The Devil in Space

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: First Light 

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That night, the Devil did not sleep. He left his wives at his chambers. He had to carry the two back into the chambers by himself since Lilith had to decide to take two more shots of whiskey before sleep. 


Afterwards, he decided to stroll through the corridors of the palace by himself, wondering what to do next. Powers growing weak… his existence itself, threatened. What shall he do? 


And in the corridors, he met Death strolling the hallways too, and behind Death, a door of a certain room closed. And inside the room, there were agonizing screams coming from three different voices. Probably a middle-aged woman, an elderly one and a young girl. 


Of course, the Devil noticed the voice. Yet, he let it slip away. 


“My lord?” Death, tying up his robes to cover his bones, asked. “You seem troubled? And, it’s quite surprising to see you strolling through the corridors in this darkness.” 


The Devil stared at Death’s now bony face. “Hm? And it is also quite strange to see you rushing out of different chambers at night. And –” Lucifer wanted to ask why… but, he had second thoughts. “Well, not that I give a shit about who you fuck, Death.” 


“I – Have I done something wrong?” Death asked, looking at the lord’s expression. 


“No you haven’t you twat… well then, get a move on,” the Devil said as he walked on. Death looked back at the slightly ajar door to see how it’s going inside and gulped. And soon as he saw that the screams had died down, he rushed behind the Devil. 


“Messire!” he called out. 




“I am sorry… I was not in a good situation earlier,” Death answered. 


“I could see that.” 


“Then, Messire… Why are you awake? Why not go to sleep… tomorrow is a big day after all,” Death implored. 


“Of course… tomorrow is the reason I’m awake. Well, you see, Earth is destroyed and we must venture into new worlds. Who would not be excited?” The Devil raised a brow. 


“Milord, excitement and fear are two different things,” the undead guardian replied. 


Here, Lucifer stopped and soon after… so did Death. “You are right… Death. There is no reason to be afraid. It’s time to sleep then. Goodnight,” the lord dismissed their sudden meeting and fled back towards his chambers, and so did Death. 


As Death strolled back to his chambers, he wondered something. ‘The Devil is growing weaker… Why, I wonder. Will we finally know how he came to be? Or is it time for a replacement for his position. He has grown old after all…’ 


Creek!, the door of his chambers shut behind. 




“Good morning, my dear.” 


Persephone’s voice echoed in his ears. The Devil opened his eyes, and her soft and sweet lips touched the old man’s lips. “Mmmm… Good morning, love.” 


Lilith had already disappeared from the chambers, for she had to do her part as the Queen of Demons. Right after the ball, the Devil had it all organized. The gathering at the Great Pit at the lowest floor of the castle. 


He stepped out of bed with the naked Greek goddess and with a snap of his fingers, he was wrapped up in his gentleman’s clothes. A black coat, a bow tie and the cane. Persephone wore her usual cloth which was lying beside her bed, taken off by Lilith the other night. 


“So, are we ready honey?” 


The devil turned around and took his wife’s hand with the most gentle smile he could pull off, and together they strolled off to the Great Pit. 

The noise of the crowd was astonishingly loud, and in the Great Pit was about 300 demons and guardians and all beings that lived in Hell. While the all powerful demons did survive, most of their servants could not. The lava pools outside of the palace had drowned them entirely, and not a trace of them was left in the deserted sea of lava. 


First light of their final day on Earth was mere minutes away. On the elevated platform in the middle of the Great Pit (A place which was used as a colosseum for the Hellish gladiators), there stood Lucifer’s most humble servants. 


A very strange bunch; but a bunch they all knew of. 


Hecate, who was the ever changing witch, stood in the middle with her cloak drawn over her head. Once her face was of a little girl, in another 10 seconds as an old woman and another as a middle aged woman. She was indeed frightening to gaze at. 


And on her side was Vanessa, the Queen of Vampires; a young beauty with thick flourishing black hair and a great shape. However, after the Humanity’s End party… She decided not to impress anyone, so she dressed casually in what seemed to be some jeans and a shirt. 

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Beside her, the great cloaked figure stood, who was well known. Death himself. 


And to the left of the Hecate, there was Vasiliz, the fat old demon dressed in a gentleman’s coat accompanied by a little lizard which rested on his shoulder. 


Finally, Lilith herself was waiting for their lord to step down the royal stairs to the great platform for the announcement of their next endeavor. Of course, till the Devil came down, the beautiful sight of their Queen wearing nothing but hellish bikini entertained the crowd. 


And just as Lilith whispered: ‘Where the fuck are you Lucifer?’ The crowd fell silent. All the candles in the Great Pit blew away, turning the entire place dark. The grand pendant light hanging from the ceiling, which was the only source of illumination in the pit now, began to twitch. 


First flash… a shadow of a horned demon… second flash, a lady in a white dress and the third… an old man with a fine red haired Goddess in his arms. 


A wave of cheers went by, and the Devil and Persephone bowed as Lilith joined the Devil at his left. The Devil did not forget to turn to his humble servants who stood on the stage, each one he personally was fond of. “Thank you all for coming, my greetings to you five. And of course, all of you!” 


He turned to the crowd as his wives left off to the side of the stage. 


“Fifteen minutes till first light!” The crowd cried out, cheering. “What surprises do you have for us, Milord??” 


The voices, more cheerful, not very deceiving today. The wine had dried off their tongues, so the demon lords knew their places in front of their sire. Lucifer smirked, and his wings unfolded. 


“Good morning, my dear lords and servants! Oh… how have I missed such large gatherings! And your cheerful smiles!” The old man cried out. Summoning a microphone to his hand out of thin air, he gave off a wicked grin. “Now, just as you asked for… to our big surprises then!”


He waved his hand as a thousand more hands threw up on the crowd. “Demons and demonesses, guardians and my goddesses… I announce to you, that we shall no longer follow a culture filled with bow ties and coats.  We will be more universal, so to speak. Once again, give it up for dear Vasiliz for suggesting the great spread of my sovereign in the Universe,” a wave of cheers followed. 


The Devil bowed off the cheers. 


“The Hell… where the damned burns under their very breeding grounds will come to a halt. I cannot prevent it, but from now on… Hell for the damned humans shall cease to exist. However, my power remains still… so I will take on this great challenge. I will sit on the throne of this very universe!” 


A group of lords gave great battle cries, yet, a majority remained silent in confusion. The Devil cleared his throat. “Umm… excuse me? Is there a problem?” 


“Bu – But Messire… how do you intend to take control of such a great mass? I mean… if I am correct, Vasiliz had told me of these celestial beings being strong enough to bring down suns and moons,” a demon wearing dark round shades announced. 


The Devil’s thin eyes slowly darted towards the fat and frightened Vasiliz now, as his brows furrowed. “Oh dear oh dear, very true… Yes, indeed. They are very strong, but not all planets in this universe are, according to my knowledge that is. However, I will announce to you that these matters are yet to be discussed in the grounds of the palace of a great peace treaty between universal tyrants.”


A wave of curious whispers filled the Great Pit. 


“Indeed, tyrants,” the Devil smirked. “As for now, we do not know what exactly to do… But I did not hold this meeting to announce my battle plans,” he answered. 


“Then why?” the demons of Hell asked. 


The Devil shone his fangs, raising his hands into the air. “Hell… shift!” he ordered. 


The Great Pit itself was unhinged, and everyone was in confusion. “Huh? Milord?” The masses questioned. “What is the meaning of this?” 


“Hmm… First light, we leave,” the Devil said, softly. BANG! There was a great tremor, everything shook as if it was an earthquake, and from behind the great crowd… a great glass formed. Soon as the masses saw the water blasting towards the skies, they quickly understood what was happening. 


They were sailing… sailing upwards. 


“No longer will we be trapped inside a burnt palace under human lands, My lords. Welcome to the star-crossing Underworld. Welcome to the Perdition, my friends.” 


A great flying ship as large as a human city emerged from the Caribbean seas, and the ship floated towards the violet skies. 


The crowd inside the Perdition stared in awe at the sky. 


99% of Hell have never seen the real sky before, and truly for them… it felt magical to finally see something that they were never fated to see. 


“Yes… Heaven’s ties for our domain are bloody broken, my men. Oh, surprise… We’re paying a visit to Heaven,” the Devil cackled out loud, viciously. And the Perdition flew onwards to its freedom.  

To be continued…. 


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