The Demonic Sect In Marvel

Chapter 15: CH-15

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Name : Jennifer Susan Walters

Level : 3

Title : None

HP : 750/750

Chi : 0/0

STR : 12

INT : 19

AGI : 10

WIS : 15

LUK : 12

STA : 11


[Bloodline : Locked ]

'Weak and an idiot.'

"I would never need a scholar." I scoffed at her and left. She tried to protest back but a glare stopped her in place. I scoffed hard at it. 

Intelligence, bravery, cunningness are worth nothing without power and strength to back them up, they were like sharks thrown in land, would gape till the end, only to face a pitiful death.

After that encounter my mood was taking a bad turn, I came to the city hoping for fun and I have yet to do something that's fun. So with a sigh I turned around.

'Maybe I should get some booze'


"You call this cheap shit booze?" I clutched his collar as I pulled him close.

"I'm-I'm sorry sir." He pleaded, I frowned and let him go as he fell back.

"Give me something that would make me forget that you ever gave me this cheap shit." I threw the jug on the floor, shattering it into pieces.

He nodded continuously in fear and ran to the room inside. I sat back and let out a sigh, maybe I should have gone to the busy places and not this one.

While I was searching for places to get booze I came across here, it was not big but not small either.

I should have gone to another place when I noticed there was nobody but it had quite the view, nothing mesmerising or a material of awe but it was pleasant, the sound of the river water flowing beside you, the stars filled night sky, the lit up statue of a woman holding an ice cream, it was peaceful and I made the mistake of settling here.

"H-H-Here is your special.. sir." The guy came back with a jug filled with crystal clear liquid, I raised my brows and gave him a questionable look, He looked back at me and gave a nod.

"If this is not good, I'm going to kill you." I warned, taking the jug in my hand and with a sweep I gulped it all. 

A few seconds passed as I didn't feel anything but then I did, a slow tickling sensation crawled its way to my tongue and I felt a bit of an aftertaste followed by a warm sensation down my throat... that was all.

"That is your best?" I asked in surprise.

"How the hell are you still sober man? That was a whole bottle of Everclear 190, it was my reserve stock." He questioned in shock with his eyes wide, he was really shocked, I tilted my head in confusion.

"Really? that is your best?!"

"Man, that thing is banned for being highly intoxicating and I poured you a whole bottle of it. You won't be getting anything better than this in New York, hell in America."

"What kind of hell is this world?"

"Same thing I've been wondering all days man." The guy sighed, taking a seat inside the table.

"Give me another of these." He bent down and picked a bottle, as he was about to pour I snatched it and sipped it straight from the bottle.

"Don't waste time." I took a long sip this time, coming down to half a bottle.

"Woah! Slow down man. I don't have an endless supply, got only a crate of them."

"You own this place?" 

He chuckled at my question and looked around. "Yeah, my father owned this place, I took it over after he died."

"Not doing a great job with it." I replied, rolling my eyes at the obvious loss of customers. I really wonder how there is not a single person here, I mean this is a bar and a bar means a place for mens, this is the only place where men share their joys, depressions, sadness, guilt and much more and nobody is here.

"Man, my drinks are legendary, the customers don't come here for other reasons." I raised my eyebrows at his answer, I wondered what he meant but didn't bother to ask him.

"You got an aim, brat?" 

"An aim?" He repeated and went silent.

"Yeah, got one?"

"Actually I do have one." He smiled, shaking his head. "To be the owner of the best bar in New York.. no, no, America, tch.. that's too low, the best bar owner on this whole fucking hell of a world." He yelled the last part of the sentence. I grinned at his answer.

"What is your name kid?" 

"Chirstopher Powell, You can call me Po." He smirked and stretched his hands towards me.

{A/N: Search his name as he is that underrated}

"Zen." I shook it.

"You got a grip man." He chuckled, shaking his hand.

"Po, from this moment onwards you are my wine brother." I raised my bottle as he reciprocated it back with an empty glass.

"I don't know what a wine brother is but I hope it's a good thing." He hesitatingly said and clicked the glass with my bottle.

"Oh it is a good thing." I smiled.

As I was about to take another sip I heard the door behind me chime. I didn't bother checking it but slowly I felt a presence walking towards me.

"Hey, I don't care whether you were late or not." A woman took a seat next to me, she had blonde hair that reached till her mid-back. She wore a long blue dress with a slit that let her legs move freely while giving a slight showcasing of her thighs. I couldn't see her face as her hair was blocking it.

"I don't want you to come here, I'm done with you!" She yelled into her phone, after a few seconds of hearing an explanation from the guy on the other side she spoke again. "Hey, I know the importance of that project because I'm in it too, you idiot. But still I made time for us,"

A few seconds passed by as both I and Po watched her while making eye contact with each other a couple times. 

"Oh you know what I am 'an idiot', because I fucking thought we really had a chance," She waited for his answer. "Oh yeah, play with your little toys all the time and F.Y.I Mr.Genius, your toy down there is little too." 

Right as she said that she threw her phone on the floor which shattered at contact. 

"Fucking nerd." She mumbled as she swept her hair.

'Well, Well, Well'

I smirked as her face came into view. She was pretty, gorgeous in fact, she would be a challenge in that part for Felicia, she should be a tad bit older than Felicia, maybe 4 or 5 years and she was definitely a feast for the eyes.

"Hey, give me something strong." She growled at Po, who immediately stood up.

"On it Mam." He began to pour drinks while I continued to stare at her.

She caught me staring at her but shook her head and didn't take an effort to ask for it, soon Po served her a glass, which she gulped down in a go.

"Do I have something on my face?" She asked once she banged the glass down at the table.

"No." I smiled and shook my head.

"Then why the hell are you staring at me?" 

"Just cause." 

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"You think I'm pathetic right?" She scoffed at herself, "Thinking I'm wallowing my self pity with a drink, after getting dumped by that bastard."

"No." I shook my head.

"Yeah, better not, because I'm the one that dumped him, not the other way around!" She yelled, Po gave another glass exactly as she said that.

"I follow him for years and he treats me like shit." She mumbled taking another sip. "I'm not gonna take a look at him again, even if that bastard pleads however he wants."

"If it was you who followed him, then it makes you a person with low self awareness and interest." I replied, taking a sip from the bottle.

"You think I don't know my worth, I deserve better than him."

"Then why did you pursue him?" 

"I-I.. I was a idiotic teenage girl at that time and he was freaking smart."

"So how is it wrong in any way if he calls you an Idiot, when you know you were an idiot back then too." 

"Hey.. I'm not an idiot." She growled as she closed the distance between us, "If I am an idiot then he is a selfish, self absorbed fool, who stood up the one girl that liked him on five dates in a row." 

"Damn!" Po cried in shock with his arms folded.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"You don't understand do you?" I chuckled as I understood her situation.

"Understand what?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"You see gorgeous, whoever this bastard is, He is using you." I smirked while taking the last sip of the bottle and got a new one.

"No, Reed is not using me, he is just bad with people, that's all." She rejected outright. "He is a real nice guy, except for the times he acts like a dick."

"You said he didn't show up five times right?" She nodded, confirming it once again.

"And I'm sure, whenever he comes close to apologizing 'you' always say 'it was fine' or 'make it up next time' or always comfort him first after throwing up a few words in a fit of rage."

"How do you- How?!" Her eyes were wide as she asked it, I didn't need to explain as she slowly went silent and realisation dawned upon her.

I shook my head with a knowing smile etched upon it, be it Murim or anywhere, people were still people, the same old tricks, the same old emotions and rationality.

"You got it now." 

"He has been using me." She repeated my words but in vain, she put her head down, a few seconds later she sniffed, turning her head away from us and wiped her non-existent tears.

"Hey, don't cry." I slowly put my arms around her and patted on her shoulders as I pulled her closer. "Whoever this bastard is, he is a pathetic fool for missing somebody like you, you are gorgeous." 

As soon as I finished my words she broke down in tears, she placed her face on my chest and began to weep.

"Hey, it's ok, it's ok." I stood up as she did, I put my arms around her and pulled her close, slowly comforting her.

We stood there in a few minutes of silence, Po was giving a brotherly smile seeing us close, soon her tears came to an end but she still didn't move away from me, so neither did I.

Slowly she slightly tilted and I let go of her, her eyes were red from all the crying, I looked her in the eyes and smiled.

"You need some air?" 

"Yeah, I could use some air." She nodded with a smile and walked towards the door.

"Hey." I called Po and threw the Blood Ice Dagger. He caught it clumsily and gave me a weird look once he noticed what it was. "Keep it safe, I will come back for it with money for the drinks."

Before she could reach the door I followed behind her, which made her stop.

"Why are you coming with me?"

"Because it's night, these areas are not safe and a gorgeous woman like you shouldn't be alone, so I came to give you some company." She smiled and shook her head. I took it as an affirmation and walked beside her. 

The chilly sea breeze slowly hit us, I was not feeling it but she definitely was feeling it, I got out of my jacket and wrapped it around her. She gave me a smile and walked ahead.

"What is your name?" I asked.


"That's a.. nice name." I don't know whether it was coincidental or anything but Susan in Murim means a beautiful flower. Weird.

"What's yours?" She asked.


"Zen?" She repeated with a chuckle. "Why? Your father was a Yoda fan?"

"Who is Yoda?" 

And she broke into a small laughter but soon regained her composure.

"You are funny."

"No, seriously, who is Yoda?" 

"Stop it." She grumbled and walked faster.

We didn't speak after that and kept on walking till we reached a bank of a river where I noticed a small shop at the corner which made me feel nostalgic.

"Hey, you want an ice cream?" 

"What?" She blinked at my sudden question, I pointed towards the shop and asked again, she slightly nodded back.

I ran towards the shop and bought two of the cone ones, they didn't come as I expected but still Ice Cream is Ice Cream, I passed her one and unwrapped mine. As soon as I licked a wave of nostalgia hit me. Ice cream was one thing I always wanted to eat in Murim but couldn't because I didn't know how to make it.

We sat on a bench and slowly ate them, I turned towards her and unlike me she was devouring it, she must have either missed dinner or loved Ice cream, probably the former. 

I chuckled as I noticed Ice cream stuck on top of her nose, she noticed it and asked back. I moved closer and wiped it from her nose and took a lick. She blinked in surprise and turned back.

After we finished eating our ice creams we walked down to the river bank and took a seat at the sand, watching the crescent moon and sky full of stars, hearing the waves of water hit the sand. 

Her hands touched mine, slowly they moved closer and overlapped mine, I turned to look at her and she was already looking back at me, she moved closer but I didn't.

"Susan, you are not thinking properly, you-." Before I could finish my sentence she captured my lips with hers, she slowly began to trace my face with her fingers and pulled me closer. I didn't push her away nor did I welcome it, I waited till she ran out of breath and moved away.

And when she did, before I could say anything she beat me to it.

"Zen, please don't say anything, I just need this tonight." I looked into her blue pearl like eyes and I slowly stretched my hand to her face, she closed her eyes in a bit of hesitation, I smiled at that and tucked her flowing hair behind her ears and cupped her face.

"Susan, open your eyes." I calmly said and moved closer. She hesitatingly opened her eyes and I pressed my lips against hers as soon as she did. She gave in immediately and locked her arms around my neck but broke away the kiss suddenly.

"My place is nearby." She said in a hurry.

"Where?" She swiftly pointed to a tall building right next to us.

"Shall we?" 

"Sure." I smiled. "But before that."

I grinned as I moved forward, locked her lips with mine and took both her hands on mine.

She gasped at my sudden move but soon slowly let me in, we interlocked fingers as she gave in. 

I turned around and pinned her on the sand and pulled her hands above and locked them with mine, while with my other hand I started to caress her thigh by the slit from her dress and moved above till I grabbed her ass sensually.

She moaned inside my mouth as I got turned on, I let go of her lips and moved down to her neck and sucked them slowly.

"Z-Zen.. Ple-Please let's go.. go to my place." She said between her moans and I took my head away from her neck but not before making sure I left a mark.

"Fine." I smiled and kissed her once again before helping her stand up. "Let's go gorgeous." 

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