The Demonic Sect In Marvel

Chapter 9: CH-9

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After leaving Felicia to train, I was walking back to the city, hoping to get an idea of what kind of disaster I was about to face.

I reached a busy street or market place, I'm not sure but the buildings around me had large screens and there were people speaking on them, more like showing stuff to other people.

I saw a guy dancing on one of the screens, wearing nothing but underwear. For a moment I thought he was a lunatic performer but then it turned out to be an advertisement of some kind.

I shook my head and walked ahead, the people here looked happy, I saw a bunch of things on my way, a performer on the street, a bunch of pickpocketing kids.

One thing that fascinate me was the statue of a woman holding a ice cream in her hands, I smiled seeing that, maybe I should construct a statue of my own like that, it was not new for me to see a statue depicted upon someone's figure, not to say a lot of martial masters and gods had statues of themself in their palaces but I never had one of my own, because all of the production workers in Murim were working on weapons for war, not on some statute.

"Hey, Excuse me," While I was busy thinking about the statue woman, a feminine voice came from behind. 

I turned around and took a look at the woman. She had short brown hair that waved sideways by the wind, small brown eyes and a beautiful face, she was pretty but nothing compared to Felicia.


"Hi, my name is Betty," She said and went through her purse searching for something.

"Hi Betty," I replied and stood still waiting for her to continue.

"Yeah, Hi, soo..," She lagged her words and finally she took something out of her purse and finished it, "Yep, I work for Daily Bugle, we are working on a Spider-man project, to get what people think about his work, do you mind giving your thoughts in live Tv?"

"Ahh," I had no idea what she was talking about but still nodded like I did, "Ok,"

"Ok?" She asked in surprise.


"Ok, ok, Eddie! get him ready!!" She yelled at a guy behind her, he was carrying a weird black glass thing mounted on his shoulder, I think it was some kind of big camera.

"Yes mam," He nodded and immediately rushed towards me, he slowly kept the camera down and took a long black wire from his backpack.

"Ok man, see this is a mic, I'm gonna place it here on you collar," I blinked as he kept a small ball on my t-shirts collar, "And here, get this on your ears,"

Then he passed me a headphone but this was much longer than the ones I remember.

"Don't flinch if you hear somebody screaming, that's how J.J.. my boss normally talks, you got it,"

I nodded, he gave me a thumbs up and walked back to Betty, who was applying a powder on her face, he called her and said we are ready or akin to that.

She ran to me with a small stick in her hand, taking a deep breath. She turned towards me and smiled, "You ready?"

"For what?"

"Then you're ready," She tapped into her ears and spoke to somebody, "Sir, we have a person on line here, can we go?"


I flinched back as an absolutely irresistible voice dumped in my ear, the camera guy chuckled seeing my reaction, while Betty shook her head.

"Hello folks of New York," The voice started speaking, "This is the daily bugle community and today we are going to get what people of New York and by that I mean you, think about the terrors of the wall crawler, Yes I'm talking about the one named Spider-Man, let's start with the young people shall we? Here on screen we have a young man who came forward to share his view on Spider-Man, what is your name son?"

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I turned towards Betty, "Is he talking to me?"

"Of course he is talking to you," She yelled while closing one end of the stick.

"Ahh.. My name is Zen," 

"Zen, so what do you think about Spider-Man?"

"I.. Who?" I asked, looking at the camera.

"Exactly! Who wants to talk about the Spider-Man when his terrors are unspeakable, you have said well young man, I-,"

Before he could say anything else, we all heard a big explosion to our right, it was coming from the next block, followed by the explosion, two more came and people started to run away from it.

I threw the ball on my collar, the noisy thing on my ear and walked towards it, hoping to find something interesting and I did.

When I reached I saw a few people gathered around to see what's going on, their eyes were locked a large building, that had a large part of its entrance ripped off, there was a smoke coming from the inside and slowly I saw a huge silhouette walking out from the dust, I could feel the earth shake at every step it took.

I grinned, turning half the Qi in my body to the legs while Chi to my arms and waited for the figure to come out and it did.

"Dead meat!!" The figure turned out to be a talking Iron Rhino, "Move Away!! Rhino is coming!!"

It walked forward and slowly it sped up and started to run, everybody around me started to scatter, ran for their lives, as it was rampaging straight towards us.

I smiled and stood still waiting for the animal to reach me until I was the only one to stand there. I heard multiple voices calling me but I didn't pay any heed.

Right as it reached a 100 meter distance I twisted my hand and raised my first, gathered all Chi in it, I didn't need it, just my plain hand could have handled its exterior but I wanted to obliterate it into smithereens, for that I needed Chi.

"Not so fast Rhino!!" Right as I was about to punch, I heard a voice beside me and in a sudden motion a figure dressed in red and blue swinged in and kicked Rhino straight in the face, making it roll over at its own speed.

The figure leapt down next to me and watched as the animal he punched rolled over to the next street while destroying a few cars in its way.

He tapped on my shoulder and I slowly turned to look at him with a frown on my face.

"Don't worry man, you are safe now," I couldn't see under his mask but I'm pretty sure he was smiling.

In a way to say thanks I smiled back while losing all the Chi gathered on my fist, he turned back again to look at the Rhino standing again and just as he was about to jump, I called him.

"Hey," He turned back and his face met the full force of my fist.

He was thrown up in the air by its force. I used my full force knowing he could take it, I analysed his strength with the kick he gave the Rhino and the distance the Rhino went, so I was sure he could take it and not die.

He fell back, thrashing a couple times on the road which turned into a roll until his body finally stopped.

"How dare you interfere my fight,"

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