The Demonic Sect In Marvel

Chapter 4: CH-4

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"Haa.. I'm full," Felicia said slouching back at the chair. I slowly dropped the fork on my plate and carried both the plates to the kitchen.

When I returned back, Felicia was staring at the way I was coming from, like she was waiting for me to come back. I took a seat opposite to her just like when we were feasting, I didn't mind her staring as I tilted my head and gave a polite smile.

"Why are you doing all this?" She asked.

"Doing what?" I questioned back.

"Everything," She pointed at the whole room, "Why are you doing all this? What do you want from me?"

"Isn't it common courtesy to treat the keeper of a home if you are being a guest," Well in Murim they will just challenge the man of the house for a fight and if whoever wins the fight take the house but I really can't fight with a weak beauty like her, not mention without a

a glimpse of Chi inside her.

"I don't buy that bullshit," She folded her hands and narrowed her eyes, "You are lying, for what?"

I sighed, women are the worst, they and their doubts, "I don't have a reason to lie, Felicia,"

"Then are you hiding from someone? The government agencies? Iron-Man? Spider-Man?"

"I don't know any Spider-Man or Iron-Man," I shook my head, she took in a breath and slouched back again.

"I don't know what is your game but I'm not falling for it," 

"I just hope you don't fall for my charms," I smiled cheekily as she blushed.

"Well if you are going to stay here, you need to pay a grand per month," She smiled like she got a hook on me.

"Ah! Now that you mention it," I clapped my hands as I raise from my seat, I moved towards the couch and picked up the black bag, "I was hoping you could say the value of this currency,"

She took a look inside the bag, her eyes shot up, widened, "W-W-What is this?! Did you rob a bank?!!"

"No, I borrowed this from the guy who did that," I smiled.

"O-O-h my god! Why?!" She cried as she started to count the notes inside.

"I saw this yellow brat use a artifact that replicates a technique of those orthodox bastards, how pathetic he should have been to lean on a artifact to use a 1 star art," I huffed, just thinking about the effort I put to fight a puny brat like him puts a crack on my pride.

"A 300 grand, this thing has 300 grand in it," She mumbled as she stood up, "Why the hell did you bring it?"

"For paying the rent, you just asked to pay money," I refuted pointing at her, "How cheap for you ask money from your saviour in the first place, but still me being the gentle hearted man I borrowed this money for you,"

"Oh my god!" She yelled and moved towards a window, she took a peek outside then she covered it with curtains.

"Why are you so agitated?"

"Why? You just robbed a bank! That's why!!" She shouted before covering her mouth.

"Don't worry about the.. cops, if that's what you are worried about, I covered my tracks pretty well, they won't be able to find our place," I smiled, hmph even if they did, like I will let them keep a hand on me.

"Ah.. Damn it! Are you sure they won't come here?!"

"Yes," I nodded. "So can this pay for the rent,"

"Oh you could do a lot more than pay rent with this," She gave a watery chuckle as she took out a stash from the pile.

"Like what?" I asked curiously.

"What? Well, is there anything you want?" 

I started to think, is there anything I want? Hmm… I don't need a house to move nor do I plan to move, then a certain thing came to my mind.

"Actually there is one thing-,"


"Did he say anything?" 

"No, he just keep mumbling something like 'Devil' or 'I need to go', he is traumatised by whoever killed his gang," Captain Stacy sighed as he looked at the arachnid themed superhero, "I'm only letting you deal with this because whoever did this may not stop with just this,"

"Did you get a picture or sketch of the guy?" Spidey asked.

It has been four hours since he found Shocker in the sorry state, after two hours of treatment he was finally at a self-conscious state, yet Stacy couldn't get a thing from him.

"No, one of Shocker's guys turned out to be a hacker, he shut the cameras long before they entered and all people who clearly saw him won't say a word to us about his looks," Stacy explained as he massaged his temple.

"Not a single person?" Spidey gawked at that fact.

"Yep, they all see him like a saviour,"

"Hmm.. I wish I get the same treatment," Spidey muttered as he shot a web to a building next to him, "Well then I will take my leave, if you want to speak with me again, flash a spider symbol in the sky or something,"

With that Spidey jumped down from the building with a whistle as he swung into the city, Captain Stacy sighed looking at him.

"Can't believe Gwen is a fan of this guy," 


"I don't think this place sells smartphones," I said as I looked around at the clothes around me, some were poorly made, others lacked a sense of fashion.

"No, if I'm correct you stole the money wearing this wuxia robe right?" Felicia smiled, she took a bunch of outfits and kept them on me, taking a look at things that would suit my body.

"Yes," I nodded taking the clothes she passed.

"Then one look at you and anybody who knew what you did, will identify you, just one look is enough to remember a face like yours," She said, I smiled at her unknown compliment.

"Here try them on," She passed another set of clothes and pushed me inside a room with mirrors on all the sides.

I changed my robe with the clothes she chose. It was a grey t-shirt that reached till my neck, which she called a turtleneck, then a red outer shirt.. jacket and finally a black jeans. I was stunned in that. 

'Hmm.. even if she is a fool with a weak body, doubtful mind and only a pretty face, she got quite a taste in dress,' I smiled as I opened the door and stepped outside.

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"Felicia," I called, she twirled around and immediately gulped as her eyes landed on me.

"Damn," One of the female workers muttered.

"H-Hey you don't look half bad," Felicia looked away saying it, I shook my head as I walked to her.

"Miss, is he your boyfriend?" The same female worker asked Felicia before I could reach her.

"What? No.. Why are you asking?" Felicia narrowed her eyes at the female.

"I just wanted to ask his number so-," The female stretched the words, rolling her eyes obviously.

"Yeah, he is my boyfriend," Felicia quickly replied.

"I thought you said-," The worker tried to clarify.

"He is 'my' boyfriend," Felicia stressed her words, narrowing her eyes sharply at the female.

"Sheesh," The worker sighed and moved away.

"I like them," I said as I reached her, she suddenly came closer and interlocked our arms and pressed her chest against me "What are you doing?"

"Putting some bitches in place," She replied, I chuckled knowing full well who she meant by that.

"Let's get out of here then," I whispered so close to her ears as she slightly blushed before giving a nod and leading the way out.

We paid the bills for the clothes, apparently Felicia bought some herself and I didn't mind as I got three bags of them, compulsion from her, she then led me to another shop on a busy street.

"So what sorta smartphone do you want?" She asked as we entered a shop full of it.

"I don't know much about it, I will leave it for your choice,"

"Well we can get anything, we have money boy!" She yelled earning quite the looks from other people, not that I mind, I liked her cheerful manner.

"Boy?" But I did frown at that, "Please refrain from using words like that to call me, I'm older than you," 

"Older than me? You speak like a grandpa, what are you.. In early twenties?" She raised her brows.

"What is your age Felicia?" I questioned back.

"How rude, I'm 21," 

"Hmm.. 21, the right age to rip a taste," I smiled as she blushed harder than I seen before, I chuckled at her state, "I'm 178 years old,"

"Shut up," Felicia shook her head as she walked to the seller.

"I may look like a 25 year old guy but my knowledge is of a 170," I explained.

"And yet you don't know a thing about smartphones, it's very believable," She sarcastically commented.

"The latest one with all sorta features and with the highest price, two of them," Felicia demanded the seller. He nodded and showed her one. She was swiping on it as I watched her do it.

"We will take these," The seller nodded and with that I got a cell phone.

"Now what?" I asked as we came out from the shop.

"Now.. hmm I have an idea," She smiled.

We went to a restaurant or a sandwich shop, apparently it's called Delmars, she said the best sandwiches in New York were made there and New York is the name of the city I'm in, I have to use library of all knowledge once I get back home, I need to catch up with a lot of things.

After eating sandwich to her heart's content we went on a ferry ride, we walked on the sides of a river bank and once the sun set we came back home.

I dropped all those bags I was carrying on the floor as she jumped on the couch.

"You know, you are quite the boyfriend material, I won't mind dating you if you open up more about yourself," She stretched her back like a cat and let out a cute yawn.

"You say open up," I took a seat next to her, "But you never ask me a question,"

"So you would answer anything I ask?" She leaned forward with interest.

"Not everything, we all carry secrets that we don't want anybody else to know," I smiled.

"Fair enough," She smiled back, "Let's start then,"

"Go ahead and I will say this for the last time. I don't have any reason to lie," She nodded shrugging her mouth.

"Is your name really Zen?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Where are you from?"

"Hmm.. please ask something else, you won't believe even if I say the truth,"

"Ok," She nodded not probing at that anymore, "What did you do to Rya-.. that bastard who attacked me,"

"I used blood Qi to take away his True Innate-Qi," I snapped my fingers as a red ball of Qi started to spin at the tip of them.

"Whoa! Thats-thats my next question," Her eyes widened as she pointed at it, "What is that? What are you? I took a peek at you yesterday night and you were just sitting in the room, there was this blue, red thing in the air that stuck on you, what is that?"

"Oh.. quite the pervert you are to peek at," I chuckled.

"Can you blame me, a handsome-... guy comes out of nowhere and saves me, then he walks in my house like it's his, I was on my toes after what happened with that bastard," She smiled at first then looked down at the end.

"Hmm.. I give my word, until I stay here no harm will fall upon you," I patted my chest while puffing it, she chuckled looking at me.

"Then let's start with what it was-,"

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