The Demonic Sect In Marvel

Chapter 17: CH-17

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Hi guys.

Sorry for the delay.

On Sep 10th, the day after I started posting on scribblehub, I fainted, my mom rushed me to hospital and turns out I had a serious case of sinus blockage, they had to do a surgery called something like 'Nasal blockage recovery's or some shit, so yeah that happened, but do not worry DarkWolf is well and recovering. 

Love you and here is the chapter.


Inside a room covered in darkness with somewhat visibility, the pungent smell of metal heavily resonated, few computers had their monitors turned on, a big ice cream tub on the floor and a snoring sound to match them all.

Soon the sound of heavy footsteps came followed by a tall man, he had a large build, wide shoulders, he snorted as soon as he entered the room, unable to handle the pungent metal smell.

"Fucking hell!" He yelled and immediately closed his nose with his jacket.

He rushed towards the switch boards and started to tap in all the switches, the lights flickered while the exhaust fans started their work, as he did that, his eyes darted to the man sleeping on a chair.

"What the..?" He tilted his head in confusion wondering how this idiot could sleep in this fucking stink. 

He took a file in his hand and slapped the sleeping guy right on the head.

"Wake the hell up Reed!" 

"Bwaaa!!" The guy screamed in surprise and fell from his chair.

"Ha, that's how it feels." The tall guy smiled, he hopped on the table and took a seat.

"Fucking hell!"

"Exactly my words when I walked in." The tall guy quipped, he shook his head and reached out his hand to Reed, Reed looked at it for a second before taking it.

"Why the hell would you do that?" 

"Because you were snoring your ass out of a room stinking like dog shit." 

"That's not dog shit, it's sliver burnout." He shrugged. "Last night a sudden question popped up, what if I minimize the burnout rate and increase the fuel injectors." 

"Reeeed." The tall guy dragged.

"Hear me Ben!" Reed squealed in excitement. "I was here all night and.. wait for it.. put on some drum roll.. I minimised the fuel intake by 3.721 percent, 'Boom'." 

Reed made an expression of his head exploding while Ben shook his head in misery, wondering whether he should have taken Reed's fries in third grade, which led into this situation.

"Reed, this is good and all." Ben stood up with a frown. "But let's get back to the 'I was here all night' part, didn't you have a date with Sue?"

"Oh yeah." Reed nodded. "I didn't go, she is probably angry."

"Angry?" Ben scoffed. "If it was any other woman she would have left your sorry ass ages ago."

"Come on Ben." Reed pleaded. "We both know how important this project is for us and by us I mean her.. and the whole of Baxter Building, we literally have put everything in this and it's Sue, she will come around eventually."

"Whatever you say man." Ben turned back and started to walk towards his quarters but suddenly remembered something and looked back. "Almost forgot, the investors called yesterday, they changed the meeting schedule, they will be here at noon."

"Oh thank God." Reed smiled. "I would hate to see them with an uneven shave."

"You look like shit."

"Thanks." Reed smiled and ran upto Ben, he put his arms around Ben's shoulder and walked side by side. 

"Hey Ben, is 4 inches small?"


Susan Pov

A sigh escapes my mouth as I park my car, while I may look like I'm fine on the outside, there is a world war going inside me, reality and rage allied against the illusion of years of relationship and memories.

I know who will win in the end, I shook my head as I stepped out and took all the files in my hands.

'Come on Sue' I said to myself. 'Just present it to the investors and be done with it, you are gonna be ok, you are good, no, you are great.'

"Let's fucking do it." I smiled as I walked into the building.

"Quite the start I see." A heavy metal voice came from the reception.

"Morning Herbie." I wished for our Ai influenced Robot receptionist.

Herbie was a collaboration project with Stark Industries or to be specific, Tony went out of his way, putting down his ego and made Herbie for interplanet exploration and here is Reed, using him as a receptionist until our mission.

"Your meeting with the investors is rescheduled to noon." 

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"Oh thank God." I sighed in relief.

"And I must say, Mr.Reed needs some spanking for missing his fifth date in a row." 

"I'm dumping him." I smirked.

"Even better." Herbie gave me a thumbs up.

"Also I took the liberty to order you a coffee, in hopes to cheer you up." Herbie smiled and passed a cup of steaming coffee and I immediately reached out for it.

"Herbie." I called his name as I took a sip of the perfectly blended coffee, "You are an Angel."

"I consider myself a space Viking but Angels are not bad." 

"See you later Herbie." I shook my head with a smile as I walked towards the elevator.

I pressed the top floor button while gulping down the coffee. A smile bloomed unconsciously as I thought about the breakfast I had in the morning. For some reason Zen's face keeps reappearing in my mind.

"No!" I muttered, shaking my head. 'Focus Sue, you've got a packed day ahead.'


The lift stopped on the top floor and the door slowly opened. I took my eyes away from the files in hand and looked at the floor but my view was cut half way as I saw two guys waiting to get in.

"Sueee!" Reed dragged my name.

"Morning Sue." Ben greeted me as I stepped out the elevator, he immediately jumped in and pressed a button, leaving Reed behind.

"Sue, I'm so sorry!" Reed pleaded as he came forward. 

"Don't be sorry Reed." I smiled, he smiled back and came closer, he slowly tried to lock our hands but I stepped away leaving him blinking. "We are done."

I started to walk, he stood in the place for a second before rushing towards me.

"What-What do you mean by done?!! What does 'done' mean?!!" He yelled.

"Done means done Reed, I am done being your tool!" 

"Tool? What tool?! Sue, what the hell are you saying?!" 

"I'm saying I don't care whether you are gonna be missing a date or too busy to text me or treat me like a human, I'm done with your shit." I cried as I kept the files on a table.

"Sue, what? Sue, I love you." He yelled grabbing his hair.

"If you had loved me, you would have showed up yesterday." 

"Sue, hear me out!" He cried, I left a sigh as I folded my hands and leaned against the table.

"Fine, explain yourself." 

"I was up here all night, going through important stuff and I found a way to lessen out fuel intake and exhaust."

"So are you saying I'm not important, that I don't deserve a fucking phone call about our date."


"To fucking say you found a way to get things light here, not because you were fucking sorry to leave me waiting on a restaurant for five hours, Don't You dare raise your voice on me!!" 

"It was just a date! Ok, I missed 4 dates in a row and that's my fault but if I didn't we would have not found a way to get more probability of success, this project is the only way to secure The Baxter Building's future, so if anything say thank-you." 

"First of all, this project had a 98.79 percent confirmed success rate, the highest of any space project."

"We could always do better." 

"Second of all, It was 5 dates and that explains how much we cared about this relationship." I sighed as I pressed my temples and rubbed them trying to ease the upcoming headache. I stood straight and looked back as I wiped out the tear, 'Fucking hell, I need another coffee.' 

I turned around and stepped towards the elevator but before I could walk Reed caught my hand.

"What is that on your neck?" 

I unconsciously reached for it and sighed as I understood what he was pointing to. I smiled as I turned towards him.

"You said we could always do better right? Well I did better."

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