The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 115: Chapter 115

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After leaving the presence of the King, the witch and the elf went their separate ways. Cornelia departed from the palace while Leeora sought for Ember to spend some time with her. Upon asking her whereabouts from the passing servants, Leeora got to know that she was in the main garden.

That child must be excited to roam after getting to know that she can stay here for good, Leeora mumbled with a smile and went to the garden.

Soon, Leeora found the girl clad in pink walking in the middle of the garden, holding the skirt of her formal dress in her hand and looking around at the beautiful flowers in full bloom.

Contrary to human gardens Ember had seen in books, the garden in the palace didnt have manicured flower beds with a winding stone pathway in between. It had a more natural landscape, with multiple levels of small ivy plants and bushes and various trees that gave off a harmonious feeling that was pleasing to the eye.

There were some parts that had a mixture of wild flowers, while on the other theres mostly just a lawn with a large tree in the middle, giving a whimsical scenery as if it was obvious the gardeners taking care of this part of the palace had different preferences. The only thing that remained consistent was that there were various pavilions around for any guest to rest.

This place she thought as she reached a certain statue. I think this is where the King captured me when I escaped back then?

Ember was on her own. As per her wish, Yula had informed the servants to not follow her as she wandered around. The palace was a safe place so there was no harm in leaving her alone, and given her status as the Kings mate, no one would even dare to trouble her.

Ember? Leeora called for her. What caught your interest, dear?

The human girl turned around after recognizing the familiar voice. There was a wide smile on her pink lips the moment she saw the elegant elderly elf in a white robe. Elder! I thought you already left. She walked towards the older lady with light steps, reflecting her mood.

Leeora saw her almost trip and said, Careful! She was worried that Ember would fall down with her feet entangled with the long and fluffy skirt of her formal dress.

Im fine, Elder. I mentioned to Reyaah, Reya is an elf helping meanyway, she gave me comfortable shoes to walk around today. As long as I hold my skirt properly, I wont miss a step. Ember reached the High Elder with the brightest smile she had ever seen, comparable to the first time she had witnessed the girl braid her own hair. She looked like a great weight was lifted off her shoulder, like she was finally in a good place after struggling in life for so long. It was like a bird caged for a long was finally freed. Leeora could not help but feel happy for her as well.

You look happy, Leeora spoke.

Ember controlled her wide smile and nodded. This garden is so big and interesting. There are many beautiful flowers of different sizes and colours. There are also many different butterflies as well.

Oh, right. I remember you like butterflies, Leeora mentioned.

Ember nodded. My nanny, Gaia, used to create butterflies using magic. The mountain where I lived had no green plants so no butterflies ever came there. Now, I can see them for real, and they look more amazing than in the books Ive read. See the yellow butterfly in that tree, Elder? Look at how large its wings are. I thought it was a bird at first

Listening to Ember babble like an excited little girl, Leeora felt conflicted emotions. To think that seeing butterflies could make her delighted like this, what kind of life had this young girl lived?

You mentioned you have a nanny? Leeora asked after a while.

Embers bright expression slightly drooped. I mentioned Gaia to you before, Elder. She is the one who raised me on that mountain on her own.

She knew magic? Leeora asked, feeling curious. If that was the case then her nanny was not human.

Yes, Elder. She even taught me a magic spell.

So she knew that youre capable of magic. Interesting, Leeora commented as they idly walked through the garden. What did your nanny teach you?

She taught me to change my appearance.


Only one shape though, she explained. I can turn into a monster to scare anyone who enters the mountain. She said its necessary so that the people who will come to harm me will be driven away as well.

It reminded Leeora of how she heard Ember used that magic spell to scare the servants in the palace that day after she was brought by the King from outside. Do you know where your nanny is? Sire told me you were alone when he found you.

Only the sounds of their footsteps could be heard as Ember bit her lip, her face sorrowful.


Shes gone.

The two of them halted in their steps as Ember continued.

T-They killed her. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she tried to control her emotions. I personally buried her body near the cave where we lived roughly a month before His Majesty found me.

Leeoras eyes turned teary as she could imagine how miserable those times were for her. No wonder she was such a difficult child to deal with back then, distrustful of people to the point she wouldnt even speak. Im so sorry to hear that. It must have been difficult for you.

Ember wiped the tear that escaped her control. Before dying, she told me to keep living. So I-Im trying my best

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Such a strong child you are. I am sure she must be proud of you, Leeora said. The elderly elf tenderly stroked her head and then asked the question that she had always wanted to ask. Ember, dear, I have a question. I dont know if its fine to ask, but you dont have to answer if you dont want to.

Seeing her hesitation, the human girl patiently waited for the elf to speak.

About your real name, is it alright for you to tell me your real name?

I dont have a name, Elder.

What? Leeora was flabbergasted. Ah, apologies. I was just too surprisedI lost my composure for a moment. Then, how does your nanny call you if you dont have a name?

Ember shook her head as she wiped the last trace of her tears with her fingers. Gaia used to call me little princess. My birth parents didnt give me one, and she said she doesnt deserve to name me.

Leeora put together the clues and tidbits she knew about her. Ember was a royal princess, but she was abandoned even before she was given a name. Since her family tried to kill her before she was even born, then why would they even bother to name her?

As she was a Princess, her nanny didnt give her a name either and preferred to call her by her title. But seems like Ember didnt have an idea about her origin and her being a princess of one kingdom. It didnt matter now as her status was much higher in Agartha than in that human kingdom. She was the mate of the most powerful being on this continent and the future Queen of Agartha.

But now you have a name. Do you like it? Leeora asked.

She nodded. I like it a lot.

Sire sure has given you a name that suits you, Leeora commented to which Ember nodded. But then, the girl had a puzzled look.

Elder, but why did His Majesty give me his surname? Is it because of what you said before about me being his person, his mate?

Leeora smiled. Correct. You are his family now, and Agartha is now your home.

Family? Home? she mumbled. She never had a family. What was worse was that she didnt even know who her parents were. All she had was that mountain as her home and Gaia who called herself as her nanny. How she wished Gaia was her mother

Hmm, family. You are His Majestys only family, Leeora added.

He doesnt have a family? This surprised Ember.

Thats all in the past since now he has you, Leeora replied. That is why if its fine with you, dear, I have a favour to ask. Please be good to him. I hope you can help him smile more.

I will, Elder, Ember assured her.

Are you still scared of him?

honestly? Ember felt embarrassed. I am. Its not as bad as before but

She heard Leeora laugh. He does look scary, but isnt he also a kind man?

He isbut he always looks angry

This made Leeora laugh once more. Oh, dear. Thats true. But the more you see him, the more youll get used to it. When you are with him, try to show that you trust him. Dont be scared of his actions. Just remember, no matter how scary he appears to be, he will never harm you.

Ember nodded again, not knowing what exactly Leeora was implying. Leeora was simply hoping that this naive child would grow fonder of the King without outside interference, and that they develop a real connection as people before completing their bond.

As the King said before, he would take care of her, so it was better to leave it to himbut still, Draven was someone who wasnt good with dealing with people in the first place. She could clearly see that the King cared for his mate, or he would have done things till now instead of controlling himself. Thus, trying to encourage Ember and improving her impression of the King was all Leeora could do to help for now.

Soon, the two of them reached the other side of the garden.

My heart is comforted knowing you are enjoying yourself here, Leeora said. I believe the King and his people treat you well, so I will take my leave then. I will see you on my next visit.

Ember nodded, knowing Leeora had to go back.

Once Leeora left, Ember continued to explore that vast garden. Soon, her eyes caught something and she could not help but feel excited.

YouI finally found you she said and walked in hurry to catch something.

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