud, "Three participants from Qing Ze Sect."

This flying artefact’s speed was truly dizzying. Of the people present, only the Nascent Soul Stage Heavenly Venerables were able to detect their arrival in advance. Even the Golden Core Stage seniors were in the dark.

Their sudden arrival stirred up a strong gust of wind that left tree branches swaying and sent blades of Jade Grass flying.

Those six words made Chi Muyao stiffen. He thought, 'It couldn’t be Xi Huai, right? No one’s seen him in half a year, right? Isn’t he supposed to be forming his golden core in seclusion??''

As he had a minor panic attack, those three walked forward towards the front. Coincidentally, they happened to walk past Chi Muyao.

The gust they stirred up in their wake caused Chi Muyao’s sleeves to drift.

He looked up to see a tall, well-built man brushing past him. Said man was wearing a set of dark, brocade enchanted vestments with a dark red outer layer. His presence was very imposing as he walked past Chi Muyao.

Chi Muyao saw the dark red dragon horn on the right side of the man's forehead, as well as his sharp side profile. Both were a perfect match to the silhouettes he had seen a thousand times in the dark.

He had always known that Xi Huai was tall, but it was only now when they stood shoulder to shoulder that Chi Muyao realized Xi Huai was more than half a head taller than him.

According to his estimate based on his own height (178 cm), Xi Huai was about 193 to 195 cm’s if you disregard his dragon horn.

Chi Muyao also noticed how hard and fast his heart was beating. He was tense to the point of being immobilized, and he had lost all control over his expression. All he could do right now was stand stiffly in place.

Luckily, Xi Huai didn't even notice, much less recognize him. He just continued forward.

Two people followed behind him. One was dressed flamboyantly and even had a peacock feather in his hair. In stark contrast, the other was in pure white robes with a polite smile on his face, waving the fan in his hand like a refined gentleman.

The other two were fine, but this gentleman in white glanced at Chi Muyao as he passed by. Then, after a few more steps, he turned back like he hadn’t seen his fill and looked at him again. Alarm bells were blaring in Chi Muyao’s head.

After they stopped walking, Zong Sichen sent a voice transmission to Xi Huai using his divine sense, "There’s a little beauty over there who’s really good-looking."

Chi Muyao just happened to duck his head the moment Xi Huai coldly looked back. As a result, all Xi Huai saw was the yellow oriole perched on his head. He commented, “En. The bird’s not bad.”

Qiuqiu seemed to realize it was being praised. It suddenly stood up and spread its wings, showing off its ‘majestic’ bearing.

Xi Huai raised an eyebrow at the sight. His lips uncontrollably quirked up into a faint smile.

Damn it...He came to stir up trouble but a bird made him laugh.

Rain: At that height, Xi Huai should be a basketball player. Then Chi Muyao can bring him water and cheer him on in the stands. Change my mind.

Sahl: Hands up who wants an AU fic where Xi Huai is the star basketball player who uses demonic skills and Chi Muyao is the school grass who keeps a pet bird in his desk…

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