The Demon Venerable's Wistful Desire

Chapter 3: CH 3

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Perhaps the cave was getting too stuffy, or perhaps Xi Huai was finally willing to believe that Chi Muyao didn’t hold bad intentions towards him. In any case, Xi Huai actually initiated conversation for once. "What's your name?"

Chi Muyao didn't want to tell Xi Huai his name so as to leave himself a way out.

If he really managed to escape alive, the less information he exposed, the safer he would be. Xi Huai wouldn’t be able to cause trouble or chase him down and kill him if he couldn’t find him in the first place.

"I am my shifu’s ninth disciple, so you can call me Xiao JiuLittle nine..” But then Chi Muyao considered the remarkable age difference between him and Xi Huai. He was old enough to be Xi Huai’s grandpa in the mortal world! It felt a bit wrong to have Xi Huai call him Xiao Jiu, so he amended, “Or you can call me Grandpa Nevermind. A-Jiu is fine.”

At the moment, Xi Huai didn’t care what his name actually was. He didn’t mind just being given a nickname.

He asked again, “You also wear the He Huan Sect’s pink sect uniform and wield the round fan?"

"Yeah. I’m the only male disciple of my Sect, and I don’t have much talent either. Few people stay in the Sect year round to begin with, so there’s no one to take care of me. I'm fed and clothed like all my other shijies and shimeis."

His Sect’s uniform consisted of pink and white robes embroidered with peach blossoms, and a chain decorated with peach blossoms and white butterflies draped across the shoulder. The bead inside contained their Sect’s concealed weapon.

The He Huan Sect loved peach blossoms most of all, because the best type of luck for them is peach blossom luck桃花运 - Romantic luck. The He Huan Sect focuses on dual cultivation so...yeah..

Everyone in their Sect also had the same artefact, the round fan.

If your cultivation was high enough to conceal your identity when going outside, you could disguise the fan as a sword. But Chi Muyao was far from that point. His artefact could only remain a round fan.

Xi Huai obviously didn't like pink clothes. He asked disdainfully, “No one laughs at you when you go out as a man dressed in pink?”

Aggrieved, Chi Muyao replied, "I don't usually leave the Sect."

"How did you get into the He Huan Sect? Don’t they only accept female disciples?”

Chi Muyao answered vaguely, "Would you believe me if I said I didn’t look half bad?”

"Of course you’re above average if you can join the He Huan Sect.” Xi Huai was sure of this.

"I was originally a refugee from the mortal world." Chi Muyao hugged his knees close as he recalled the situation right after he transmigrated. “I was born in a war torn city where the barren ground was frozen, and starving people were everywhere. I could only follow the crowds and head towards other cities. I nearly starved to death several times during the journey. Then, the immortals arrived. Unfortunately they only took girls, but I was so hungry that I relied on my looks to sneak my way in.”

Xi Huai was silent for a moment. He seemed to understand what had happened, but there was something he was still curious about. "They never found out you were a boy?"

"They found out when they brought me back and started arranging baths. At first, they wanted to chase me out because they didn’t have a suitable cultivation method for men. But they took pity on me in the end and let me stay to help out with Sect affairs. I’m in charge of distributing Sect supplies to everyone.”

Actually, the He Huan Sect didn’t let Chi Muyao stay out of pity. The real reason was because he was really, really good looking. Even as a child, it was clear he would grow up into a peerless beauty.

His features were so devastating that the He Huan Sect made an exception for him. Every member of the Sect, from the disciples to the elders, became a facecon for him.

After all, keeping a beautiful man of his calibre around to occasionally appreciate could be rather enjoyable.

But Chi Muyao didn’t mention any of that. Partly because he was worried about coming across as too narcissistic, and partly because he didn’t want to leave Xi Huai too many clues.

It was best if Xi Huai got the impression that he was just above average in the looks department. That would make hiding a lot easier since there were a lot of people who fitted that description in the cultivation world. After all, all cultivators had clear complexions and healthier bodies after cutting their hair and cleansing their marrow. Above average people were the norm, and beauties weren’t that rare either.

Xi Huai seemed suspicious. “That old turtle bastard said you were really old, and you admitted you didn’t have long left to live. So then why do you sound like a young man to me?"

"A part of the He Huan Sect’s cultivation techniques are for preserving one’s features. Most disciples choose to maintain their appearance at 17 or 18 unless they have a reason to change.”

In the cultivation world, your lifespan was determined by your rate of cultivation.

The Qi Refining Stage meant you could live for a century.

Going up to the Foundation Building Stage meant living for three centuries.

If a person advanced to the Foundation Building Stage in their teens, their appearance would resemble that age for the 200+ years they had left.

However, if a person advanced to Foundation Building in their seventies or eighties, their life expectancy would indeed increase, but their appearance would remain old and withered. Take Elder Medicine Man for example, with his sunken cheeks and age spots.

Young-looking cultivators with high cultivation were all geniuses.

The He Huan Sect was the only exception. They relied on their appearance to cultivate, so naturally they paid special attention to it and devised preservation techniques for this purpose.

Xi Huai didn’t know much about the He Huan Sect. In fact, he thought it beneath his notice before he met Chi Muyao.

He asked again after hearing the other’s explanation, “How old are you really?”


Xi Huai's always unperturbed expression finally flickered. “You’re that old?!"


The conversation that day died there.

In the cultivation world, cultivators several centuries old were a common sight. People Chi Muyao’s age weren’t even considered elderly.

However, he was indeed old when compared to Xi Huai.

Especially since Chi Muyao was still in the early stages of Qi Refinement at the age of eighty-seven. He had basically no chance of successfully building a foundation at this point, so he could only wait for death. The only real benefit cultivation brought him was a painless death free from illness and disease.

Xi Huai had seemingly given up on the idea of breaking out by letting Chi Muyao build his foundation as well. He was silent for a long time.

Chi Muyao felt that he was probably very disappointed with him, so he dutifully ducked back into his corner.

And Xi Huai didn't expect anything more from Chi Muyao. He simply inquired, "Can you use the Simple Washing Technique?"

Immortal cultivators did not bathe. In order to save time and focus on cultivating, they used the Simple Washing Technique instead.

Xi Huai had been locked up in there for some time, with his spiritual energy cut off. Naturally, he had no way of cleansing himself. Since Chi Muyao seemed like the honest sort, Xi Huai decided to let him help.

Chi Muyao knew what Xi Huai meant, but he couldn’t help despite wanting to. “I can’t. I don’t have a water spiritual root.”

"You don’t have water or fire ones? No wonder your cultivation is like this.”

"Do you have one? I can draw it out for you.” Chi Muyao offered.

Xi Huai replied, "I have a pure fire spiritual root.”

There was another moment of silence between the two.

He was fine before, but now that Xi Huai had mentioned it, Chi Muyao was feeling itchy all over too. He hadn’t bathed in some time as well.

While he was hesitating, Xi Huai spoke again, "Never mind. I’ll teach you a technique from the Qing Ze Sect.

Secretly learning the technique of another sect…

If the Qing Ze Sect found out about this, they would definitely come hunt him down.

He frantically shook his head. "I wouldn't dare."

"What are you afraid of if I’m the one to teach you?"

...Chi Muyao agreed after a moment’s hesitation. He directed his spiritual energy around his body according to Xi Huai’s instructions.

Chi Muyao was originally a person from modern times, but it’s been eighty or so years since he transmigrated here. He had long since developed some understanding of the cultivation world and learned the basics. Of course he could apply that knowledge to the mantra Xi Huai was reciting.

Xi Huai originally thought that Chi Muyao would be difficult to teach, but he was surprised to see how quickly Chi Muyao grasped things.

Because he was impatient by nature, Xi Huai only recited the mantra once. But Chi Muyao had memorised it all.

From this, you could see that Chi Muyao’s poor cultivation wasn’t due to him being dull. On the contrary, he was quite smart. It was his potential holding him back.

Alas, potential was what often decided the course of one’s life.

After practising on his own for a while, Chi Muyao stood up and made the required hand signs. He actually succeeded in summoning a stream of water, which he used to clean himself. He even had enough control to prevent water droplets from gathering on his skin and clothes.

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His discomfort lessened to a significant degree.

Chi Muyao quickly felt his way to Xi Huai’s side. Standing by his head, he used the Simple Washing Technique to clean Xi Huai.

But half way through, Chi Muyao suddenly remembered that he had to avoid Xi Huai’s wound. This moment of inattention caused him to lose control of the floating water. It instantly gathered together and fell, coincidentally landing on Xi Huai's face.

Xi Huai felt like someone just splashed a basin of cold water on his face. His cheeks and hair were instantly drenched. The water had hit him with such force that his skin was stinging.

Chi Muyao was scared stiff by this scene. He frantically tried to regain control of the water, but his panic made it take a lot longer than necessary.

Xi Huai asked him quietly, "Was that on purpose?"

"N-no!" He was dying of fright. “I just wanted to avoid your wound."

"Getting distracted when you suck at cultivation to begin with?”

"I'm sorry..."

He couldn’t control the water anymore, so Chi Muyao could only use his sleeves to wipe Xi Huai's face.

Xi Huai spoke out of frustration after only a few wipes. "Get lost."

Chi Muyao sincerely believed that he would be nothing but cinders right now if Xi Huai wasn’t restrained like this. If anyone could do it, it was this guy.

Anyways, he quickly got lost like he was told. He even felt a sense of relief—like not talking to Xi Huai was a good thing.

Xi Huai's spiritual energy was sealed so there was nothing he could do about his head being drenched. Luckily, he had a special physique that made his body temperature higher than normal. The water on him would therefore evaporate faster.

So he just laid down on the stone bed and waited for the water to dry on its own.

At least the Simple Washing Technique was already halfway done. He didn’t feel as uncomfortable as before.

After Chi Muyao left, he behaved himself for a few hours, after which he seemed to fall asleep against the stone wall. When he woke up, he huddled in his corner and practised the Simple Washing Technique by himself.

Then he got really into it and used the technique bit by bit to clean the cave as well.

Chi Muyao also took this opportunity to familiarise himself with the cave’s layout. The ground was fairly flat, with the stone bed in the centre. It seemed that this was originally a place used to imprison people, with restriction techniques in all four directions. Said restriction techniques were also the cause of the absurdly dark interior.

Perhaps because he was sure that Chi Muyao had a decent grasp of the Simple Washing Technique by now, or because he couldn’t stand being so unkempt due to his spoiled upbringing, Xi Huai requested Chi Muyao’s help again.

He was a little embarrassed when asking, “Can...Can you help me wash up again?”

This was definitely the most polite Xi Huai has ever been in his life. He spoke like he was peeling peas, and rather reluctantly at that. One by one, the peas hesitantly fell out of their pod. A single sentence somehow took him half a day to say.

Xi Huai wasn’t used to speaking to others in such a tone.

And Chi Muyao knew all too well about his temper. He didn’t want to provoke this guy, so he complied.

After this, their relationship gradually eased. At least both of them had put down their guard so things weren’t as awkward as before.

Chi Muyao was a bit bored with sitting around. He took out a cup-like bamboo tube from his chain.

This bamboo tube contained Peach Essence Brew, the signature beverage of the He Huan Sect. Every disciple had one such tube, through which they had access to an inexhaustible amount of Clear Peach Brew.

Likely hearing something, Xi Huai asked, "What are you drinking?"

The implication was that he wanted some too.

Chi Muyao swirled the bamboo tube so that the liquid within sloshed. “It’s the He Huan Sect’s Peach Essence Brew. Do you want some?”

"It’s alcohol?"

"More like pure dew with a tiny bit of alcohol. It won’t get you drunk and it tastes great.”


"But I don't have any other cups on me. Open your mouth and I’ll pour it in, okay?”


Chi Muyao felt his way through the darkness to Xi Huai's head. After roughly determining the position of Xi Huai's mouth, he said, “I’m going to pour it now. Open your mouth.”

After waiting a bit, Chi Muyao poured some Peach Essence Brew for Xi Huai and even wiped his mouth for him afterwards.

This was the first time that Chi Muyao directly touched Xi Huai. His thumb brushed over his lips and cheeks before quickly retreating. “Do you want more?”

Xi Huai didn’t answer. He had fallen asleep.

You could also say that...he was drunk.

Over the past eighty or so years, Chi Muyao had been drinking Peach Essence Dew like it was water. His shijies and shimeis had done the same growing up. This was his first time realising someone could get drunk off of this stuff.

Isn't Xi Huai supposed to be the number one demon lunatic who would go on to destroy Heaven and Earth?

How come he’s such a lightweight?

Chi Muyao looked down, but he couldn’t see Xi Huai's face. He could only hear the other’s even breathing.

After a while, he couldn't hold back his giggles anymore.


Chi Muyao


Uh…eight, eighty-seven. Counting the sixteen years before I transmigrated…I guess I’m a hundred year old old man.


The only male disciple of the He Huan Sect.


I like fishing the most!!!

You own a fish pond?

No, no, no. I don’t mean actual fishing. I just like sitting there in a daze all day with a fishing rod and some bait. Oh, I need to bring a bucket too. One with some water in it…



Xi Huai.




Chi Muyao’s cultivation furnace.


Dual cultivation with Chi Muyao.

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