The Demonic Chisel

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Quick Fun

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Chapter 6

Quick Fun

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Apizal spent the next couple of months sat in a stupid plastic baggy, occasionally being brought out of the card board box it was in to be looked at by different people, then returned to the dark of the cardboard box.

Apizal bided it’s time, it could wait. Then it found its chance, it’s box along with a lot of others were being transferred to a storage facility, Apizal waited till it sensed it was outside then turned it’s deadly tip down and dropped out of the baggy and the box, with a slight tilt it landed and bounced away. Having taken the lady’s life force Apizal’s power had grown considerably and it successfully bounced with out sound.

Biding its time again, Apizal rolled to the edge of a large black strip that lots of large metal and rubber things were moving down. It experimentally sliced the rubber of a fast moving object, the results were exemplary. Catapulted through the air by the force of the exploding rubber, Apizal watched the chaos unfold below it; the screams, the fire, the chard and mangled remains! Apizal hadn’t felt his alive since coming to this un-accursed place.

More of the large metal objects arrived with the same flashing lights and sirens Apizal had witnessed before. It made it self scares by imbedding in the side of a larger than normal metal object.

A long distance later Apizal was waiting for an interesting opportunity when below it came yelling,

“What the fuck are you doing? This is my truck, fuck off with your repo bull shit.”

The yelling was moving round the metal object, with a tiny encouragement from the chisel, it ended up right below Apizal, “get your hands off me you bastard.”

A tingle went through Apizal’s metal as it was roughly pulled from the metal that sheathed it. The rage was just like he remembered from his first owner, before the glorious Demonic Lord Te’Leij, that petty man had been this rage filled.

There was something about the sensation of being intentionally used to end some ones life that Apizal just couldn’t get enough of, the sensation of rending bone, of ripping flesh, oh the joy of drinking the beings blood!

“Ah Fuck Damn it you useless piece of shit!” Screamed Apizal as the man dropped it in regret, “what a shit emotion!”

Ah well, murderous chisels can’t be choosers, Apizal rolled away another meal under it’s metal.

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